Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 359 The End of the Film Club

Brian sat at the desk with one hand on his forehead, as if taking a short break from work.

Seeing the familiar darkness in front of him, Brian ignored the door hanging beside him. He looked at the back of the figure close at hand and seemed to say something in his mouth.

He opened his eyes and tapped his fingers on the table with a very calm expression. Now, facing the increasingly approaching call, he does not feel afraid, but instead has an unspeakable expectation.

Brian knew that his time was running out. But before that, he had to accomplish one thing.

Complete the system's requirements and let the magic power break through the boundaries.

In fact, over the years, he has completed experiments in converting emotional power into magic, and is just waiting for the final battle to begin.

Brian shook his head and looked at the three Deathly Hallows aside. The research on the Death Rune has become proficient, but the secret of the holy weapon is always shrouded in a layer of mystery.

He already understood how to make the three Deathly Hallows. In fact, as long as he studied the Death Runes skillfully, they could be easily copied.

But the holy weapon is not that simple. In the deepest part of the runes, there seems to be a hidden secret that cannot be clearly seen. That should be the secret that allows the owner of the holy weapon to transcend death.

But just like what Death said in his diary, only Death himself knows the true meaning of the runes of Death. No matter how others study it, they all know it but don't know why, and they will never reach the height of Death.

And this gap is the chasm between whether one can control death.

Tapping his fingers on the table, Brian fell into deep thought.

"As long as you understand the secrets of the three Deathly Hallows, you can become the master of death..." He said softly, "The three Holy Artifacts each have their own abilities, and they are all key links, but they are missing a crucial The core...that is probably the secret hidden deep inside, and maybe I won’t understand it until I truly embrace death.”

His eyes slanted to the side, where a familiar figure seemed to have been watching him quietly, waiting for him to go to the world of death.

The corners of Brian's mouth raised slightly, and his expression looked a little confused.

"It's time." He put the resurrection stone ring on his finger and murmured to himself.

"Christopher, call everyone!" he shouted.

The spacious conference room was already filled with figures wearing black robes. They sat on the chairs, facing the huge film club logo in front of them and the huge world map next to them.

The map is densely marked with red and green dots. They are constantly moving and changing every moment.

Brian walked up to the front podium, looked at the gathering of film club members, and showed a faint smile.

"I'm glad to see you all here to welcome the final end of the film club."

"I'm glad that everyone remembers the original intention of the establishment of the film club. Our purpose is to promote the development of the world between darkness and light. We are the pioneers in the light and the guardians in the darkness. Everything is for a better world. , war is the sharp knife in our hands."

"The world we have worked together to create may not be enough to satisfy anyone, but I think everyone likes it enough."

"Where the future will go depends on how you want to describe it."

"Then, the film club should also withdraw from the stage of history."

The people listening in the conference room were silent, their eyes flashing brightly under their hoods, some were pleased, some were relaxed, some were reluctant, and some were even more admiring.

Brian walked to the world map and explained the current situation in a eloquent manner.

"Since the wizarding world was fully opened, wizards and Muggles have launched in-depth cooperation, putting our manpower in the Muggle world at a comprehensive disadvantage."

"Under our steady withdrawal, the forces in many areas have been dispersed and even wiped out, and the decision-making power of the remaining forces has been handed over to you."

"Next, it's time for the Shadow Club's 'death struggle'. We must take this opportunity to annihilate the restless elements within the Shadow Club, wizards and Muggles in one fell swoop, and test the results of the new world."

"Next, there will be the largest purge. Everyone must complete their respective purge goals!"

"Currently, among the peripheral members of the Shadow Club, there are only the dark wizards whose hearts have been corrupted by ambition, desire and black magic, and a few extreme die-hards. They are the targets we want to eliminate. Those who are still secretly supporting us now Power is also our goal.”

"The extremists among wizards and the haters among Muggles are our purging targets."

Next, Brian made the final deployment in detail, and everyone seriously accepted their final orders.

"I hope that all members will make good use of the peripheral members in your hands and let them exert their final value."

"From now on, you will be completely separated from your identity in the darkness. You will become heroes in the sun!"

"The remaining people, you should have accepted the invitation of the Ministry of Magic... Now, it is time to betray the Shadow Club! The only enemy of the Shadow Club is ourselves. You will bring the sharp blade that pierces the heart of the Shadow Club to the world to eliminate it. The dawn of war!”

"Everyone, from now on, we will be separated from each other. There will be a time to gather and disperse, so please take care."

Everyone stood up and bowed deeply to Brian.

Brian also bowed slightly gracefully, like an actor taking a final bow after an opera.

As everyone gradually left, the conference room became empty. Brian stood on the stage with a calm expression.

"You just let the film club end like this?" Daphne's hazy figure appeared in front of him, speaking in a voice that only Brian could hear.

"Yes," Brian said softly, "when all unstable factors are eliminated, we will become the biggest cancer."

"The last enemy is yourself."

Daphne tilted her head and said, "Did they all agree? Are they willing to give up everything they have and their overwhelming power and influence, just for this ultimate dream?"

"How is that possible? We are all adults, and talking only about ideals is the biggest joke." Brian smiled and shook his head, "In fact, as members of the film club, walking between black and white, they are the most People who understand the development trend of all situations. This period of time is enough for each of them to use the power in their hands to gain unimaginable huge benefits."

"This is the core of the cohesion of the Film Club. Everything is just profit." Brian said indifferently, "That's why they can let go of the power of the Film Club. It is an easy choice to give up part of it or lose everything."

"Of course, people are greedy, and there will always be people who are unwilling to give up any benefits they get. For this reason, no matter how smart people are, they will become ignorant and short-sighted. And I have already remembered those people in my mind. I just need to clean them up. Just a few more additions to the list.”

Daphne nodded in understanding and continued: "After this time, will the world usher in true peace?"

"How is that possible?" Brian raised his eyebrows.

"Then..." Daphne looked at him blankly.

"The world has never been at peace, has it?" Brian said. "Wars have always existed. Even I can't make all wars disappear."

He raised his head and looked at the gorgeous chandelier on the top: "What I do is to find a better way for wizards and create a world that is good enough at this stage."

"Wizards and Muggles have merged and gradually become inseparable. Each wizard can obtain his due status and be respected by people through his own magic. This is good enough." Brian said, "Between the two Now that the two have merged, no one is indispensable. This will become the cornerstone of society. My goal has been achieved."

"As for the future, there will always be various forms of conflicts and wars. Struggles between high-level officials will never stop, and wars between countries will also exist, but that is none of my business... The integration of wizards and Muggles The foundation is unshakable.”

"As for the possible future struggle between Muggles and wizards, they already have the ability to deal with Muggles' various weapons, and Muggles also have basic defenses against wizards. It is impossible for a large-scale war to break out. As for I can’t control what happens in the future.”

"Then what do you think the future situation will be?" Daphne blinked.

Brian pondered for a moment and said: "Long-term confrontation, mutual restraint, mutual compromise, and convergence will eventually form a new regime in which Muggles and wizards jointly run the country."

"But that will be a long, long time later."

"That kind of world wouldn't be bad." Daphne murmured.

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