With the opportunity to transfer the dragon form away, Yu immediately stepped forward and initiated the Wumu Tuo Liu to reverse time.

Madara is resurrected, but the death experience for oneself just now is clearly imprinted in the bottom of my heart, trampling on this man's self-esteem!

He has humiliation and anger in his eyes: "My Madara was on the battlefield, the first dog to leash!"

Hashirama pacified and said, "Madara, this is not your fault. This time the enemy is beyond imagination. Whoever is targeted will all end in the same way!"

"Don't say this kind of coaxing children, Madara is not a person who can't afford to play..." Bear! The Ten-Tails Six Paths robe was rekindled, and Madara stood up with the Truth-Seeking Ball tin rod.

After accepting reality, the anger in Madara's eyes gradually turned into sophisticated.

He is arrogant, but not short-sighted. This man is experienced and is the old fox of battlefield...

"That guy has the absolute power to instantly kill all of us, and he depends on all our attack methods. In the face of this kind of enemy, survival is more than anything else."

Madara turned to look towards Yudao: "Obito, have you used your breaking interpretation?"

Yu said: "I used it once only with the newly created Wumu Tuoliu , because if you don't cut off the cause and effect, it is impossible to go back to your time, Uncle Madara."

"humph." Madara said with a smile : "In other words, there are still very abundant eyes-power, so that's good. Anyone who has Sharingan or Rinnegan, turn on Izanagi for all members!"

Izanagi without Shiki, accompanied by blindness The price, but Yu's extinction and mention can just eliminate the risk of blindness.

In addition, Izanagi without Shigami can be cracked with Yin-Yang-Style, but Yin Yang Release Jutsu requires Nether Sage Mode to activate.

"Information shows that the dragon pose has never been to the underworld, and there is no condition to learn Senjutsu and Yin Yang Release Jutsu. Therefore, although his strength is strong, he has no means to forcefully crack Izanagi..."

"At least, we have more probability to deal with him." Madara concealed her right eye, and her secrets flowed through her fingers: "Whether it is my photo or other means, as long as you stand firm, you can enjoy Go try..."

Re-introduce, Shenzhao, directly obliterate the Dojutsu that the other party has, depending on the goal, the success rate is different!

The lower-level strength, success rate, 100%!

For those with the same strength, the success rate is 51%!

For the upper-level strength, depending on the specific strength gap, the success rate ranges from one in ten thousand to 50%!

The terrifying point of god photos is that no matter how big the difference in strength is, even as different as heaven and earth, there is a guaranteed success rate of'one in 10,000', so it is recognized as being able to Dojutsu who threatened'Ancestral God Founder'!

For thousands of years in Gao Tianyuan, all the big Tsuki members who turned on the "Shen Zhao", without exception, disappeared without a trace, as if they had evaporated!

Then the question comes again. Only Madara has the photo of the gods. Why is there no Awakening god?

The specific conditions of Shikishen Awakening are still an unsolved mystery. Six tomoe Rinnegan is just a hardware basis, and even strength is not a decisive factor...

Someone asked: "All staff Turn on Izanagi...what should I do if there is no Sharingan present?"

"This is easy to do." Yu hand sweeps: "Absolutely, distribute Sharingan to everyone!"


Crash-bang, White Zetsu lurking underground, appeared one after another... Compared to two years ago, their most significant change is that they have a pair of Sharingan in their eye sockets!

This is the credit of Yakushi Kabuto, who provided the genetic blueprint of Uchiha's Binocular Eyes and mass production technology. Based on this, Tono Tensuke developed the production line and realized the mass production of Mangekyo Sharingan.

Nowadays, a pair of Mangekyo Sharingan from Uchiha letters has become the standard equipment of 100,000 White Zetsu in the ninja country. Some White Zetsu has even implanted many Mangekyo in other parts of the body.

After showing up, they took off the extra eyes and handed them to the ninja present.

"This...how do I do it?" The eyeless young ninja couldn't help feeling scared.

White Zetsu posted thought: "It's very simple. Take out your eyes and put your eyes in. Then we will use Medical-Ninjutsu to connect the optic nerve for you. Of course, it will hurt a little, which is inevitable... "

The ninja held his eyeballs and stubbornly shaking ones head: "No, I'm not afraid of pain! But my parents, even if it's a little bit, I don't want to give up!"

The White Zetsu shrugged: "Then give me your eyes, wait until you meet your parents underground, don't complain about our poor hospitality~"

After weighing the ninja, it was a compromise after all:" mother, forgive me..."


He plucked out his eyes...


The curly-haired young man sat quietly on a high place, looking far ahead, There is a T-shaped Truth-Seeking Ball tin rod beside him.

簌......! White Zetsu emerged from the ground behind.

"Thank you, no need to give it to me." He said with a faint smile.

Uchiha Shisui, after taking the rotten chakra fruit of Celestial Grotto, he can make Sharingan on his own, but this Sharingan has limitations. After removing it, it will lose its light. This is better than Kaguya. The inherited Byakugan is not as good.


"This world is still depressed as always..."

Zatou City opened his eyes, the long-lost light did not bring surprise.

Mifune sits beside the former sensei, said solemnly: "I have seen hell, and I know that the world is hell, but as long as the Pure Land is still in people's hearts, there is hope..."


