Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 366 The Trap of Death

Black Crow was noncommittal and continued: "It wasn't until middle age that I began to be called by death, and that dream began to appear in my mind from time to time. I began to pursue the secrets of Death and Merlin, looking for ways to transcend death."

"But the Death Rune cannot improve my magic power, so I can only start to study black magic and embark on the dangerous path of magic transformation. I spend more time plundering all useful things, and with a little luck, I finally succeed. The height that Dumbledore and Voldemort were at was the limit of the system. But at that time, I was already in my fifties."

"No one in the world can resist my power, so I covered the entire world with the wings of the black crow." The black crow's eyes were filled with blazing flames, "I ruled the entire wizarding world and launched a campaign against Muggles. A unilateral attack... My followers chanted the Imperius Curse and the Oblivion Curse against the Muggle leaders, and the wizards became the masters of the Muggles."

Brian's expression changed. He looked at the black crow and said slowly: "You know very well that such behavior will only deepen the conflict and hatred. When everything accumulates and becomes difficult to recover, it will only plunge wizards and Muggles into endless chaos. of hatred and war.”

"So what?" The corner of Black Crow's mouth curled up coldly, "I fulfilled my parents' wish and made Draco and the others very satisfied. At least while they are alive and I am around, I can Suppress all those who resist, and the world will always be peaceful."

"When they die... what do other people have to do with me?" Black Crow smiled playfully and strangely, "Only a chaotic world can be interesting and bring us pleasure, right? An unchanging world is simply boring. "

"As for after I die, who cares about the flood?"

Brian looked at the black crow blankly, and he realized that this man looked nothing like himself.

"I don't know, why are you like this?" Brian said in a low voice.

"Haha, this is who we are, Brian. You can never imagine how dark, how evil, how selfish, how despicable you can be." Black Crow opened his arms and said, "The difference between us is that I am more real, And you are even more hypocritical.”

"We're all people who could set the world on fire for pleasure, aren't we?"

"I'm not doing it for pleasure." Brian shook his head. "I'm also trying to minimize the losses. Of course, those who should have been crushed into powder will naturally die a worthy death."

"Look, we are no different. We decide the fate of others with the same ruthlessness. Doesn't that god-like power make you feel happy?"

"No, my purpose is to use war to lead peace, and deciding the fate of those people is not the purpose." Brian sighed, "Maybe I was the same as you at the beginning, thinking that I was destined to embark on a dark road. But I am very glad that I chose to give my feelings to them, so when I was about to fall into darkness, there were so many people guiding and caring for me, so that I would not release the selfishness and despicability in my heart."

As Brian spoke, he was also deeply analyzing his heart, and a relieved smile gradually appeared on his face.

"Probably, that's the magic of 'love'. It's not narrow love, but mutual guidance and change, making each other worthy of relying on."

"It seems that we have more and more differences, Brian." Black Crow looked down at the Elder Wand in his hand and said softly.

"You can go on, what is your purpose?" Brian said, "Cultivation of another self?"

"Of course, that's my purpose." Black Crow smiled strangely.

"Like you, I am called by death like a shadow. It seems that there is no way to continue to improve my magic power." Darkness rolled in the black crow's eyes. "For the rest of my life, I began to wait for the arrival of death..."

"Finally, before death knocks on the door, like you now, and like the God of Death back then, I entered the door with three Deathly Hallows and came to this world."

"You've discovered it, right? The spell in the Deathly Hallows."

Brian nodded and said, "Yes, he came back from the dead."

"Yes, I instantly understood the way to transcend death. As long as I go back and use this spell, I can transcend death like the God of Death and Merlin... I fully expect this to be the case."

Black Crow suddenly sneered and seemed to be gritting his teeth: "But I was still deceived and tricked by the God of Death."

"Oh?" Brian raised his eyebrows.

"You have also experienced that Death's plots and traps are everywhere." Black Crow said.

"I didn't do well in school, so the Death God Sect didn't follow the Death God's prophecy to kill me. Instead, they absorbed me into the Death Disciples and observed me at any time, giving me time to grow. I eventually killed He became the leader of the Death God Sect at that time and gained a group of followers."

"I did not participate in Voldemort's affairs and did not change the plot, so Death could not use Voldemort to design me."

"I thought I was careful enough, but I didn't expect to fall into Death's trap." Black Crow said coldly, "He hid a condition for transcending death from those who came after him."

Brian instantly thought of the system's requirements and said, "Let the magic power break through to legend?"

"Yes, that's it. That spell can only be successful if it is used with legendary magic power." Black Crow said, "I understood everything only after I came here, but it's a pity that it was too late. I failed and I couldn't let myself die. And come back to life.”

"But if the God of Death set such a trap, why didn't Merlin warn him?" Brian frowned.

"Because Merlin doesn't know this condition." The corner of Black Crow's mouth twitched, "Among us, the God of Death, and Merlin, Merlin is the most gifted. He is a true genius. At the same time, because Merlin just traveled through the world, not from another world, and he was far less rejected by the world than we were. In other words, he had much more time to grow than Death and I."

"So, he naturally reached the legendary level before entering the door and successfully transcended death. As for the spell of resurrection from the dead, you can't see the problem without experiencing failure." Black Crow said, "But obviously , I don’t think the God of Death doesn’t know about this, but he has seen countless truths here.”

Brian nodded clearly and said: "It seems that this is Death's last bad joke. So, where did Death and Merlin go?"

"The God of Death has obviously gone to another world, inside one of these countless doors." Black Crow scanned the surroundings, and then looked at the bright glimmer at the end, "Merlin moved forward, into the glimmer, He went to look for the collapsed future. His problem is even more difficult. His missing lover and hometown collapsed with the collapse of that future without any trace, not even a resurrection spell..."

Brian also looked at the attractive glimmer and said softly: "What is that?"

"Who knows? Maybe it's a dream, reality, a wish coming true, nothingness, rebirth, the end of the journey, or another great adventure... If you don't go there, no one knows what it is. ." Black Crow said indifferently.

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