Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 363 The world after death

Brian opened his eyes and found himself standing in a bright white mist.

There was nothingness all around, not like thick fog covering everything, but like the white fog had not yet formed the surrounding scenery.

Brian glanced at his body. Except for the invisibility cloak he was wearing, the Elder Wand in his hand and the Resurrection Stone on his finger, all other clothes had disappeared.

The silver invisibility cloak, which was as bright as running water, now seems to have turned into an ordinary silver cloak, without the invisibility effect.

"Is this the world after death?" Brian looked around. He was the only one here, and the phantom of Daphne who entered the door with him was no longer around.

Focusing his attention deep in his mind, the handwriting formed by the system disappeared for the first time, as if it had never existed.

Looking at everything around him, Brian's eyes moved. He thought of the description in the original book, which seemed to be a place between life and death.

He pursed his lips, maybe knowing what was going to happen next. Here, he might meet the dead person he wants to see, and then go to the distance together.

However, that's not what Brian is after.

He glanced at the three Deathly Hallows on his body again. At this time, they seemed to form a whole, vaguely guiding Brian in the direction, and having the function of breaking through the fog.

Yes, Brian clearly felt that there seemed to be another world hidden behind the fog. Perhaps that was the reality after death. This world shrouded in white mist is just a cover, preventing the dead from seeing the reality, but perhaps for those souls, this is their reality.

Brian tightened the Elder Wand in his hand and did not stay in the white mist. He felt the strange magic power in the three Deathly Hallows and inspired them. The white fog in front of me gradually dissipated, revealing the darkness under the thick fog.

When the fog completely dissipated, Brian found himself standing in a familiar place again.

It's like a long corridor, with endless doors, picture frames or mirrors on both sides, all shrouded in mystery. Other than that, everything was dark, but in this darkness, Brian could clearly see his hands, feet and clothes.

The clothes that had disappeared in the white mist were back on his body. Brian glanced back behind him. There stood a shaky-looking stone arch, with a black curtain above it swaying slightly.

However, this stone arch has been turned upside down, and the ancient patterns on it look different from before. Brian knew that this was the other side of the stone arch. He passed through the stone arch and entered the world of death behind the door.

It can be said that Brian is dead.

"Sure enough, this is what the world of death really looks like." Brian sighed, his voice seemed hollow and insubstantial. This is the world he has seen countless times in his dreams.

It was neither cold nor hot, and there was silence all around, a silence without any sound. The ground looks like a deep black floor, but it also looks like a tranquil water surface, reflecting the human soul.

Brian looked at the doors around him. According to what Death said in his diary, they lead to different worlds. But they're not Brian's goals right now.

He saw that at the end of this corridor, somewhere far away, there was a bright and pure white light, which attracted him like light in the dark night, fire in the ice and snow, or water in the desert, making him like Like a moth to a flame, you want to chase, get close, and blend in.

Brian shook his head, waking up from the attraction. He glanced back at the stone archway and seemed to understand something.

"If I just walk back like this, I will turn into a ghost and return to that world." Brian murmured to himself. However, that's not what he asked for.

"What should we do next? How can we transcend and control death?" Brian thought, looking at the three Deathly Hallows again. This is the only clue.

Under Brian's gaze, the three Deathly Hallows gradually became transparent. In this dark world after death, they reveal their true secrets.

Countless silver runes appeared in the three transparent holy tools, which were death runes. It was these runes that gave the three holy tools strange magical powers. Here, these runes showed their true meaning to Brian. Each rune passed before his eyes, and Brian quickly understood the meaning that the God of Death had not told future generations.

At this time, Brian could say that he had completely mastered the Death Rune and reached the height of Death.

"No wonder Merlin, Death and Mr. Slytherin all said that death hides all the secrets and truths and is the singularity of everything." Brian sighed. The meaning of the death rune just now was not left by the god of death, but what death told him.

"If someone is willing to stay here for countless years, how much secrets and knowledge can he learn?" Brian couldn't help but think. But then he shook his head dumbly. This world was too lonely and dark. If someone stayed here for too long, they would probably go crazy.

He continued to look at the Deathly Hallows themselves, and through the barriers of the silver runes, Brian truly glimpsed their deepest secrets.

A simple golden rune is hidden in the deepest part of the three Deathly Hallows. In this afterlife world, they are put together to form a simple yet complex spell.

"Resurrection from the dead."

"That's it." Brian's eyes lit up, like stars in the dark.

This spell is the real foundation for controlling death. With it, no matter how many times he dies, as long as his soul is immortal, he can come back from death again and again.

Only in this way can we truly call it "transcending death" or "becoming the master of death."

"Why can't it be seen in the living world?" As soon as Brian's question popped up, the answer automatically appeared in his mind. This is the truth reflected in his mind by "death".

"Because resurrection from the dead is not allowed." Brian said dumbly, "So this spell is not allowed to appear in the original world. Only here, the world of death, all singularities, has endless possibilities. place for it to show up.”

"If that's the case, Daphne can also be resurrected." Brian raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a soft and relaxed smile.

"Then...everything will be simple." Brian thought, without looking at the endless corridor and the light at the end. He reached out to the black curtain, wanting to return to the original world and realize the miracle called resurrection from the dead.

But just when Brian's fingers were about to touch the curtain, something suddenly came to his mind. The dissipated system text suddenly emerged, and a profound connection bound Brian's heart like a chain.

Brian's stretched out hand passed through the curtain like a ghost, without touching anything. The stone arch in front of him turned into an untouchable phantom in Brian's eyes, as if it was suddenly far away in the horizon.

"It's the system that's doing something wrong." Brian understood the problem instantly. "This connection... is like a shackle. If I don't solve it, I will never be able to go back!"

His eyes looked deeper into the corridor, where a dark figure seemed to vaguely emerge from the darkness, and everything seemed like he had seen it in a dream.

"The system..." Brian shook his head helplessly, "All gifts from fate have a price secretly marked on them. I should also face the price."

Brian walked towards the location of the figure without fear or complaint. He would not complain about the system. Although Brian knew that using the system to improve his abilities has been accelerating the pace of death to some extent, he was able to reach this point. In this step, the help of the system plays an important role.

However, Brian was cautious enough. He held the Elder Wand tightly in his hand, as if preparing for the final judgment.

Everything seemed to be back in a dream. Brian was walking along the familiar corridor, chasing the unclear shadow in front of him. The surrounding darkness is misty and chaotic, and the space is chaotic. Taking the same step, sometimes it will cover a long distance, and sometimes it will seem like it has not moved at the same place. Time is also chaotic, sometimes moving forward, sometimes standing still, and sometimes seeming to go back to the past.

However, unlike in the dream, the shadow now did not move forward, but stood quietly, as if waiting for him.

The outlines of the shadows became clearer and more familiar.

Brian sighed softly, quickened his pace and chased after him.

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