Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 365 Staggered Road

"After waking up at the sorting ceremony, I was just like you. I gradually integrated into the world curiously and lonely. However, I didn't have a system. My magic talent was good, but not outstanding..." Black Crow looked at him. He said calmly.

"Without the witness system, I had no intention of participating in the original plot, and I couldn't participate. I just studied silently, pursued the mysteries of magic, and watched the development of the plot."

Brian nodded. If there was no system, he would definitely make such a choice.

"I had exactly the same thoughts as you at that time, haha, after all, you are me." Black Crow glanced at Brian indifferently, "It's just that I'm not a real genius, at least Dumbledore never paid attention to it. Passed me. Because of this, my study career has been without any ups and downs."

Brian pondered, and then said: "And the system you gave me made me improve by leaps and bounds, and because of this, I attracted Dumbledore's attention... I have to say that although I don't like Dumbledore's methods very much, he It really guided me in the early stages.”

"Guide the direction?" Black Crow sneered, "Do you really believe in his so-called 'love'?"

"This is not something a time traveler who is familiar with the original novel would say." Brian raised his eyebrows.

"Whether you believe it or not, it does exist... When I reflect and discover it with my heart, I begin to gradually integrate into this world." Brian sighed, "I am very happy to have a few real friends, and A girl who loves me."

"Maybe this is the reason for our differences." Brian looked at the black crow and vaguely felt that this scene was very much like Harry facing Voldemort.

"Friends?" Black Crow murmured, "They are your wings, Brian. Of course I will not give up on them. Love, of course, how could I follow Voldemort's old path? I attach great importance to its power..."

"Draco and the others are also my friends. They were finally willing to follow me to realize their own ambitions. I was not bad to them either, and they finally got everything they wanted!"

"Or are you talking about Hermione and Harry? Don't be kidding, you and them are not the same kind of people at all!" Black Crow tilted his head and looked at Brian, as if looking at something strange, "I also tried I've dealt with Hermione before, haha, I don't understand how you can stand her?"

"She is so similar to our previous life, but she is reckless and arrogant, with arrogance in her bones..."

"In fact, she is much more successful than our previous life." Brian mused. "Looking at her, I can reflect myself, like a mirror that reflects people's hearts. Although sometimes it is a bit troublesome, she is still a very good person. Not a bad friend."

He looked at the black crow and said: "You are rejecting her just because you are unwilling to face the past. That mirror can always nakedly reveal our hidden cowardice..."

"Haha..." Black Crow sneered loudly, "It seems that you have been very brainwashed by Dumbledore's theory. Wake up, reality is not a fairy tale, love can't do everything..."

"Yes, love...I really envy you, Brian. Daphne actually fell in love with you." Black Crow looked at Brian faintly, "My performance in the first grade was not outstanding, and I didn't attract Daphne's attention. .In fact, I didn’t become friends with her until third grade.”

Black Crow's expression looked a little complicated for the first time: "She is really stupid, isn't she? She will never look back if she decides on one thing. She is my most fanatical follower, and later she was rewarded and became the world's leader. One of the most powerful people in the world..."

"But what did you give her? Death?" Black Crow looked at Brian teasingly, "Let me see how fragile the theory you insist on is?"

Brian pursed his lips, feeling a sudden pain in his heart.

"You have no feelings for them, Black Crow." Brian said, "This is not a true friend."

"How could there be no love?" Black Crow moved his steps, "It's just that the love I give to them is less than what they give to me."

"This may not hurt you easily, but it will never be sincere and pure." Brian said softly.

"So what? Paying more will only make you hurt more. Loving others is not as good as loving yourself." Black Crow stared at Brian, as if he wanted to cut his heart open, "You are also obsessed with Luna, right? ? She possesses something that we cannot have in our lifetime, freedom, passion, sensibility, purity and beauty, like a beautiful yet fragile butterfly."

"I poured a lot into her, but what did I get in the end?"

"Luna is not a butterfly, she is a very good girl, a friend worthy of true trust." Brian said seriously.

"Whatever she is?" Black Crow said indifferently, "I am obsessed with her just like you, but unfortunately she never likes me very much. But that doesn't matter, I just need to appreciate her beauty... I work hard to take care of her. She doesn't care that she opposes me, but she is still 'dead', like fragile porcelain..."

"In my opinion, she is not fragile, but very strong." Brian's eyes flashed, looking at the black crow with pity and sigh in his eyes, "Luna is a very keen girl, what do you think? You can’t hide it from her…so she won’t like you.”

"Haha, really? I gave her countless opportunities to choose, but she always chose to stand up against me and confront me." Black Crow's eyes were dark and authentic, "But that's nothing, I am willing to tolerate everything she has. "

"After conquering the wizarding world, I even reserved for her the world she likes in Hogwarts, a paradise that I won't get too involved in, for her and her friends to live in."

"But she is still 'dead'. She no longer looks like her. She has become silent and depressed, with anger and sadness hidden in her eyes. She has become no different from those mediocre guys..."

"A butterfly that has lost its freedom is too fragile, but even if her beauty dies, I am still willing to keep her forever." Black Crow said, "Isn't this love?"

"This is just selfish possessiveness and narrow self-impression." Brian's expression turned cold, "Letting go is the best ending."

"Let go? You are so similar to those guys who stand on the moral high ground now." Black Crow snorted coldly, "If you let go, you can never come back... We made up our minds in the previous life, didn't we? Hold on. Everything, keep climbing up no matter what and never let go.”

"Maybe I have indeed changed," Brian sighed, "but I don't think this change is a bad thing."

The black crow looked at him coldly, with condescending scrutiny and superior indifference.

"I don't want to talk about this topic with you anymore. It's the same as explaining it to those ignorant ordinary people. Both parties are stupid." Black Crow said lightly.

He no longer looked at Brian, but admired the door beside him, stretched out his hand to touch it gently, and continued to talk about his experience.

"I have been pursuing the ultimate in magic all my life, chasing immortality and powerful magic... I tried my best to make myself stronger, but I found that I am not a real genius, at least compared to Dumbledore and Voldemort. Humans are far inferior.”

"To improve yourself, you can only take the wrong path and rely on some opportunities and luck. I watched Voldemort die with a cold eye, and eventually stole three Deathly Hallows and opened Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets."

"I realized the importance of power and money, so after Dumbledore's death, I attracted a large number of followers to promote my own ideas and develop my own power."

"At the same time, I traveled around the world, explored countless secrets, encountered dangers, and had opportunities. I became an outstanding wizard in people's eyes, but I could never reach the power of Dumbledore."

"My power spreads across Europe, and I slowly eroded away the control of the British Ministry of Magic. Even though there are always a group of opponents, such as Luna and Potter, they have no ability to resist. Everything is under my control. under control.”

"So, what is your purpose in controlling the wizarding world?" Brian's eyes flashed.

"People always look for something to spice things up when they are free." Black Crow smiled leisurely, "Since our parents are always dissatisfied in one way or another, and Draco and the others also have such ambitions, why not Just satisfy them.”

"In fact, they are actually easy to convince." Brian sighed.

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