Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 360 Decisive Battle

Ever since the wizards officially announced their integration into the world, the core concept of the Shadow Club - allowing wizards to stand freely in the sun - has lost its persuasiveness, and even the core members of the Shadow Club have begun to waver.

The Shadow Club is in a desperate struggle. Currently, the only loyal members left are the careerists who want to rule the world and the crazy dark wizards. This kind of Shadow Club allows people to unite as never before to fight against the cruel rule of the Shadow Club.

The film club was also divided, and the film club, which had shrouded the world in shadow for many years, began to collapse.

Before the bell rang at the end of the century, the Film Society took the lead in launching a counterattack, and the decisive battle that swept the world began.

In the joint command post jointly held by international wizards and Muggles, everyone had their eyes solemn and determined to prepare for the decisive battle.

The wizard who defected from the Shadow Club brought information about the Shadow Club and also brought back a large part of the manpower, which made the shaky Shadow Club even worse.

"If God wants to destroy people, he must first make them crazy." The representative from Asia said solemnly, "This is Arnold Heinrich's death struggle."

"Mr. Brian Foley, can you really deal with Heinrich?" A North American Muggle representative confirmed uneasily.

Heinrich's existence was a thorn in the hearts of everyone present, and his overly powerful personal force was enough to make all their efforts to deal with it slip away. If he adopted a beheading tactic and Brian couldn't stop him, Heinrich would probably kill everyone present.

"I will try my best. In fact, the outcome of our battle is 50-50." Brian said seriously, "So, you must be prepared for my failure. But no matter what, even if I fail, I will Try to hit him hard."

Many people showed a trace of respect in their eyes, and then frowned anxiously.

"What are you afraid of?" The Russian Muggle representative banged the table, "The worst we can do is die with him! There is nothing that cannot be solved by the force of the explosion. As long as the explosion range is large enough, I don't believe he can escape by apparating away! Anyway, my life is at stake here!"

The North American representative rolled his eyes and moved away from the shaking table, but he nodded in agreement.

At this time, wizards and Muggles gathered together with the same hatred and the atmosphere was extremely united and harmonious.

"Report, Alex Wilson has started taking action, consistent with the information provided by the members of the Original Film Club who have surrendered to us!"

"Very good, just wait until he jumps into our trap!" The North American Muggle representative slammed the table excitedly. He has been disgusted by Wilson in recent years.

"Missile strike en route detected!"

"Launch interceptor missiles and use the Vanishing Curse to launch cannons to intercept. At the same time, activate phantom shields to protect headquarters in various locations and transfer missiles that may escape the network to the sea!"

"Tell the wizards left behind to start using confusion spells to confuse the location of the command post, and stop letting them lock onto us..."

"Report, several national headquarters in South America were breached at the same time!" New emergency information came, "Several ministers of the Ministry of Magic and even senior officials died within them, and the entire Fenia family was killed!"

"This matter is not on our report, damn it! Mobilize personnel to go over and provide support!"

"Report, the leader of the British rebels, Brooke Angel, was arrested. General Anderson died in this battle... Angel's power has been wiped out."

"Report, the dark wizards who attacked the North American Command are being arrested one after another..."

"Report, the Film Club forces attacking the Asia Command have been defeated..."

"Report, supporters have arrived in several fallen countries in South America and will wipe out all attackers!"


As reports come in one after another, this war is moving towards victory. But Heinrich's presence was always a thorn in everyone's side.

There was a loud explosion outside the door, and a familiar figure strode in. The tall and thin figure, the light blond hair is neatly combed, and a pair of silver eyes are like sharp knives, which makes people feel chilly.

The magic power was released unscrupulously, causing everyone to be silent and sweating uncontrollably.

At this time, everyone can truly feel this shocking power.

"Arnold Heinrich, it's time to settle everything." Brian stood up and raised his wand towards him.

