Chapter 401 Just hit it!

“You three dare to be so arrogant after doing that kind of nasty thing to the monster race?”

Nuwa’s face was solemn, her face extremely gloomy.

These three guys insulted the Monster Race and killed the fellows of the Monster Race, and they could still yell with her here without changing their faces and heartbeats, without any intention of repentance.

Damn it!

Who gave them the courage?

Is that old dog Hongjun?

Nuwa took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the anger that was rising in his chest, and continued to speak.

“I’m here to ask you clearly, why are you bullying the demon race and murdering so many innocent demon race people cruelly?”

Nuwa originally didn’t intend to fight with the tribe patriarchs, and didn’t take action unless it was necessary. She has always advocated that harmony is the most important thing, unless she can’t bear it.

She came here just to make the patriarch of the three clans admit a mistake, and then sincerely regretted it, and stopped taking action against the monster clan.

The patriarch of the three clans was so angry that his lungs burst into smoke.

What does it mean that they bully the Yaozu, what does it mean that they kill the innocent Yaozu people?

This is blatant slander!

Has the patriarch of the three clans ever suffered such humiliation since he was born?

The arrogant head of the three tribes naturally couldn’t bear Nuwa’s repeated slander, and immediately furious, cursing back in a bad tone.

“Do it just do it, bullying is bullying, how can there be so many and why?”

Zu Long glared at Nuwa fiercely, and slammed back without fear.

“Yes! How can you wait for us?”

Qilin also came up, echoing Zulong Dao.

Of course, the most arrogant one is Yuanfeng.

Yuan Feng raised his narrow eyes, glanced at Nuwa disdainfully, and then spoke arrogantly.

“But it’s just a mere demon. If you hit it, you will hit it! Isn’t it possible to use Nuwa Sage to report to you?”

“Are you teaching me to do things?”

Yuan Feng was so arrogant and domineering that she didn’t even put Nuwa to put in one’s eyes. She didn’t even look at Nuwa directly.

Is it possible that the three of them, Sage, can’t beat just one Nuwa?

Wouldn’t it be counseling at all?

Seeing that the patriarchs of the three tribes were more arrogant than the other, and did not put himself in one’s eyes at all, Nuwa was so angry that her body trembled slightly, and her complexion became more gloomy…

At this moment, Kunpeng on the side suddenly rushed out to fight the injustice for Nuwa and shouted loudly.

“Presumptuous! How can the three of you treat Nuwa empress like this? You don’t put the empress to put in one’s eyes!”

It was okay not to mention Kunpeng, but the conflict between Nuwa and the patriarch of the three tribes was intensified in an instant.

The two sides were tense, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

“Humph! It was you who slandered first, so no wonder our tone was bad!”

“Are you still reluctant to admit your mistakes when things are coming? Are you still not convinced?”

“As long as you choose to bow your heads and promise that this seat will no longer bully the demon race, this seat may give you a way out.”

Nuwa spoke coldly word by word, she was already going to endure it to the extreme.

“Bow your head to your monster race?”

The patriarch of the three clans raised his head and laughed as if he had heard a big joke, then his eyes were firm, and three words popped out of his teeth.


“I’m not convinced, right? Just a fight!”

Nuwa also endured to the extreme, anger gushing out at this moment.

These three old things are simply arrogant and arrogant to the extreme, owe them!

They all dared to be so arrogant when she was here, let alone when she was away?

It seems that what Kunpeng said is true, and these three old things may really be cruel to the Yaozu…

That being the case, then she herself doesn’t have to be polite to them!

As senior said, there is nothing in this world that can’t be solved by a single meal. If so, then two meals!

Nuwa read this without hesitation and turned on the magic power in his body. In the blink of an eye, Nuwa’s aura surged.

The majestic and majestic aura surrounds Nuwa, seeming to break through the clouds and tear the sky.

In the next second, Nuwa stretched out Qianqianyu’s hand and waved, and she saw a golden aura rushing out of her body, only heading towards the sky.

I saw this golden aura gleaming in the sky, and it flashed blindly in every minute.

It was unfolded in the wind, and instantly turned into a huge picture of millions of miles. After carefully looking at it, it was discovered that it turned out to be a huge picture of mountains, rivers and shrines.

Seeing this, Kunpeng couldn’t help but froze for a while, staying where he was.

Good guys!

Empress Nuwa took out one of her Magic Treasures Shanhe Sheji pictures?

This is not going to give the patriarchs of these three tribes lightly!

Or, let them bully the monster race, and annoy your majesty!

Today, let them have a hard time with Nuwa Empress and have a long memory!

At the moment, Nuwa said nothing, mobilizing the mountains and rivers and sheji map covering most of the sky to fight at the head of the three clans.

If you don’t beat these three old things that don’t know the heights of the sky today, they will not extinguish their arrogance, so her name will be reversed!

Seeing that Nuwa was really moving, the patriarchs of the three clans also attacked in anger.


Zulong gave an order, and the patriarchs of the three clans attacked Nuwa one after another.

Although this Nuwa is not a soft persimmon, they are not easy to mess with either!

Nuwa and Kunpeng are so bold in their territory, they have already hit the door, are they still waiting to be killed, waiting to be abused?

The patriarchs of the three clans joined forces to perform their tricks on Nuwa.

“Shenlong wagging its tail!”

“Undead flame!”

“Incompetent roar, ah, Qilin roar!”

The terrifying potential energies all attacked Nuwa. The intensive attacks were overwhelming and gave people an invisible sense of oppression.

In an instant, the world changed dramatically, the space shook, and the earth cracked!

As time and space flow, Earth Fire water and wind are re-evolving at this moment.

The power of the law flies, time and space are divided and distorted, which makes the power of the law flow around uncontrollably.

The power of the law instantly swept through the entire prehistoric world, giving people a sense of oppression and deterrence to suffocate.


A loud bang exploded in the sky, and the power of the terrifying law raged across the entire wilderness and affected hundreds of millions of creatures in the wilderness.

I saw it pierce the sky, tear the world apart, and directly blow up hundreds of millions of creatures to ashes with a thunderous crash.

Everything was turned into nothingness, and the entire prehistoric world fell into a dead silence…

As a battlefield, the East China Sea has been ruthlessly devastated by the power of law. The mountains ruptured, and the East China Sea was split into slag, showing huge cracks that caught the eye.

Although Zu Long, Yuanfeng and Shi Qilin are three Sages, they also joined forces to play against Nuwa.

But they could barely accept Nuwa’s previous moves. The more they dragged behind, the more they couldn’t beat them, and the gap in strength gradually increased.

This is the difference between the strength of Sage and Heavenly Dao Sage, who created the world and sanctified!

Although Realm is similar, the strengths vary greatly.

It didn’t take long for the three of them to gradually become a little weak.

The three of them were sweating, and one was panting. Fighting against Nuwa consumed most of their Magic power, and saw that their footsteps were vain, they staggered, and they couldn’t even stand firmly.

Damn, they still underestimated Nuwa’s strength…

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