Zatoichi said with a smile: "This is to hold on to this hope. This is the reason why we Samurai made the knife."


"Kakuzu, I Do you still need this thing?" Hidan held his cheeks, gazed the bucketed Sharingan in front of him with uninterestedness.

Kakuzu said solemnly: "You should be cautious, or you will be explodes into waste in a blink of an eye."

Hidan distressed: "The problem is, I don’t have a place for my eyes. Ah, is it possible that, Ketsuryugan is to be taken off!"

Kakuzu glanced at him and suddenly pressed Hidan down.

"Hey, Kakuzu...what are you doing abruptly."

"Don't move!"

Click! Click! Click!

The operation is as fierce as a tiger...

Hidan's eye corners are cut to the back of his head, and the Earth Grudge Fear black line emerges from it, like a streamer, connecting the Sharingan!

Kakuzu wiped the blood on his hands, said solemnly: "You will be there first. If you are not dead, I will help you recover if you are not dead."

Hidan looked in the mirror: "It's not good, maybe this one is pretty handsome..."


Hinata on the other side faced the same troubles. She started on the battle of Jianzhou Country. Tenseigan eyes-power.

Haruno Sakura, who had finished transplanting his eyes, asked: "What's wrong, Hinata?"

Hinata said: "I...I don't know where the transplant should go, if I replace it With a Tenseigan, my strength will be greatly reduced."

"It's easy to handle, leave it to me."

Sakura's two fingers covered with silver light, lifted Hinata's shoulders In his clothes, two fingers wandered repeatedly from Hinata's left shoulder to the edge of his left eye, stopped on the left shoulder, and pinpointed the depression of the shoulder bone. With a little harder on the two fingers, along with the smoke, there appeared a slot where the eyes can be placed!

Hinata couldn’t close her mouth from ear to ear: "This, is this?"

Haruno Sakura said: "The technique of opening the element to pass the valley, opening up a nerve branch and connecting it to the main nerve; Optic nerves can achieve multi-eye transplantation. In the early years of Konoha, certain high levels used similar technology to transplant the whole body into Sharingan and become the hidden Medic Corps Captain. After that, I perfected that technology."

"Great, great..."

After Hinata transplanted Sharingan to his shoulder, he immediately covered it with clothes.


For those who reach the advanced level of Tenseigan eyes-power, the process is much more elegant.

"Goddamn, you are the mainstay of battlefield, come with a few more."

Dozens of Sharingan spin around Mito.

Mito's sleeves are closed, both eyes are claustrophobic, with a faint light covering the body.

——reincarnation method·excellent!

xiu! xiu! xiu!

The Sharingan, flying into that layer of light, disappeared, Sharingan’s eyes-power, absorbed by Tenseigan.

"Okay..." Mito opened his eyes, Uchiha believed in Mangekyo's pattern. In Tenseigan, faintly discernible, Izanagi can be used.

These Sharingan have been cultured on White Zetsu and have been infected with a trace of Hashirama cells, so even those without Hashirama cells can activate Izanagi without any barriers as long as they know the printing method.

Through the mouth of White Zetsu, Izanagi's seal was informed, and soon...all of them participated in the war and Ninja battle, and all received the blessing of Izanagi's power!


The time and space broke open, and the dragon returned to the land of the moon, and the black flame was still crackling and burning on his small body.

Seeing that not only Madara is resurrected, but also Izanagi’s unique aura is everywhere on the earth......

He is smiling and shaking ones head, with some helplessness written on his small face: "Cai Within a few minutes, this group of people played new tricks, so the tenaciousness of human beings is beyond imagination..."


light blue light shone through.

Uchiha Sasuke, turn to be stunned.

——The world of hand power!


The dragon pose was captured to the front: "Oh? It's you again..."

The Izanagi Shikigami mode is released, and Sasuke said: "Kimimaro, do it!"

Behind Sasuke, Kaguya Kimimaro made the seal of the Meridian.

Bear! The power of Fu Dun turned into a Six Paths shirt.


A co-killing ashes emerged from Kimimaro's palm, slammed into Sasuke's back, and protruded from his chest!


The gray bones disintegrated, and lava-like cracks spread from Sasuke's chest...

Forcibly enduring the pain of burning five inner parts, Uchiha Sasuke murderous aura said: " Dragon style, you are very strong, too strong, but unlike Tiger Style, you have only one life. If you use Izanagi with cherish life, you will lose at least one eye. Therefore, this move can let you It hurts vitality!"

He put his right eye into focus suddenly.

——The sky is against the hand!

Ha! Huh! The cracks spreading on Sasuke's body did not stop. Obviously...Tian Nishou's wound replacement effect was not activated!

Sasuke is horrified: "Why, it is like this!?"

"You are right, I have only one life, besides, I cannot use Izanagi this Jutsu, this is Vajra After the Body is'completely repaired ', the only price is it, but..."

The dragon-style talk turned around, with a desperate oppression force.

"Vajra Body's Ten Times Cultivation Power, which has the effect of breaking the evil, including your this move Dojutsu, and the trick of Sakyamuni [Hidan], all of which are invalid for me, of course..."

Long Shi looked back, looking back at the man who was locked in his eyes with his eyes far away and said: "Uchiha Shisui, your'Ayehaji' who has not been favored by Shisui, the same is true!"

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