Chapter 169 Nuwa angrily abolishes the position of daddy leader!

After that, Taiqing daddy once again called out Panlong Sage and wanted to fight Nuwa Sage.

This Nuwa is simply deceiving!

He should not teach her a good lesson, teach her how to be a human, this is afraid to ride on his Taiqing daddy!

Zhunti and Jiuying looked at each other tacitly, and then nodded intently. The two slipped quietly behind Daddy Taiqing, preparing to stop him from moving.

Zhunti and Recitation knew that in order to safely let the West preach in the human race, they need to obtain Nuwa’s consent and gain Nuwa’s trust, so that Nuwa Sage can safely hand over the human race to them.

Now, Taiqing daddy wants to take action against Nuwa. If they succeed in stopping daddy, Nuwa Sage will definitely take a high look at them.

At that time, I would definitely hand over the Human Race to them without saying a word.

By then, all the human luck will be theirs, and there will be no clear daddy at all!

This is their only opportunity for meritorious service, and they have to perform well.

“Panlong Squat!”

Taiqing daddy threw the Panlong crutches fiercely, causing him to attack Nuwa directly.

This is the moment!

“Seven Treasure Tree! Bundle!”

“Bodhi! Take it!”

Zhun Ti and Ji Ying jumped out from the left and right sides of Taiqing Daddy, and they used their Magical Item one after another.

The Qibao Miaoshu turned into a sturdy vine, twisting flexibly like a snake, and quickly entangled the Panlong crutches.

On the other side, the Bodhi child fell and quickly grew into a towering tree. Numerous branches and leaves were woven into a net wall, which firmly blocked the Panlong Sage from Nuwa Sage.

The Panlong Shuiba was first tied up by the Qibao wonderful tree, and then blocked by the net of branches and leaves of the Bodhi, so it couldn’t move at all!

Seeing this, Taiqing Daddy was shocked.

His Panlong Squad was tightly trapped before he went out.

Where did these two bald donkeys emerge from?

He rushed out suddenly without paying attention.

“You, you guys!”


Two people actually engaged in a sneak attack?

Can’t you afford it?

Do you dare to fight him openly?

“With us, don’t you want to move Senior Sister Nuwa!”

“Yes! Don’t think about it!”

Panlong Bianguai was trapped, and Zhunti and the lead blocked Taiqing Daddy one by one, not allowing him to pass.

The two of them are like a wall of flesh blocking Taiqing Daddy tightly, leaving no room for escape.

Here, Nuwa Sage saw that Taiqing daddy was stopped by the second sage of the West and stopped talking to him.

Then she looked at Human Race guiltily.

As the Virgin of the Human Race, she is really ashamed of the Human Race. She didn’t care about them when she created them. Everything was self-reliant. She did not stop the demon race’s ravages of the Human Race before.

She has done too little for the Human Race, and she has very little concern for the Human Race…

It even almost let it be used by some interested people…

Thinking of this, Nuwa couldn’t help but give Daddy a fierce look.

This Taiqing daddy itself is with Hongjun ancestor, and Heavenly Dao is a group!

Blame her for failing to check well, and even letting this wolf in, almost harming the entire human race.

Even so, the human race still believes in her and regards her as the greatest existence of Sacred.

It is because of her little effort that she is grateful and grateful to her.

Human race loves her so much, respects her, respects her, how can she let Human race suffer this wrong?

Nuwa cleared his throat, looked at Human Race lovingly, and spoke slowly.

“As the Virgin of the Human Race, I have not fulfilled the duties of the Mother of Humanity. I am really ashamed of the Human Race.”

Hearing what Nuwa Sage said, the Human Race was flattered and fell to his knees one after another.

“Niang Niang has done enough for the Human Race, so don’t underestimate yourself.”

“Yeah, Empress Nuwa! You created the human race, and saved the human race from danger several times. We will remember this kindness in our hearts, and we will never forget it!”

“Keep in mind the great kindness of the empress, it is unforgettable!”

Such a sensible and well-behaved Human Race makes Nuwa maternally prosperous. How can her human race be so sensible, how can she be easily bullied?

Today, the lord of Human Race, she is determined!

Then Nuwa glanced at Taiqing Daddy and spoke coldly.

“Taiqing daddy, as the leader of the human religion, never benefits the human race, and does not really want to preach to the human race.”

“Besides, I want to use the human fortune to develop myself many times. It really shouldn’t be!”

“Taiqing daddy is no longer worthy to be called the leader of the human religion, so today his position as the leader of the human religion is abolished!”

The cold voice resounded throughout the sky, and the demise of Taiqing daddy spread throughout the entire wilderness in an instant, and the great powers expressed their shock.

Wuzhuang view.

Zhen Yuanzi was surprised.


Nuwa Sage actually abolished the leader of the Taiqing daddy?

This predicament is really lively!

Unexpected things happen all the time.

In the past, the two sages of the West were fighting with the Taiqing daddy, and now it is the Taiqing daddy’s leader who has been abolished?

Everything is surprising and unexpected.

Zixiao Palace.

The ancestor Hongjun, who had just been peaceful for a while, was awakened by the sound of Nuwa’s abolition and daddy.

Endless? !

Can’t you let him be quiet for a while?

Old Ancestor Hongjun’s expression was extremely gloomy, as if he would jump up and eat people in the next second.

What the hell is this Nuwa?

Why do you want to abolish the position of the leader of the daddy?

You must know that the leader of this daddy is destined by heaven, and is destined in the future.

If there is no daddy leader, how can the human race be controlled by Heavenly Dao?

Human race is not bound by Heavenly Dao, how can it further control Nuwa?

It’s messed up!

Everything is messed up!

All because of Nuwa’s words, Heavenly Dao’s chessboard is completely messed up!

This Nuwa!

Damn it!

If it weren’t for the value of being alive now, and if she couldn’t move her, she would have to die!

Destroying his good deeds over and over again, heaven-defying to change his life, what a restless pawn!

On the other side, Yuanshi Tianzun, who was halfway there, was surprised when he heard that Nuwa was about to abolish the position of daddy.


This Nuwa is actually going to abolish the position of Dage’s leader?

Is she serious?

We must know that Dage’s position of leader is determined by nature, and Heavenly Dao recognizes the position of leader, how dare she abolish it? !

This damn Nuwa is really hateful!

He actually did such a thing to Dage while he was away!

Openly abolished the position of leader, is this a shameful thing? !

How will Dage still gain a foothold in the future?

This Nuwa is so deceptive!

Dage, wait, my second brother is here to help you!

Thinking of this, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn’t help speeding up…

Shouyang Mountain.

Terran territory.

Taiqing Daddy, who was stopped by the Second Saint of the West, was shocked and annoyed.


“Nuwa, you want to abolish my position as leader?”

“You dare to do so!!”

“Why don’t this seat dare? You are too clear. Daddy is empty as the leader, but you can’t do what the leader does. Why can’t this seat dispose of you?”

Nuwa shot back sharply, with a hint of blame and anger in his tone.

She didn’t kill him to be considered light!

It just abolished him as a leader!

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