Chapter 171 People can go, the treasure of humanity stays!

After the Taiqing daddy was deprived of the leader position, the five-petal black lotus returned to the air.

And the thick dark clouds in the Houtian dome gradually dissipated, and the originally low and depressive atmosphere instantly became clear.

The dark clouds dispersed, the lightning stopped, and a rainbow bridge was erected on the horizon.

The original yin wind and anger also turned into a breeze, and the cracked ground began to heal quickly.

The sky is still as blue as before.

The cloud is still as white as before.

Everything is no different.

Except… Taiqing daddy, he is no longer the leader of the human religion, and has nothing to do with the human race.

Taiqing daddy was a little hard to accept this fact, and he fell to the ground directly, revealing an unignorable hatred in his eyes.

On the other hand, the fact that Taiqing Daddy was completely deprived of the position of leader soon became known to the entire prehistoric land.

The terrifying vision in the sky shocked the great creatures.

This predicament is so lively!

The vision of the sky did not stop, appearing one after another.

In just a short time, Nuwa Sage completely abolished Daddy’s teaching position. Isn’t this an open declaration of war with Hongjun ancestor and Heavenly Dao?

Nuwa Sage is so brave!

But this time Taiqing Sage’s face is completely lost, I guess he has all the desire to die, right?

I am really looking forward to the thrilling things that will happen next!

In this regard, the great powers are also very shocked.

Zixiao Palace.

The ancestor Hongjun was shivering with anger and slammed the table in front of him.

He never expected that this Nuwa really dared to deprive daddy of his teaching position, and dared to openly oppose Heavenly Dao and oppose him!

This simply did not put him Hongjun and Heavenly Dao To put in one’s eyes!

“This Nuwa, presumptuous!”

It’s really not a day to fight, go to the house to reveal the tile!

Now she dared to openly fight Heavenly Dao and Hongjun against him. If she left it alone, she wouldn’t be able to shake the sky?

Haotian on the side saw that Dao Anger was so angry, and immediately ran over to comfort him.

“Taozu Mo wants to ruin his body for this kind of popularity, it’s not worth it.”

this! Not angry, is it possible?

Nuwa repeatedly disrupted his plan and disrupted the normal operation of Heavenly Dao. It would be a disaster to keep it!

“No, the deity is going to execute her!”

Seeing that the ancestor Hongjun had been dazzled by anger, Haotian immediately stopped him.

“Daozu, please think twice! Nuwa is a representative of humanity, and you are really the same person, you really can’t move her!”

“And Nuwa still plays an important and irreplaceable role in the predicament, Heavenly Dao will not allow it!”

After hearing this, the ancestor Hongjun clenched his fists with both hands, furious.

This Nuwa, obviously looks unpleasant to her, but can’t do her!

Really mad at him!

His dignified ancestor Hongjun was too aggrieved, right?

On the other side, Yuanshi Tianzun, who was flying through clouds in mid-air, was almost unsteady when he saw the movement of the human race.

I saw Yuanshi Tianzun’s worries all over his face.


Dage is dangerous!

This Nuwa really dare!

Actually deprived Dage of the leader position! ?

Is she really not afraid of the punishment?

At the risk of being an enemy with Dao Ancestor and Heavenly Dao, you also want to deprive Dage of his teaching position?

What does she think? !

no! Dage must be uncomfortable now!

He has to hurry up and comfort him!

At this moment, he had already arrived in the territories of the human race, so he landed directly.

“Nuwa! You are so bold!”

Suddenly there was a roar from the horizon, everyone looked up, and it was Yuanshi Tianzun who came!

Suiren’s shocked: Another Sage?

This human race is really a treasure of Feng Shui!

This Sage comes one after another…

If there are two more Sages, these seven Sages will be available!

Daddy also didn’t expect Yuanshi Tianzun to come, and looked at the visitor with some shock in his eyes.

“Second brother… why are you here?”

Seeing Taiqing Daddy collapsed on the ground in embarrassment, Yuanshi Tianzun knew that Dage must have been bullied by this group of people!

If you don’t get angry right away, you have to go and have a good theory with Nuwa.

“Nuwa! What Dage said is your brother! How can you treat him this way?”

Nuwa shrugged and spoke coldly.

“I don’t know what I did to him?”

“I didn’t beat him, I didn’t scold him, I just let him return his position as the leader of the cult.”

“Return to the leader?”

Yuanshi Tianzun is extremely vigorous.

Just when he is blind?

He can see it all!

This is obviously grabbing!

Return it?

It sounds nice!

“Dage is reluctant at first glance. How can I return it?”

“I’m afraid it was not taken by Nuwa fellow daoist?”

Nuwa looked cold.

Is this Yuanshi Tianzun determined to throw the pot on her?

“This is jointly decided by the human race, and it can’t be regarded as a robbery.”

“Secondly, it’s too clear that Daddy is in his position and does not plan to do anything. It is only natural that this seat has deprived him of his position as leader.”

“Why, Yuanshi fellow daoist dissatisfied?”

More than dissatisfaction?

Yuanshi Tianzun wants to kill Nuwa’s heart!

The Magic Treasures Ruyi Scepter was called out immediately, and he planned to attack Nuwa.

Seeing this, Zhunti and the lead immediately rushed to Nuwa, and also picked up the Qibao Miaoshu and Bodhizi in their hands to prepare for the battle.

“Nuwa fellow daoist, we will protect you!”

“Yes! Nuwa fellow daoist rest assured, we will take care of you!”

Fuxi was not idle either, frowning, took out Fuxiqin and blocked it in front of Nuwa, looking at Yuanshi Tianzun with a bad look.

This Yuanshi Tianzun saw that he had an idea for his sister!

So many of them dare to make a move with him?

It’s horrible!

With them, this Yuanshi Tianzun will definitely not hurt Wa Mei a single bit!

Yuanshi Tianzun was almost vomiting blood when he saw this.

What’s the situation?

Even if Fuxi is protecting Nuwa, what kind of excitement is this sure to bring together?

When did they join Nuwa?

Judging from the current situation, he is really not the opponent of this group of people!

“You! You… mean!”

Seeing this, Daddy also knew that Yuanshi Tianzun was definitely not the opponent of this group of people, and promptly pulled him to stop him.

“Second brother… forget it… let’s go back.”

Although he was unwilling in his eyes, Yuanshi Tianzun was indeed not an opponent of this group of people.

It’s okay to single out one or two, but four or five is nothing.

“But Dage…”

He just can’t swallow this breath!

He is not reconciled for daddy!

Taiqing Daddy’s reason tells him that it is really inappropriate to go to war at this moment.

So shook his head and asked Yuanshi Tianzun.

“Let’s go, second brother…”

Seeing Taiqing, Daddy had asked him, and Yuanshi Tianzun was not easy to refuse.

Had to suffocate, and wanted to take Daddy to leave this place of right and wrong.

Seeing Taiqing daddy was about to leave, Nuwa spoke coldly.

“Two fellow daoist wait a minute.”

“Nuwa! What on earth do you want?”

“Dage has been made like this by you, and deprived of the teaching position. You still won’t let us go?”

Seeing Nuwa not letting them go, Yuanshi Tianzun’s lungs almost exploded.

What is Nuwa doing? !

Did you deliberately find fault?

“People can go, but the treasure of humanity will stay.”

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