
The space is shattered, feathers shoot out, the gate of Shock's arrogance is weak, and the black right arm of the Truth-Seeking Ball is attached. The blood vessels are broken due to the impact of the dragon-style fist, but the blood is firmly locked. Live, and thus become the color of hot coal ...

"Heh..." Yu broke out into laughter caused by anger: "The full-open shock escape under my Gate of Shock is no match for his casually one Fist!"

"Everything you have done is in vain!"

Shua! The dragon flashed out, chasing punch!

Yu brace oneself, meet with shock...ka-cha! After another collision, his right arm burst unbearably, and his body flew out like a broken kite.


Dragon pose is chasing once again... a stronger third punch!

Yu didn't dare to ask for a firm received, and immediately turned on the Kamui penetration mode.

xiu... The dragon-style fist crossed Yu's chest, and he said indifferently: "It's Kamui again, really a stubborn, you might as well keep driving Izanagi, oh, I understand, to eliminate the risk of blindness Dojutsu, do you want to use it on your companions as much as possible? Well, it’s just one more step for me..."

Keep the dragon-style right hand overlapped with Yu's body, hold your left hand to the side, ka- cha! Two completely isolated spaces were forcibly opened by dragon-style claws!


But we don’t wait for the dragon-style one step further action. The purple lightning bursts out from the space, blasting the dragon-style body into ten zhang outside...

crackling ~! crackling ~!

Lightning gathers into the majestic silhouette of Maoyue Yangyan: "jié jié, I've been waiting for you for a long time, Xiaolizi, don't want to touch my beloved man again!!"

"Maoyue Yangyan, so that's how it is..." The familiar laughter made the dragon lose his senses for a moment, and then he looked towards the feather behind Yangyan, said solemnly: "You let her advance I am lying in ambush in time and space. When I forcefully break through the space, give me a completely unprepared. Last time Kamui was cracked by me, you immediately came up with this countermeasure. It is really not simple..."

Dragon His eyes are gloomy: "But let your own woman stand in the most dangerous place, Uchiha Yu, you are so tall..."


Dragon cover With golden light's claws, leaning toward Yang Yan's chest like lightning!


Yangyan activates the'Divine Grade blessing amulet' of both ears, and the large chakra robe ignites outside the purple clothed.

"jié jié ~...I bet I can't beat me!"


Sure enough, the dragon-style claws just touched Yang Yan's body , The latter suddenly turned into lightning...

The attack failed, and the dragon style was rarely frowned: "Her Jiamu Yamei clearly does not have the Awakening God, but the elemental body contains Yin-Yang-Style. Can’t even catch the entity’s attack? Think about it...the same is true of Madara Dove’s Limbo. There is no doubt that they have some kind of technique that can restrain Yin-Yang-Style!"


Lightning once again gathers into a figure of yang.

Yu winked at Naruto from a distance.

Naruto knows, and his right eye focuses on the positive face.

——Heaven’s forbearance and farewell!

After Naruto's operation is completed, Yang Yan spreads his arms and embraces the dragon-like body burning with Amaterasu flames... Because Naruto this move Dojutsu can eliminate the harm of friendly forces, so this black Yan, and the subsequent attacks launched by the ninjas, will not affect Yang Yan.

[Someone asked,'Why not define dragon style as friendly forces in Dojutsu, so that the dragon style attack is invalid.' Explain that the definition of friendly forces in'Heaven's forbearance and farewell' depends on Whether the opponent harbors killing-intent and hostility]

"It's time..." Yumian retreated into the Yellow Springs Hiirazaka with no expression.

"jié jié ~!" Yang Yan gave a weird smile, both eyes Mangekyo, full of fierce light!

——Empty escape? Jiamu Yamei? myriad forms thunder prison!

Slap~! The yang figure disperses, and uses itself to surpass the chakra of Six Paths, arousing the phenomenon of air, turning into a thousand zhang thunder hell, filling the massive thunder slurry inside, firmly imprisoning the dragon pose!

The feather that appeared outside the range of the thunder prison immediately put on the'Dark Mitsuyu'.

Dragon's eyes condensed and said: "I remember, you seem to be the soul chaser of the underworld, the running dog of You Tanbo..."

"..." To the dragon's words In vain, Yu Leng Leng extends the hand.

——Great Nether Master!

The vast Power of Netherworld, separated by endless thunder pulp, wrapped in dragon pose.


Yu's both eyes condensed, and the palms were pulled in the air... But the enhanced version of this move cannot pull out the dragon-like soul.

