Chapter 170 The daddy who was completely abolished!

“you you!”

Taiqing daddy Tangtang Heavenly Dao Sage has ever been so insulted?

Immediately half-dead with anger, wishing to break free from the imprisonment of the two sages of the West and rushed to Nuwa to slap her in the face!

When the people heard what Nuwa said, they all knelt down.

The Terran said in unison.

“Follow the decree of the Nuwa Empress!”

Anyway, this too clear daddy did not do anything for their human race, on the contrary, their human luck has returned a lot to the too clear daddy.

Now that the Nuwa Empress has spoken in person, they are naturally willing to comply.

“You guys! Dare?!”

“You bunch of ungrateful things, in vain, the deity is so good to you!”

“No! No—”

Taiqing Daddy showed a look of horror on his face, and his face was full of resistance.

Although he is the god of the gods, he cannot be abolished in principle.

But if Human Race really wants to replace him, then Heavenly Dao can’t protect his position as leader.

After all, this is the will of the human race…

And the human race is the future overlord of the wild, even Heavenly Dao can’t easily live in it, let alone the Taiqing daddy?

Taiqing daddy’s wrinkled face twisted together, making it even more terrifying. His eyes were full of hatred for Nuwa and Human Race!

At this time, the position of the leader of the own people is completely cold, and the luck of the human race is out of play…

And it’s the damn Nuwa and Humans that caused all this!

Taiqing daddy became even more angry, and suddenly broke free of the shackles of Zhunti and the lead, and shot at Nuwa Sage.

But are they vegetarian?

They have long seen Taiqing Daddy not pleasing to their eyes, and now they have the opportunity to teach him a good lesson, how can they make Taiqing Daddy Ruyi Scepter?

The Magical Item was recovered immediately, and he was blocked in front of Taiqing Daddy.

“Block the deity again, don’t blame the deity for being polite!”

“Without Panlong, see what storms you can make!”

Zhunti dismissed Taiqing daddy’s threat, after all, Taiqing daddy’s Magical Item was imprisoned by them.

He didn’t believe it. Without Magical Item’s blessing, daddy could still be their opponent?

“You…you are so deceiving!”

Taiqing daddy runs the power of the whole body, using the power as the ink and the finger as the pen to draw a bunch of incomprehensible runes in the air.

“Dage, what the hell is this daddy drawing? Why can’t I understand any of them?”

The lead was also at a loss, and was shocked after looking at it for a while.

“No! It’s Eight Trigrams! Get away!”

The Eight Trigrams array is the pole of the number, taking the number derived from six to three. Yi Youyun: One life two, two beget three, three beget all things. There is also the so-called Taiji produces two instruments, two instruments produce four phases, and four phases produce Eight Trigrams, and Eight Trigrams become sixty-four lines. From then on, they have changed endlessly.

The horror of this Eight Trigrams array is that it is intertwined with each other, there are countless ways, but only one is a way to survive, and the rest are dead ends.

In addition, the formation in the Eight Trigrams is constantly changing, which greatly increases the difficulty of finding a way out.

So unless someone is proficient in the Eight Trigrams formation, once ordinary people fall into this Eight Trigrams formation, they will definitely die!

Both Zhunti and the lead were shocked, and flexibly avoided the shackles of the Eight Trigrams array.

In addition, he triggered the relic to fight the Taiqing daddy, and the Taiqing daddy was distracted and shook his hand. The Eight Trigrams formation that was about to take shape was ruined in this way.

Zhun mention: Fortunately, fortunately! If this is trapped in the Eight Trigrams formation, it will definitely be dead!

Quote: Didn’t expect this daddy to be so strong?

You can draw Eight Trigrams out of thin air!

It seems that you still have to be careful!

“Foguang Jinlian!”

The lead and Zhun called out the Buddha’s light golden lotus, and with the help of the Buddha’s light golden lotus’s power, the Taiqing daddy was once again restrained.

Taiqing daddy showed hatred on his face.

This damn bald donkey!


It was almost possible that they and Nuwa were buried in the Eight Trigrams!

The final crucial step was interrupted! ?

Damn it!

As soon as the human race on the other side finished speaking, Heavenly Dao agreed to the abolitionist master.

Suddenly, the wind was surging, and the entire sky was densely covered with dark clouds, and the sky was covered by heavy dark clouds, without a trace of light, which was extremely terrifying.

Suddenly the color of the sky and the earth changed, the sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning flashed, and the earth shook violently.

The space trembles, the earth cracks, and occasionally screams of wind and anger, the entire Shouyang Mountain is instantly shrouded in a strange atmosphere.

Everyone has an unknown premonition, always feeling that something big is happening!

And there are many five-petal black lotus blooming in the sky above the Houtian Dome, and the black lotus exudes an aura that can destroy the world. I saw Hei Lian spin down quickly, and finally stopped on the top of Tai Qing Daddy.

The five-petal black lotus exudes a terrifying and weird destructive air, which is completely different from the five-color gleam surrounding Taiqing Sage and Nuwa.

Sage’s divine light is warm, representing the breath of life; while the destruction of the five-petal black lotus is gloomy, representing death and elimination.

“No! No!”

Taiqing Daddy was obviously panicked when facing the five-petal black lotus above his head. He could feel that the power in his body was gradually being sucked away by the five-petal black lotus.

Exhausting all his strength, he slammed his hand inadvertently while Zhunti and Lie didn’t pay attention. Zhun Ti and Lie were thrown out, and then fell into a dog to eat shit.

Breaking free from the shackles of Zhunti and the lead, Taiqing daddy quickly regained the Panlong Squat, and then summoned Xiangyun, wanting to escape from these terrifying five-petal black lotus.

“Want to run?”

Nuwa raised her eyebrows and pointed her hand.

Seeing the immortal rope “shoo” out of her sleeve like a snake, and then tightly bound Taiqing Daddy, who was about to escape, and couldn’t move.

“Nuwa! You!”

“Do you really want to do it this way?”

“Taiqing Sage seems to have forgotten that the treasures you took from the human race as the leader of the human race were not a few. I have never seen you polite when you took the benefits from the human race!”

Taiqing daddy is inhumane to the human race first, so don’t blame her Nuwa for injustice!

“Five-petal black lotus, go.”

Seeing that Nuwa Sage had tied the Taiqing daddy, the five-petal black lotus was immediately overjoyed, and went to Taiqing daddy one by one.

There is no resistance to Taiqing. Daddy can only watch the five-petal black lotus dig into own body one by one, and then strip out the Taoist beads that symbolize the leader of the human religion.

In the last second, the daddy, who returned the body of the sacred light, was overshadowed in the next second.

The human spirit in the original body was also sucked out by the five-petal black lotus and returned to the human race.

Taiqing daddy only felt that the body that was originally filled with Spirit Power instantly became empty and lost its power.

The aura of the cult leader passed away, and Taiqing daddy knew that he had nothing to do with the human race.

Everyone knows that the position of the leader of the daddy of Taiqing is completely abolished. Everything is settled and there is no room for maneuver.

Taiqing daddy’s position as the leader of the daddy is completely deprived of it!

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