Ignoring Sasuke, the dragon turned to face Shisui's direction.

"Yes, you are impossible to have shikigami, because the Awakening of the shikigami, I know, is one of the few guys who makes me hate..."


Shisui concealed his right eye, and the six tomoe Rinnegan’s pupils flashed urgently in the gap revealed: "It seems that Ayehazhi is no longer in use. In that case, use my new Dojutsu..."


Dragon type airborne sounding finger.

——Long sniper point kill!

"This is...his previous trick to kill Madara!"

Shisui's pupils shrank suddenly and immediately stopped Dojutsu in the right eye, zi! Left eye 3-Tomoe Sharingan rotate, click Bright red glow.


The golden glow shoots through Shisui's eyebrows and reaches the other end of Earth!

Because of Izanagi's effects, Shisui is safe and sound, and randomly appears 100 meters away.

But it doesn’t wait for Shisui to be grateful, the dragon pose has bullied him close, and a Truth-Seeking Ball is held in his palm and slammed into his chest!

——Dark prison!

Shoo! The black light unfolds from the Truth-Seeking Ball that penetrates into Shisui's body, forming a translucent black spherical barrier outside of the body!

Unable to move even a little bit between Instant Water: "This is...Sealing Jutsu? No, it's just a simple imprisonment and a complete blockade of sight!"

From outsiders I can see the silhouette of Shisui faintly discernible, but Shisui in prison has darkness and chaos in his eyes!

Longshi said: "This way, you can stop a little..."

Tiannishou failed to use, and Sasuke's body is facing the crisis of collapse!


A White Zetsu emerged from the ground and said urgently: "Sasuke, transfer the damage to me!"

The figure on White Zetsu’s shoulder before gazed’s eyes, Sasuke knew it was 'Number One', a teacher in his Academy period, hesitated for a while!

No.1 shouted: "What are you waiting for, hurry up!!!"

"Hateful!!!" Sasuke clenched the teeth to perform surgery, but a crow, Flying into his line of sight, he suddenly startled, focusing on it.

——The sky is against the hand.

"Hey...!!!" The crow turned into ashes and disappeared.

"Nissan..." Sasuke, who had escaped from the dead, turned to look towards the commanding height behind him.

There, Itachi, holding a Barrett sniper rifle, has a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth.

The smile faded in an instant, and Itachi adjusted the angle of the laser gun and the optical sight to lock the dragon pose 3000 meters away.

"Even if you are whole body impervious to sword and spear, the eyeball is a symbol of fragility..."

After aiming correctly, Itachi's finger calmly squeezed the trigger.

But suddenly, in the scope, the dragon looked up, with a faintly discernable smile at the corner of his mouth.


The sight exploded and the fragments scratched Itachi's cheek. In a flash, Izanagi took effect and the wound healed.

"The dimension gap is too big, and it's completely seen through..." Itachi sighed softly and put away the gun.

——God photo!

——God photo!

——God photo!


Madara's right eye is bloodshot, and the dragon-like silhouette is motivating Dojutsu again and again.


Until the eyes-power is completely overdrawn, the six tomoe disappears in Madara’s eyes...

16 attempts, all failed, after all The strength gap is too large, and the success rate is minimal.

"It seems that Madara Dove is also tired. It is rare for me to be curious. I want to try the god shot that Ancestral God Founder is afraid of. After triggering the successful death process, it seems that it will not work..."

Dragon-style shaking one's head, gently fell on the ground: "When their Izanagi duration ends, they will close the net...

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Twenty Nara Clan elites headed by Shikamaru surrounded the dragon pose and activated the'Heavenly Grade blessing amulet'.


Six Paths’ chakra robe, in They burned up and formed the same hand seal!

——Six Paths ·Earth-bound Shadow Array!

Shoo! Twenty strong shadows came from the ground and connected In the shadow of the dragon style...

