Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 362 Leaving

Without disturbing anyone, Brian apparated directly to a mountain in the Hogwarts castle. For Brian, whose magic power has reached the legendary level and is one step closer to realizing his dream, Hogwarts can no longer stop his Apparition.

Whether it is the magic of elves or goblins, they are essentially just different ways of using magic. In the end, they all reach the same goal through different paths.

On the top of the hill where Brian is located, a weird house towers against the blue sky, looking like a huge black column with a ghostly moon hanging behind it.

Brian walked to the house and looked at the three hand-painted signs hanging on the door. They read: "The Quibbler" Editor-in-Chief: X. Lovegood; Please pick a bunch of mistletoe yourself; Don't touch it Airship Lee.

Brian pushed open the creaky courtyard door and was surprised to see Luna squatting in the courtyard collecting orange-red radish-like fruits on a bush, with two bunches hanging from her ears.

"Hi, Brian, you finally came as a guest as promised." Luna raised her head when she heard the voice, with pure joy on her face, "Thank you for coming today. If it had been any later, I wouldn't be at home. ."

"Hi, Luna. Where are you going?" Brian walked into the yard.

"I am currently writing for a magazine on magical creatures, and I plan to travel around the world to look for the Scimitar-Horned Snorlax." Luna said with a smile, "I like them, those magical creatures are always so exciting."

"That's great." Brian sighed, "I was really worried that you would work as hard as you did during the war."

"I'm just helping my friends, and I'm also contributing to a peaceful and beautiful world." Luna said vaguely, "Would you like to come in and have a cup of Gordig root tea? I hope you can try the colorful cake I made. Ball fish soup.”

"Okay." Brian smiled and nodded.

He followed the jumping Luna into the door. Inside the door was a standard circular room. Everything was made into an arc. The furniture was painted with flowers, insects and birds in bright primary colors. It looks dazzling.

Luna led Brian up the spiral staircase in the center of the room and entered a room that seemed to be both a living room and a workroom.

Xenophilius Lovegood was writing a manuscript with his head down. Copies of "The Quibbler" came out of the printing press next to him, and the surroundings were in chaos.

"Dad, Brian is here as a guest." Luna said.

"I hope I didn't disturb you, sir," Brian said softly.

"Oh, of course not." Xenophilius looked very enthusiastic. He cleared the table randomly and finally found a round table.

The visit was less embarrassing and more relaxing. Luna and Xenophilius are both people with wild minds. Although it is often difficult to follow their thoughts when talking, as long as they listen with a smile and nod in agreement from time to time, the atmosphere can be kept warm.

Brian also tasted Xenophilius's homemade Gordig root tea. The weird taste made the corners of his mouth twitch, but it was clear that both Luna and her father liked it very much.

Gordigon tea contains almost every flavor that a person can taste, and the mixture together makes it taste terrible, but maybe what Luna and the others like is to taste the various flavors in it. After tasting it with a different mindset, Brian found the taste of Gordig root tea to be quite interesting.

On the contrary, the fish soup made by Luna tastes good. Although it is a bit different from the previous fish soup, it is surprisingly not unpleasant to drink.

After receiving the warm hospitality, Brian and Luna took a walk in the mountains. He returned the colorful conch shell to its owner.

"Thank you for giving it to me. I don't need it now." Brian said.

Luna took the conch shell and said in a dazed tone: "Are you leaving? I feel like you are going somewhere far away."

"Maybe." Brian said softly.

"No matter where you go, I hope you can come back, Brian." Luna's light eyes were filled with mist, "The world you brought here is actually pretty good."

Brian glanced at Luna and looked away with a smile.

"You know, Luna, I'm very lucky to have a friend like you." Brian said, "Not a beautiful and fragile butterfly, but a friend who can truly rely on trust and friendship."

"I'm glad to meet you too, Brian." Luna's voice sounded like she was talking in her sleep. "You are my first friend, and also the most complicated and colorful friend."

"I hope you find what you want, Brian." Luna gave Brian a hug, just like she did many years ago, with the purest care and blessing, without any other complicated emotions.

