Chapter 402 This seat has always regarded harmony (nuclear) as expensive…

For their Sage battle, Kunpeng is naturally not good at intervening.

After all, he is just a little quasi-sage. If he joins the melee, he is afraid that he will be blown away by the aftermath of the fierce war before he takes a shot.

Although he can’t join the battle, he can talk!

So Kunpeng hid in a safe place, cheered for Nuwa Empress, and kept fanning the flames.

“The Nuwa Empress is great! As expected, as soon as the Nuwa Empress made her move, the patriarch of the three clans became a dog!”

“Play well, beat well, beat the tribe!”

Seeing Empress Nuwa gradually gaining the upper hand, suppressing the tribe chieftain to death, Kunpeng couldn’t help but overjoyed, and his smile almost fell behind his ears.

Let these three old things be arrogant and domineering in the Yaozu before!

It’s all right now, it can be considered that someone has been found to treat them!

With the backing, Kunpeng’s confidence has not only grown a little bit, it is almost like a monster.

Before getting help from the Nuwa Empress, Kunpeng was respectful and respectful every time he saw the patriarch of the three clans.

Now, without talking about one “old thing”, he dared to accuse the patriarch of the three tribes face to face.

Kunpeng said with a hand on his hips and a finger at the tribe chief who was suppressed by Nuwa in front of him.

“You three old people who don’t know what to do, this is Nuwa Niang Niang! Nuwa Niang Niang is the Realm of Sage Third Stage, you three old things still dare to do something to Nuwa Niang Niang?”

“Is it true that our monster clan has no monsters? It’s really too much to clean up!”

After ridiculing the tribe chiefs, Kunpeng immediately changed his face to Nuwa.

He saw his eyes light up, rubbing his hands in admiration, cheering for Nuwa.

“Come on, mother! These three old things deceive the monster clan so much, they must have a good lesson!”

The patriarch of the three tribes, who was already in a disadvantaged position, was even more anxious when he heard it, and stared at Kunpeng angrily.

Their eyes were like sharp swords, as if they were about to smash Kunpeng into pieces.

It’s numb! This bullshit thing!

They are not human, but Kunpeng is a real dog!

I didn’t forget to laugh at them even after running so far.

A little quasi-sage would dare to speak to them like this, and stray wild on their heads?

After they have beaten Nuwa, they will be the first one to deal with this unobstructed stinky bird!

Besides, this Nuwa is Sage Third Stage, and they are also Sage. Don’t they add up to three Sage First Stage days as much as Sage Third Stage days?

They don’t believe that they will not be able to beat a little Nuwa!

“Huh! Sage Third Stage, it’s nothing, but there are three of us, how can we lose to Nuwa?”

Zu Long sneered, dismissing Kunpeng’s words.

But as soon as Zu Long’s voice fell, Nuwa saw Nuwa increase his strength. Shanhe Shejitu burst out cold and stern power and directly attacked them.

Nuwa’s moves are getting colder and harder, and stronger and denser. This makes the already weak three clans patriarchs even worse, and they are even more of Nuwa’s opponents.

Gradually, the disadvantages of the patriarchs of the three tribes became more and more obvious, and their faces became more and more gloomy, as ugly as if they had eaten shit.

At this time, Zu Long also closed his mouth obediently, and he no longer had the arrogance and arrogance he had before.

The patriarchs of the three clans tried their best to deal with Nuwa’s attack, and there was no time to take care of the others.

“Fogweed, can’t beat it!”

At first they were able to take over Nuwa’s several tricks, but over time, they gradually became unable to do what they wanted, and now they are completely suppressed by Nuwa.

Seeing this, the patriarchs of the three tribes broke out in a cold sweat, unavoidably a little shocked.

Both are Sage Realm. Why do you feel that Nuwa is much better than them?

Never thought that Nuwa’s strength was so strong?

In the beginning, Nuwa had teamed up with the broken grass to beat them back, so they naturally assumed that Nuwa had won them with the help of the grass.

Who ever thought that Nuwa could be so strong?

With this strength, Nuwa could easily kill them without the help of that blade of grass.

“It’s finished, it’s sloppy!”

However, it was too late for the patriarch of the three clans to see Nuwa’s terrifying power, and Nuwa had already decided to act.

I saw Nuwa raised his eyes, aimed at the position of the head of the three clans, and then stretched out his hand to attack them.

The Shanhe Sheji map immediately turned into a bow and arrow power, and directly shot several majestic arrows of Sage towards the patriarch of the three clans.

The patriarch of the three clans was suppressed to death by Nuwa’s terrifying and powerful holy power, and there was no room to fight back.

In the blink of an eye, the head of the three clans was shot by Nuwa Sage’s arrow, and fell to the ground with a “crack”, unable to move.

It is naturally impossible for Nuwa to give up this perfect time to teach these three old things.

So Nuwa raised her powder fist and slammed the tribe chieftain who was lying on the ground, rubbing them on the ground, and “beating” them earnestly.

Nuwa snorted while playing, threateningly.

“Say! Do you still dare to bully Yaozu?”

If you ask this, you don’t have the right to choose at all!

The patriarch of the three clans was violently beaten by Nuwa and screamed and wailed in pain.

They have all been labeled as such, are there any other options besides saying that they dare not?

If they say they dare to continue to bully the monster race, they are afraid that their old destiny will fall here today, and they will be hammered by Nuwa today.

Kunpeng on the side saw that the patriarch of the three tribes was beaten by Nuwa so that he could not fight back, and he was relieved and happy.

OK! Well played!

As expected of Nuwa!

“Don’t dare, don’t dare…”

The patriarch of the three tribes was beaten with a black nose and swollen face, and his head was full of red envelopes, which left a psychological shadow on Nuwa ever since.

They guarded their heads that had been made into pigs with their hands at this time, and waved their hands again and again to beg for mercy.

“We have taken it, we have taken it! We promise you will never bully the monster race again in the future!”

The patriarchs of their three clans have always been arrogant.

But for the sake of their old lives, they should take it for the time being.

After all, Nuwa is here, and they are not so presumptuous. But who knows what will happen in the future?

The most indispensable thing in this wild world… is the variable!

Thinking of this, there was a cold and harsh light flashing in the eyes of the head of the three tribes.

snort! Damn the monster!

I’ll let you go for the time being!

When Nuwa is gone in the future, we will be the first to take you! I must ask for all the humiliation I have suffered today!

Nuwa stopped her hands when she heard that, she clapped her hands and slowly stood up and said.

“Isn’t it all right? I have to force this seat to do it!”

“I have said that, this seat has always regarded harmony as the most important thing and persuades people with virtue. If you have a better tone at the beginning, you don’t need to be beaten up by this.”

After Nuwa finished speaking, she wiped the dust off her clothes, and she looked like nothing happened. She was still the image of noble, elegant, cool and domineering Sage.

The patriarch of the three tribes almost fainted without a second glance.

Who had a bad attitude in the beginning? Who is so menacing!

Obviously it is you, but they also want to speak well!

And what is your special purpose for peace?

Where do you take harmony as the most important thing?

That’s it?

It’s almost as expensive as nuclear!

After this incident, the patriarch of the three tribes can be considered to have thoroughly understood one thing.

The women in this predicament are not easy to provoke, especially Nuwa, that is absolutely not to provoke!

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