Chapter 403 The Three Clans finally chose to surrender

“Since the three of you are also wrong, I won’t be embarrassed by you.”

The patriarch of the three tribes twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard it, and two large characters were written all over his face-speechless.

f*ck! It’s been hit, so why is it not embarrassing to say?

If you beat them up in front of the co-author, wouldn’t you embarrass them?

It’s ridiculous!

Although he was very dissatisfied with Nuwa in his heart, the patriarch of the three tribes could only swallow the sound, shattering the dissatisfaction and swallowing in his stomach.

After all, in the face of the suppression of the absolute strength of Nuwa, they have no say at all.

How dare they?

Isn’t this just another beating?

The patriarchs of the three clans have become more submissive since being beaten by Nuwa. Naturally, they should do whatever Nuwa said.

Therefore, after hearing what Nuwa said, Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Qilin, the heads of the tribes, nodded vigorously. Looking at Nuwa aloft with tears of tears, he was embarrassed to the extreme.

“Know it was wrong, we knew it was wrong…”

“Thank Nuwa fellow daoist for not fighting…”

Nuwa was tired of these hypocritical, red tape things, she glanced at the tribe chief who was beaten on the ground with disdain, and then coldly spoke.

“This seat hopes that you can remember what you said today. If you dare to insult and invade the monster race in the future, you should not blame this seat for being polite!”

The cold voice resounded throughout the East China Sea, turbulent universe, echoed in the world.

Nuwa’s words are full of threats, like sarcasm and warning.

“You three old things are doing it for yourself!”

After coldly letting go of such a warning word, Nuwa drove Xiangyun around and left.

It was time to “beat” and “beat”, and the warning was also given, and then the purpose of her trip would be accomplished.

She exerted such pressure on the patriarchs of the three clans today, and believed that these three clans would not dare to attack the monster clan again.

Let them resolve the grievances between Emperor Jun and the tribe patriarchs by themselves! She did not want to, and did not want to interfere and interfere too much.

To be honest, she still has hatred towards Di Jun in her heart. Today, if Kunpeng hadn’t come to sell the miserable people, saying how miserable the people of the demon clan were bullied by the tribe patriarch, she would not come, Nuwa!

She doesn’t care about how Emperor Jun and the tribe patriarch fight life or death, but if the tribe patriarch harms the innocent people of the Yao tribe, then Nuwa can no longer sit and wait for death!

Seeing Nuwa’s departure, the patriarchs of the three clans were relieved, this terrifying female demon is gone!

Just as they got up from the ground in a desperate manner and were planning to leave, Kunpeng stopped in front of them and blocked their way.

“The three patriarchs don’t rush away, I have nothing to say.”

As soon as he saw Kunpeng, this arrogant thing, the patriarch of the three clans instantly became angry.

Why is this guy still here?

Are you looking for a fight?

They were trembling with anger, their nostrils were big enough to stuff a big apple, and they were squirting anger with “puff puff puff.”

“Three patriarchs, you have seen the situation now. Obediently submit to the monster clan, maybe our monster clan will let you go!”

When the patriarch of the three clans heard this, he instantly became so angry that his seven orifices gave rise to smoke and thunderous.

“Huh! Surrender to the monster race? Want to be beautiful!”

I want to be pretty!

Why are they such a proud and pure Xiantian Spirit Clan to surrender to the Demon Clan?

“Yes, there are no doors! Also, what kind of thing do you dare to let us surrender to the monster race?”

“I bother!”

“Get out! Get out of daddy! Otherwise, believe it or not, we will kill you now!?”

Kunpeng’s words instantly ignited the anger of the tribe chiefs, and the tribe chiefs exploded and screamed at Kunpeng unceremoniously.

Still surrender to the monster race?

Daddy surrenders f*ck a hammer!

They were already pissed off by Nuwa, but now they are still pissed off by Kunpeng?

They can’t move Nuwa, forget it, is it possible that they can’t move a little quasi-sage Kunpeng?


Since this Kunpeng is looking for death, then they will satisfy him!

Thinking of this, the patriarch of the three tribes headed toward Kunpeng bitterly, revealing the ferocity and coldness in his eyes.

How could Kunpeng not know the little nine in the heart of the head of the three tribes?

He stood there without fear, and didn’t rush to run away, and met the head of the three clans.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, Kunpeng suddenly curled the corners of his lips and gave a meaningful smile.

“The three patriarchs have to think twice! Don’t forget why you were injured.”

“We can be supported by Empress Nuwa behind our monster race. Since you refuse to surrender, then I have to find Empress Nuwa again, and let the empress come to reason with you…”

There is nothing wrong with Kunpeng’s words literally, but after careful sampling, you will find the words and words are pierced in heart.

He is hardly sprinkling salt on the wounds of the patriarchs of the three clans!

Seeing that the head of the three clans did not agree to surrender to the demon clan, he directly carried out the Nuwa Empress.

When the patriarch of the three clans heard this, his expression was extremely gloomy.

Hemp egg! Damn dog stuff!

Actually use Nuwa to suppress them! ?

“You!! Kunpeng, you despicable and shameless person!”

“Yes, it’s great to have Nuwa backing up? We just don’t bother to take the shot, don’t think we are afraid…”

“That’s it!”

Really think they are soft persimmons, do you want to pinch it?

Kunpeng didn’t get annoyed when he heard it, and continued to threaten with words.

“Really? It seems that the three patriarchs are very brave!”

“Then I will work hard and go to the Wa Palace again! Bring you Nuwa Empress…”

When the tribe chief heard that Kunpeng was about to bring Nuwa back, his face was blue with horror, and he waved his hand quickly and stopped speaking.

“No! Never!”

If the demon head were to be retrieved again, they would definitely be beaten up!

As soon as Nuwa shot, the patriarchs of their three clans didn’t even have room to fight back!

This Kunpeng actually used Nuwa to suppress them, really shameless!

Unfortunately, they still don’t have the ability to resist!

With Nuwa’s terrifying strength, they shudder at the thought, what else can they do except compromise?

They have no right to refuse at all!

Kunpeng glanced at the iron blue face and trembling body of the tribe chief, knowing that they were still afraid of Nuwa in their hearts.

The smile on the corner of the mouth is even more obvious, everything is under control…

He knows that these three old things will not die until the Yellow River, otherwise he will not come out with Nuwa Empress to suppress them.

These three old things were cleaned up by Nuwa. They must be afraid of Nuwa. As long as he moves out of Nuwa, they will definitely compromise.

He has been urging Nuwa to take action against the tribe patriarch, just to make the tribe patriarch fear Nuwa and make them surrender to the demon clan.

It seems that everything is going well now, all running according to the trajectory of his original plan.

If there is no accident, the matter is 80% done, and he only needs to add another fire.

Thinking of this, Kunpeng sneered and looked at the embarrassed head of the tribe in front of him.

“The three patriarchs promised to submit to the monster race?”

Of course the patriarchs of the three clans also want to say “no”!

But they were suppressed to death by Nuwa, and there was no choice to say no at all!

If they don’t surrender, this Kunpeng finds Nuwa, they will have to be abused…

Helplessly, the patriarch of the three clans finally chose to compromise and surrender to the monster clan.

They nodded humiliatingly, and spoke with a voice like a mosquito.

“Yes, we promised to surrender…”

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