"Well, I accept your blessing." Brian said with a smile. He waved his hand and walked down the mountain without looking back.

At the end of the journey, Brian slowly returned to Foley Manor. This ancient manor has not changed at all, as if sleeping in a peaceful mountain forest.

Mr. Foley appeared contented, having found his own value in business and glowing with vitality.

Mrs. Foley is still gentle and quiet. The past few years have not left many traces on her body, but they have made him calmer and calmer, and his love for his family has become more mellow.

"Brian, you are finally back. You can stay at home for a little longer this time." Mrs. Foley looked at Brian's cheek, as if she couldn't get enough of it.

"Sorry, Mom, I might have to go on a long journey." Brian said complicatedly, "To a place far away."

"You, I know you are always restless." Mrs. Foley sighed and continued, "Do you need to bring anything? I will prepare it for you..."

"There is nothing to prepare, but I'm afraid it will take a long time to come back this time," Brian said.

"Okay, Betty, Brian is not a child anymore, why are you so anxious?" Mr. Foley said very freely, "He is a hero."

Brian smiled and shook his head, watching the couple bickering. He took out a bright red stone from his pocket and said, "This is for you."

"This is..." Mr. Foley forgot to bring the tea cup to his mouth.

"The Philosopher's Stone, I made it while studying alchemy in the past few years." Brian said.

"Good stuff, tsk tsk." Mr. Foley took it and played with it repeatedly, winking at Brian and saying, "We can make the elixir of life."

Mrs. Foley said: "You can just take it yourself. If you leave it here with us, you might lose it..."

"It doesn't matter, I can refine it again when the time comes." Brian said with a smile.

Brian stayed at home for a few days, enjoying a warm and peaceful life, until that dream appeared in front of his eyes, urging him to return as soon as possible.

Under Mrs. Foley's reluctant gaze, that evening, Brian lifted the loyalty spell from Foley Manor and then gradually moved away.

Looking at Brian's back, she seemed to feel something. Tears fell from the corners of Mrs. Foley's eyes, but she didn't know it.

Mr. Foley held her shoulders and sighed softly.

Brian came to the Ministry of Magic again. He walked among the employees of the Ministry of Magic, but no one paid him any attention.

Following the familiar road, Brian passed the rotunda and opened the door of the Death Hall.

The stone arch representing death still stood quietly, with an eternal tranquility, and the tattered black curtain above gently swayed, as if welcoming Brian's return.

Against the attraction coming from the stone arch, Brian took out three Deathly Hallows, held the Elder Wand in his hand, and put the invisibility cloak on himself.

He took the resurrection stone ring, turned it in his hand three times, and then put it on his index finger. Daphne appeared next to him and said with a gentle smile: "Are you leaving?"

"Yes, instead of passively waiting for death to knock on the door, I might as well take the initiative to find it."

Brian smiled softly and said, "Come with me, okay?"

"Of course, I've been here." Daphne smiled brightly and brightly.

The two of them walked hand in hand towards the stone arch. After stepping onto the high platform where the stone arch was located, Brian suddenly said: "I have always wanted to ask, are you real? Or are you a phantom summoned by the Resurrection Stone?"

"Don't you always know the answer?" Daphne said with a smile.

"Since you said that, it must be false." Brian sighed softly, "But why does the Resurrection Stone only bring illusions?"

Daphne looked at him with a smile.

Brian didn't say anything more. He used the Elder Wand to push aside the black curtain in front of him and stepped in.

The stone arch swallowed up Brian's figure silently, with only the curtain above gently swaying, carrying an everlasting mysterious desolation.

In the sky that Brian couldn't see, a star suddenly burst into dazzling light, hanging above the horizon like a small sun.

"The evening star lights up!" Everyone who saw this scene was talking about it.

"The morning star and the evening star both refer to the same star. It is the brightest star at dawn and dusk. Now we call it Venus." An old man was telling a story to his grandson. "It is said that its shining represents life." The boundary with death is broken..."

Thank you to book friend Inversed for the 500 starting coins, thank you for your support!

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