Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 361 Travel

"The next day, war criminal Alex Wilson and many arrested wizards from the film society will be tried in North America..."

"War hero Mr. Brian Foley announced his retirement and will no longer participate in international political events..."

"The first manned space program involving wizards is about to begin. Magical magic is expected to help overcome various difficulties in the past and break the limitations of science and technology, energy and even materials... The use of portkeys is expected to allow us to travel freely between the earth and space. Space travel will no longer be a dream..."

"The scientific research centers in the UK are fully cooperating with wizards. The combination of science and magic may usher in the fourth technological revolution, and the world will enter an unprecedented fast lane of development."


A month has passed since the decisive battle. After the war, people got up from the blood and fire, wiped away their tears, faced the unknown tomorrow tenaciously, and cherished the peace in front of them extremely. There was close cooperation between wizards and Muggles, and the whole world was thriving.

The bell of the new century has sounded. This winter, after experiencing the test of war, the germ of a new era has sprouted.

Brian was wearing a black cloak with silver trim, walking among high-rise buildings, listening to the news in his ears, smiling and talking to the people around him. To outsiders, he seemed to be holding the hand of someone who didn't exist, talking and laughing with the air next to him.

"I'm obviously a thief who deceived the world, but I'm labeled a hero. It's ironic, isn't it?"

"You're running out of time, Brian," Daphne said softly.

"Yeah, so I want to see the world again." Brian's tone was more relaxed than ever, "It would be nice to take a trip around the world."


Brian began traveling around the world. For a guy who was so powerful that he could almost make his wishes come true, there was almost no place in the world that he couldn't go.

He has climbed the highest mountain in the world, visited the wizard who lived in seclusion there, and also descended into the bottomless sea, where he saw magical creatures that no one has ever discovered.

He once flew to an altitude of 100,000 meters and looked at the earth that was very similar to but completely different from his previous life from another angle. He also returned to his hometown in his previous life, but found no trace of his memory.

He visited magic schools in various places, experienced completely different teaching styles, and was warmly welcomed by people.

He went to the depths of the Black Forest in Albania to explore the remains left by the God of Death. There was nothing left there, only ruins corroded by time.

He met Gilderoy Lockhart, whom he had not seen for a long time, on a resort island in the Mediterranean. This liar professor had a big beard, lived a lazy retirement life, was tanned, and occasionally worked as a local teacher. Guided several times. Brian found that he and this guy had something in common.

He also attended a concert by Andrea Garcia, who is now living the life she wants and singing for the world to hear.

He went to Africa and met Babajide Akinbade and was warmly received. African wizards always like to help Muggles eliminate their illnesses and are loved and respected by people.

He also met a phoenix tribe in the desert, and was driven out by the violent phoenixes...

After traveling around the world, he returned to Europe. On the streets of France, I listened to people talking about familiar names.

"Fleur Delacour's new movie is out, how about going to see it?" said a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old.

"She has no acting skills, she's just a vase..." the girl next to her said sourly.

"You don't know, she has made great progress..." the boy retorted.

Brian smiled, bought a movie ticket, and sat in the back row watching the movie starring Fleur.

"Good acting. I never thought you would choose this path." Brian said to the woman next to him who covered his face tightly.

"You...oh, Brian!" Fleur exclaimed. Realizing that her voice was a little loud, she quickly covered her mouth.

"I really didn't expect you to come here." Her eyes were bright. "In fact, I originally wanted to be a doctor, but then a Muggle talent scout spotted me... I found that I quite like this profession."

"As long as you like it." Brian nodded.

The two of them talked like long-lost friends, talking about the warriors who were together in the past.

"Cecilia gradually came out of the shadows. She stayed in the magic hospital and became a doctor." Fleur said, "Although she is still a little afraid of you..."

Brian nodded. When Little Crouch pretended to be him and recited the Imperius Curse to Cecilia, asking her to kill her friend, this was probably the shadow of this girl's life.

"Belisha became an excellent Auror and made many contributions in the war." Fleur smiled and pinched her long, shining silver hair. "Victor Krum is still world-famous. Quidditch star..."

"Cedric has also joined the Auror team, and he plans to get married to Qiu Zhang." Brian said.

"What an enviable couple." Furong looked vaguely resentful, and she didn't know who she was targeting.