"Oh, Brian Foley..." Heinrich raised the corners of his mouth contemptuously.

The fight broke out instantly, and the two men overturned the roof and fought from the ground to the sky. The overflowing magic sparks are as gorgeous as fireworks in the night sky even in the daytime, and the sound of the magic spells colliding is like loud thunder, resounding in everyone's heart.

The sound of fighting also came from outside the command post. The two fighting parties used various weapons modified by magic to fight. At the same time, they also used magic to defend themselves. The ground cracked and turned over, and there were exploding fires everywhere. Magic sculptures were waving. The arms are at the front as shields…

The battle may seem fierce, but in fact everyone is paying attention to the two men fighting in the air. The result of their battle will determine the success or failure of this war.

This was a battle that attracted worldwide attention, and people all over the world watched this battle through real-time broadcast. People are praying, shouting in their hearts, looking forward to victory, and yearning for peace.

Brian was fighting with Heinrich, using magic spells to deflect the attack spells directed at him, counterattacking from time to time, and at the same time squinting at the work in front of him.

The person in front of him was the real Arnold Heinrich. Ever since he fell into Brian's hands, Brian had erased his memory, reshaped his memory and personality step by step, and instilled some knowledge into him. He underwent magical transformation to make him powerful enough.

This is Brian creating an enemy for himself, all for this moment! At this time when everyone is watching, Brian will not think that there are no smart people in the world, so there must be a real Heinrich and a life-and-death battle.

The person in front of him possesses Heinrich's memories and ideas, and also possesses real hostility towards Brian. Even though his reactions and actions to everything were carefully planned by Brian, they were dangerous enough.

"But..." Brian suddenly smiled at him, "It's time." What he was waiting for was the time when the good intentions and malice of the whole world would come together.

Brian narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the surge of emotional power. That is the sustenance, expectation and hope that people all over the world place on him. On the other side, there are people's emotions, hatred and aversion towards Heinrich...

Two emotions, one hot and one cold, gathered around Brian. They were obviously invisible things, but they were clearly felt at this moment.

"Success or failure depends on this one move." Brian mobilized his magic power and emotions, letting the emotions of hatred begin to surge and burn.

If the burning of emotional power can enhance magic power, then at this time, Brian used the endless emotions of hatred as firewood, using such flames to burn those softer positive emotions, and used them to promote the rapid increase of magic power.

This is also Brian's biggest purpose besides promoting the integration of wizards and Muggles.

Brian's eyes grew brighter as his emotional power burned. Surrounded by the invisible wind, he was gently held up in the sky, and his magic power began to rise endlessly.

The magic power continued to increase, and soon passed the end of the Grandmaster level, climbing to unprecedented heights, and was still climbing.

The silver eyes of Heinrich across from him suddenly shrank. He cast various spells at the current Brian, but they all dissipated into nothingness in the invisible wind and could not hit Brian at all.

When the surging magic power stabilized, Brian felt stronger than ever before. This level of magic power is the stage that Death God and Merlin are at, the qualitative change that has completely surpassed the master level, and can be called a legend!

As the emotional power surrounding him burned away, Brian's eyes moved, as if he felt another power surrounding him, which was tougher and purer, but also gentler and sadder.

Brian smiled with a complicated expression. He looked at Heinrich in front of him, sighed softly and said: "It's over. I borrowed your name and identity, and made you immortal, but everything will eventually come to an end. when."

Instead of using a wand, he raised his left hand and gently wiped it in the air, as if brushing away dust. At this moment, he truly felt the magic of "all your wishes come true".

Heinrich fell from the sky like a bird with broken wings, his eyes filled with disbelief, then a flash of realization flashed, and finally he fell heavily to the ground.

"Arnold Heinrich is dead!"

The people cheered, and their enemies lowered their weapons and raised their hands.

"We won!"

Thanks to book friend Tian Tian for the 1,500 starting coins that he gave to me before. Thank you~

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