Chapter 406 Heavenly Dao luck? Bring it to you!

After hearing what Di Jun said, the patriarch of the three clans furrowed his brows into a “chuan” character, and he couldn’t help but snorted in his heart.

This emperor’s hand is really long enough to reach out to them?

They knew that the emperor was not dead, and they shouldn’t have believed his nonsense at the beginning!

When they persecuted Emperor Jun, he clearly agreed not to participate in the struggle for hegemony and the representative of luck.

Moreover, the words that Emperor Jun had said in his own mouth, and were recognized by Heavenly Dao, were equivalent to the oath that Emperor Jun had sworn.

But now he not only broke the contract openly, but also shamelessly wanted their Heavenly Dao luck?

Really mean and shameless! !

Shameless old bird!

Three-legged bastard!

The patriarch of the three tribes looked solemn, silent, and his face was full of reluctance.

Di Jun naturally knew that these three old things would not easily give himself the Heavenly Dao luck in them, and would not easily let himself squeeze their wool.

But so what?

Didn’t you hear Kunpeng say it? Behind them is the Nuwa Empress!

Not only that, these three old things have already surrendered to him, then they have no right to refuse.

Naturally, he has the final say on this matter!

Whatever he said, they had to do what they had, and there was no room for negotiation at all!

Not to mention the trivial Heavenly Dao’s luck, even if he wants their life, they have to give it!

Therefore, Di Jun also chilled his eyes, looked at the Zulong trio in front of him coldly, and spoke domineeringly and quietly.

“Is this unwilling to see the appearance of the three patriarchs?”

Not only the voice has increased a bit, but the tone has also risen significantly.

Dijun exuded a terrifying and horrible aura, and his words were full of threats, which shocked the patriarch of the three clans in front of him.

Of course the patriarchs of the three clans were not happy, but they couldn’t resist directly.

After all, this monster clan is protected by Nuwa, and fighting against Dijun is not against the monster clan?

Isn’t against the monster race against Nuwa?

Wouldn’t it be a dead end to fight against Nuwa?

It didn’t take long before they were resurrected, how could they die again willingly?

No, no, they are too fateful!

“Three clans patriarch, have you considered it?”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s not good, the emperor asks the demon master to invite the Nuwa empress, we sit down and have a cup of tea together, and have a good talk.”

Seeing that the patriarch of the three tribes was still silent, Di Jun could not help but kindly “remind” and even offered a “good” suggestion.

But where is this reminder in the eyes of the tribe patriarchs?

This is clearly a threat, a naked threat!

Isn’t this Emperor Jun really wanting face? If he doesn’t agree, he will move Nuwa out to crush them!

What did the three of them do wrong, to be so to them?

The three of them trembled uncontrollably at the thought of the female devil Nuwa, unable to stop at all.

Where do the three of them still have the right to refuse at this time?

Not at all!

The Zulong trio looked at each other for a long time, their expressions ugly.

In the end they had no choice but to accept this painful fact. The tribal chief nodded and said with a wry smile.

“Is there still room for us to choose right now?”

“What do you say?”

As a last resort, the patriarch of the three clans finally agreed to Di Jun’s ruthless and unreasonable request.

After responding, the trio’s complexion suddenly changed, becoming gloomy and distressed, as if they were stuffed with shit.

On the other hand, Di Jun was full of joy, he was in a good mood, which was simply a heavenly good thing for him.

Because he knew in his heart that now that the patriarchs of the three tribes surrender to him, it is really a big profit for him.

With the luck of the patriarchs of the three tribes, it will no longer be a dream for their monster tribe to dominate the prehistoric.

And because the patriarch of the three tribes wants to pool his luck on him, his strength is bound to be weakened and his competitiveness is low. Then the position of the prehistoric overlord naturally has nothing to do with them.

Demon student, suddenly completed!

The future of the Yaozu is very good, and the future is boundless!

Not only Emperor Jun was pleased, but even Kunpeng on the side was also very pleased to see this, and was so happy to dance around.

It is good to have Nuwa Niangniang to hold on. After Nuwa Niangniang suppresses the tribe patriarch, this matter is much easier.

“Since the three have agreed and agreed with the emperor as the representative of the luck, the three patriarchs will go to Daozu with the emperor for a trip!”

He verbally promised that this was all false. Only when he got those Heavenly Dao luck, could he really relax, and the threat of the monster race was completely eliminated.

After speaking, the four of them went to the Zixiao Palace together. Now that Heavenly Dao’s air luck representative has been selected, the rest are looking for the help of Hongjun ancestor to gather air luck.

Zixiao Palace.

The ancestor Hongjun frowned as he looked at the four wastes in front of him.

Why did these four guys come to him in good faith?

The ancestor Hongjun was wondering, so he listened to Dijun’s respectful salute, and then spoke.

“Daozu, we came to this Zixiao Palace today to tell you that we have selected the representative of Qi Luck, so we want you to add this Qi Luck to the representative of Qi Luck.”


The ancestor Hongjun raised his eyebrows when he heard that, slightly stunned.

Is it so fast?

How long has this passed!

Your luck representative chose too quickly, right?

But since they were all selected, he just extracted the other three’s luck and added it to the representative.

“Who is the representative of Qi Luck?”

“Returning to Daozu, it is me—Dijun.”

Di Jun raised Yang’s eyebrows as he spoke, his face was triumphant and his face was full of triumph.

ha? It’s Dijun this trash?

The ancestor Hongjun also did not expect that this representative of air luck would actually fall on Di Jun, but he was the first-class waste among the four wastes!

I really don’t know what method Di Jun used for this waste to get the head of the three clans to agree to him as the representative of Qi Luck?

“Can you agree?”

The ancestor Hongjun turned his attention to the patriarch of the three clans, and this was the last time he asked the patriarch of the three clans. If they agree, then the matter is really settled.

If this is the case, the luck of the three people will be added to the demon clan, the demon clan’s luck will greatly increase, and the three clans’ aura will be correspondingly weakened. At that time, it will be even more difficult if you want to deal with the monster clan…

Although the patriarch of the three clans didn’t want to, but because of Nuwa’s oppression, he had no choice but to agree with tears.

Seeing this, Hongjun couldn’t say anything. Since his own words have been released, how can there be any reason to take them back?

“The deity knows.”

Speaking of Hongjun, the ancestor stretched out his hand to cast a spell, preparing to transfer the luck of the three tribe patriarchs.

“Then you can force your luck out of your body.”

When the Zulong trio heard this, their expressions became extremely sad, and they forced them out of their bodies? This is more uncomfortable than the one who killed them!

The heads of the three tribes are full of embarrassment and entanglement, and he has been reluctant to start.

Seeing that Zulong trio had such a posture, Di Jun knew that they couldn’t make a move, so he kindly helped them.

He shook his hand at them, and directly frightened them to force Heavenly Dao out of luck to resist.

Seeing this, Di Jun couldn’t help but sneered.

“Huh! Heavenly Dao luck? Bring it to you!”

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