The two people talked softly until the end of the movie. They were like cross lines that briefly intersected, and soon they were separated.

Brian continued his journey and returned to England again.

He went to the Ministry of Magic for a tour. The Ministry of Magic was changing every day. The magically modified machinery and electrical appliances performed their respective functions. In a short period of time, Brian was almost unrecognizable.

But here, Fudge is still busy with pain and happiness, and Percy Weasley is still Fudge's follower. Arthur Weasley became a well-known inventor and renovator. Many of the Muggle products he transformed were full of whimsical ideas and sought after by people.

Hermione joined the Department of Legal Enforcement and was working towards her goal of becoming the Minister of Magic. Harry became an Auror, performed legendary feats in the war, and was still admired and admired by people. Ron also joined the ranks of Aurors. Although he was not as successful as Harry, he was always pursuing it.

Without disturbing anyone, Brian arrived at Diagon Alley. The place was back to bustling, and the shops were crowded with customers, especially the Weasley twins' magical joke shop which was the most popular.

This place has also become a famous attraction for Muggles. Wizards and Muggles mix together, but they seem to be in perfect harmony.

Brian visited Malfoy Manor again and was truly welcomed by Draco. He became a lot more mature. Lucius cleared his identity and seemed a little evasive when facing Brian, his former boss.

"Brace became an explorer and determined to travel around the world." Draco said while looking at the white peacock strolling leisurely in the garden. "He has never let go of Treya Clark. He is really two extremes from his mother. Maybe time will allow him to come out."

"What about you?" Brian smiled peacefully.

"I originally wanted to join the national Quidditch team, but it turns out that I don't have that talent." Draco said, "Now I'm helping to manage the family business so that I can be on my own as soon as possible. After all, my parents have never been willing to agree. It’s about me and Astoria.”

It was obviously difficult for the Malfoys to accept a daughter-in-law with a blood curse, but Draco was surprisingly stubborn in his relationship with Astoria.

"I hope you get what you want."

"That's for sure." Draco raised his chin arrogantly and confidently, becoming a bit like before.

When Brian left, Draco said: "Astoria wants me to tell you that they have never blamed you. They respect Daphne's own choices."

Brian was silent for a while and then said: "I understand."

He left Malfoy Manor and came to Hogsmeade. It's not a weekend for students to go on vacation, so this wizard village is a bit desolate. Muggles have not set foot here, but the wizards here are preparing to open the place to Muggles outside of weekends.

Brian entered the Shrieking Shack, which has been preserved in its original appearance to commemorate the legendary experiences of the three Harry Potters here.

The secret passage into Hogwarts was sealed, but this did not trouble Brian. He easily entered Hogwarts through the secret passage and walked on the familiar campus again.

It was time for the get out of class to end, and the students rushed out of their classrooms and rushed to the classroom where the next class would be held.

The little wizards were chattering, making this ancient castle full of laughter and vitality.

Brian walked around the castle without attracting anyone's attention. He had many memories here. He once again taught Peeves a lesson after a long absence, chatted with Bloody Balor for a while, went to the Room of Requirement to hide something, and accepted the warm hospitality of the house elves in the kitchen.

The silver-scaled snake Ofer, who had disappeared in the Forbidden Forest for a long time, already had several litters of baby snakes and settled in the Forbidden Forest. He was usually taken care of by Hagrid and lived a happy life.

The professors of each course have not changed much. Professor McGonagall’s Transfiguration class still rarely makes the little wizards wail. The little Professor Flitwick always stands on a pile of books, sometimes shaking so much that people are afraid of him. will fall off. Slughorn is still obsessed with holding banquets, Professor Binns' history of magic makes people drowsy, and Trelawney's divination class is still fascinating...

Muggle Studies was renamed Science Research, and Professor Higgins was always popular with the students. Hagrid still teaches the Care of Magical Creatures class. Although he is still obsessed with large magical animals, he always looks more reliable.

Snape was admired by more students. His contribution in defeating the Dark Lord was admirable, and the courage he showed even the little wizards of Gryffindor had nothing to say.

Of course, he was still formidable, and his Defense Against the Dark Arts class was by no means liked by everyone, and even most Gryffindors hated him with a passion.

Brian silently watched everything familiar, and smiled knowingly from time to time. His soul seemed to be cleansed and a thick layer of shackles was taken off.

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