Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 364 Collapse of the Future

The back figure in front of me gradually became clearer, so familiar yet so strange.

When he was about ten meters away from the figure, Brian stopped and stood quietly.

The figure moved, and he turned around slowly, with a faint and distant smile on his face.

"It turns out to be you." Brian said softly, "It turns out to be you..."

The person in front of him was wearing a luxurious robe with a black background and silver edges. He was wearing a shiny silver cloak like Brian. He was holding a wand with a unique shape in his hand and a cracked black gemstone ring on his finger.

His long black hair was tied into a bunch on the back of his head, revealing his soft and handsome cheeks. And this cheek was no different from what Brian saw in the mirror, except that it was thinner, more mature, and colder.

"Should I call you Brian Foley?" The corners of Brian's mouth raised slightly.

The person in front of him looked at Brian up and down with his dark eyes like a dull pool, and raised the corners of his mouth stiffly: "Compared to this name that I haven't used for a long time, I would rather you call me 'Black Crow'." '."

"Hello, first time meeting, Black Crow." Brian said. He looked at the extremely familiar yet unfamiliar "himself" in front of him, and many of the mysteries in his mind had answers.

Two people facing each other look the same, but they are completely different. If a third person sees it, he will never mistake the two people for each other.

Now Brian is gentler and calmer, like a quiet lake under the moonlight, mysterious but gentle. There is a light called hope hidden in his eyes, like the eternal starlight in the darkness.

Brian, or Black Crow, on the opposite side, looked even more indifferent and desolate, like the surface of the frozen sea, with a violent wave brewing under the ice that would submerge everything. The black eyes are dark and playful, like hiding a monster that devours people's hearts.

"I originally thought that your or my soul would be what it was like in the previous life." Brian looked at him.

"The soul is not static. Our time travel may be the reshaping of the soul, or the shuttle of memory, or it can be called a more understandable term, such as reincarnation, but we just carry the memory with us. In the horizon of death Everything is possible," Black Crow said.

"You don't seem surprised to see me. It seems that you have already guessed?" Black Crow's eyes looked at Brian unscrupulously, as if he was looking at a piece of art created by himself.

Brian nodded, shook his head and said, "I have already had some guesses, but I am also full of doubts."

He looked at "himself" in front of him and continued: "I should have traveled to this world when I was born. The morning star, which represents the breaking of the boundary between life and death, shone at that time. It's just that there should be someone in my life." My memory or personality was manipulated when I was born, so that I only woke up during the sorting ceremony."

"The two abilities of Legilimency and Occlumency in the system are the evidence. Use Legilimency to enter the depths of people's thoughts, use Occlumency to seal the original memory and personality, and create a brand new personality, which is when I wake up ‘Brian’ before.”

"Originally, I had been guessing who that person was and why he wanted to give me the system. I even speculated whether it would be the God of Death..." At this point, Brian shook his head, "But there is absolutely no need for the God of Death to do this. , there is no need to cultivate an opponent, who would give power to a stranger for no reason?"

"Later, Merlin's notes gave me a guess." Brian said, "Merlin himself is a traveler through time. He truly returned to the past after death, changed the past, and made the future he had experienced disappear."

"In other words, the past can be changed, which will also cause the future that is supposed to be staged to be aborted. But the aborted future will return to our world in another form, just like the intersection of parallel worlds, It will confuse people’s senses and present this future to countless people in the form of dreams or hallucinations.”

"That's why Merlin's life is full of contradictions and confusion. People remember his great deeds before the establishment of Hogwarts, but they vaguely think that he once studied at Hogwarts... In our previous life, people regarded this kind of The phenomenon is called the Mandela Effect.”

"In recent years, people's memories of me have begun to become confused. Many people dream of deeds I have never done, and dream that I am a black crow that brings darkness and ominousness to the world... This is so similar to Merlin."

"So I gradually understood that I was not only a traveler from another world, but also a product of time travel. I don't know if I went back to the past, or if someone went back to the past and influenced me and changed the trajectory of my life, but As a result, the future in which I would have become the Black Crow died prematurely, and reality moved towards a completely different future."

"You are me in the future, Black Crow." Brian looked at the person in front of him with some confusion.

"Yes, your guess is right." Black Crow showed a perfect smile, but his smile was just a simple muscle pull and did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

"But what I don't understand is why you are here. You should have disappeared with that future, just like Merlin's missing lover." Brian said, "Who changed the past and why did this happen? Do, who gave me the system to connect us..."

"And... why are you like this..." Brian looked at the darkness in Black Crow's eyes. This was a version of himself that had completely entered the darkness.

"Actually, I've been watching you here." Black Crow didn't answer Brian's question. He said with his hands behind his back, "Actually, these questions you asked have already made assumptions in your mind, right?"

Brian was silent for a long time, and then said: "Yes, since you are here and did not collapse with the future, it means... you are the one who did all this."

"It was you who went back to the past, back to before you were born, changed the development trajectory of the future, and made the future you were in disappear."

"You gave me the system and connected me with you, so that I can rely on the 'key' of the witness point to open the doors to treasures, establish a deeper connection with you step by step, and inherit your power. "

Brian looked at Black Crow with burning eyes and said slowly: "But what I don't understand is, why do you do this?"

"At least I can't do such a thing, or in other words, no one with a normal IQ would do this. Travel back to the time when I was born, change my past, kill everything I have experienced with my own hands, and turn myself into A non-existent ghost... This is even more outrageous than traveling back in time and killing yourself."

Black Crow listened with a faint smile on his face, as if he was listening to a story that had nothing to do with him. He clapped his hands gently and said: "It's not that I can't tell you about it. Haha, I've been here for a long time. , it’s always a bit lonely.”

"Actually, as long as you stay here for a longer time, many things will naturally have answers. There are all the secrets and truths hidden here. It depends on whether you can find them."

"Your guess is right, I did everything." Black Crow looked at Brian with that weird and teasing look again, "You exist because of me, I stole this new life for you. s life……"

His body naturally exudes an awe-inspiring majesty, with a sense of taking life and death and teasing all living beings. It was a feeling somewhere between Grindelwald, Voldemort and even Death, which made Brian feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

Black Crow played with the Elder Wand with his pale and thin fingers, as if he was caught in a long memory.

"My time-travel career also started with the sorting ceremony..." He said softly, "This is really interesting. I only understood it later..."

Brian listened carefully.

"I personally destroyed my future, sealed your memories deep in your mind when you were born, and built a blank, cowardly and autistic personality until you entered school..." Black Crow said mockingly. The corner of his mouth curled up, "But what I did actually affected my past. The first time I woke up was also during the sorting ceremony. It was really confusing and interesting..."

"You blocked my memory until I was eleven years old, which also caused your own memory to be blocked when you first traveled through time?" Brian said thoughtfully, "In this way, has the collapsed future really disappeared? "

"Who knows? The magical secrets of time and space. Even if I stay here for a long time, I still can't see what's going on." Black Crow said.

After that, the black crow continued his story.

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