Hey! The dragon style freezes in place: "Is the bondage technique activated by the shadow? It is similar to my clan Dojutsu's "Tian Zhi Ying"..."

Shikamaru's expression is grim: This Six Paths shadow array can even resist Gakido's absorption, but it will definitely not be able to hold him for too long, and it will never succeed the second time, so please, Ino!"

In order to complete this battle plan, even a priceless'Divine Grade' blessing symbol was handed over to'Ino Yamanaka'!

Bear! ! !

Ino Yamanaka, who activates the Divine Grade blessing amulet and gets the '50%' chakra bonus of feathers, has reached the Peak of her life so far, and so far in the future!

"Huh..." She took a deep breath, made the classic hand seal, and aimed at the dragon pose far away.


In Hatake Kakashi, the moment the kunai entwined with purple electricity was thrown to the dragon face, Ino concentrated all the chakras and focused his mind to the extreme.

——Six Paths ·Mind Body Switch Jutsu!


The small dragon-like body suddenly shook.

Shikamaru shouted: "Take advantage of this, unopen it! "


Nara Clan Elite, who rehearsed this process countless times, unlocked the spells at the same time.

Ino, who has obtained the dominance of the dragon body, catches the flying Kunai, and slams his eyes!

The whole process went smoothly, and it's hard to miss it!

Click! !

Kunai successfully pierced the eyeball, but the sensation of piercing the flesh and blood did not come!

Ino's heart trembled: "Why, can't it be pierced?"

She held the kunai with a dragon-like hand, and pushed the kunai inward until the kunai tip broke off. , Did not leave the slightest gap on the surface of the eyeball...

The dragon-like voice sounded: "Do you like the idea of ​​hitting my eyes so much?"

...... The Vajra Body of Ten Times Cultivation Power, even the'eyeball', is impervious to sword and spear! ?

Shikamaru's scalp, feeling numb for a while: "Ino!!! Get out of his body!!!"


Mind Body Switch Jutsu untied, Ino's mind returned, Divine Grade blessing amulet shattered, chakra coat dispelled, Ino's body was released, kneeling weakly...

Dragon pose Both eyes are dull: "In Izanagi's state, it is impossible to use to let the spirit leave the body. This technique has negative characteristics. Therefore, she is not in Izanagi's state now..."

No Well, he wants to kill Ino! !

Shikamaru shouted: "Ino, quickly turn on Izanagi!!!"

But Ino's eyes were lost and his spirit was so dispirited that he couldn't make any response...

The dragon poses ascended into the sky, with a cold expression: "Your methods are not so much'intelligence', it is more appropriate to say'cunning'. By now, I can better appreciate Ahu and Caution, what has been experienced with you , It’s time for you to taste the same bitter fruit..."

Shua! He simply thrown out a black receivers into the ground behind Ino!


The dark chakra ignited from black receivers and turned into an ominous beast with face looks sinister!

Heaven in the sky, Sai rides a flying bird with a super-monster pseudo-painting, swooping down quickly: "Catch me up!!!"


The ominous beast gave a big hand, the birds were scattered into ink, and the Sai difficult situation fell to the ground, and the sound broke and shouted: "No, no!!!"

"ao ……" The ominous beast will Ino's delicate body grabbed it and put it in his mouth, biting mercilessly, pu chi! Split second, flesh and blood fill the mouth.

Hey! Huh! Ghhhhhhhhhhhhh!

battlefield ... plunged into deathly depression and silence.

The bloody wind blew, and the dragon raised his small face, with a dark background: "Desperate?"


From the sky shrouded in a swift shadow, the feathers contained the'shocking fist' of anger, exploding towards the dragon-like head.

"But compared to the pain my righteous brother and sister endured, this can't be considered at all!!!"

Angry, the dragon held the fist and turned back Meet!


Two fists collide, thousands of waves surging, day and night flashing alternately, the waves of the mountain and the sea echo the anger thunder falling from the sky, as if this fragmented country is crying...

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