"Ten Times Cultivation Power's Vajra Body, even the soul is inexhaustible...nothing."

Bear! The dark chakra turns into Six Paths Susanoo standing in the sky, with the palm facing the sky!

——Thunder strike!

red lightning comes from the summon of the netherworld. With the power of Netherworld haunting the dragon as the beacon, fiercely strikes on the dragon to kick off the attack!

The tragic death of Ino Yamanaka, the ninjas have already suffocated their anger!

"Ninjas, the enemy is now impossible to move even a little bit, no matter whether it works or not, use your best efforts to attack the thunder sea!!!"

Senju Hashirama screamed, put his hands together, the light shining all over the earth, ten thousand zhang high, in the sky, a god and Buddha with fierce appearance is entrenched, countless burning Buddha fists, carrying the power of earth-shattering, through the thunder prison, towards the dragon pose The tiny body is coming!

——Six Paths? Wood-Style? The heavens care!

"Fight! How happy is life, and how hard is death, I Uchiha Madara only fight is ear!!!"

Uchiha Madara holds a tin stick, her silver hair dances wildly, Six Paths Susanoo covers the body of Ten-Tails, the shadows of East, South, West, and North Limbo, synchronized summoned shadows of Ten-Tails, covered with shadows of Six Paths Susanoo, injects Power of Netherworld into Bijūdama, inlaid with Susanoo's sharp sword Blade, blast out the chaos!

——Six Paths ?Limbo ?wild beast is difficult!

Uzumaki Mito is perfectly compatible with Tenseigan Chakra Mode and Ten-Tails Six Paths mode. Ten-Tails chakra is mimicked into Phoenix form. Between the wings, countless white light feathers blast into the sky!

——Six Paths? The Method of Transformation? Feng Luo Qianyu!

Naruto Ten-Tails is full of power, Sasuke-style Power of God is full, and the strength of the two is improved, so that the'Daitai Master's Seal' and'Jianyu Thunder God' who once staked all on one throw The mallet' has the ability to throw long-range attacks!

The combination of the two has a brand new name.

——Six Paths? The magic of Yin-Yang!


The most experts are leading the rhythm. All the ninjas who participated in the battle, tried their best to launch a joint attack to the dragon style!

Saturation attacks make the Thunder Prison overwhelmed...With the big explosion of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, the atmosphere of several tens of thousands of li in the battlefield disappears completely, and the outer starry sky is covering all at one glance.

Under the protection of Izanagi, the ninjas opened their eyes and gazed the exploded Core Zone with a strong begging look: "Have you succeeded..."

xiu! xiu! xiu ! Shoo!

one after another black glow, shot from the light curtain, settled in the battlefield all around, forming a formation.

Shoo! Then, in this limited area, all ninja underfoot have a black aperture, and then the aperture extends the light beam!

"I can't move..."

"What's going on?"

In the light beam, the ninjas are at a loss.

"Heaven Sealing chess encircle and kill finalization, let's end it like this..."

During the voice, the dragon pose appears as a figure, and the black flame of Amaterasu Shiki is still there. The body burned continuously, but including all the previous attacks of the ninjas, did not cause him any damage.

zi! Ten seconds later, a ninja Izanagi reached the time limit.

"Ah...!!!" Amid the screams, his body was scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

"Could it be said that when the Izanagi duration is over, we will automatically die without him doing it!?"

The atmosphere of horror spread in the battlefield.

Yes, use Treasure Item Heaven Sealing to imprison the actions of the ninjas and delay until the end of the Izanagi duration. This is the countermeasure taken by the dragon!

The dragon turned around, inside the gazed Formation, the only feather that was not imprisoned, said: "You can escape from this Formation, thanks to the peculiar clothes you wear, but This time, no one can stand in front of you..."


The voice fell, and the dragon rushed to Yu Yu.


"That's not necessarily true..." Yu both eyes suddenly opened: "Surprise, often at the next moment!"

xiu! xiu! xiu! Yellow Springs Hirazaka, open to the left and right and in front of the dragon pose.

——Night Guy? Twin Dragons Rise From The Sea!

bang! The blood color mad dragon, carrying a terrifying storm, strikes from its two wings!

"..." The dragon-style hands pushed to the left and right at the same time, casually blocking Twin Dragons Rise From The Sea's flanking attack, from beginning to end, his eyes stared straight ahead without blinking , The man who came from the Yellow Springs Hirazaka.

There was a strange light flashing in the dragon's eyes: "There is such a thing..."

The first time he had such obvious emotional changes after going out to see the moon country... …

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