Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 353 The destined ending

The storm was beating the ground mercilessly. The three of them, Harry, were struggling to walk on the slippery ground. Hermione was dragging the shiny silver invisibility cloak behind her. Ron was holding the Sorting Hat in one hand and Gryffin in the other. Many swords.

"Where should we go?" Hermione asked.

"To be honest, I don't know." Harry said after being silent for a while.

"Are we going to take a trip to the Forbidden Forest in a heavy rain? Come on..." Ron sneezed.

"Okay, let's go back to the castle first..." Harry said.

"That's a great idea, Harry." Ron shrugged, casually slashing the surrounding bushes with his sword, trying hard to use it more while he was holding it.

They used magic spells to determine the direction, and then walked towards the castle.

The three people walked for a while, and a figure blocked their way.

"Brian?" Hermione asked. Her voice instantly drifted into the storm.

Brian stood in front of them, holding a wand in one hand. The strong wind blew his black hair and robes wildly, and his pale cheeks were expressionless, like an evil vampire in the deep mountains and forests.

"Brian?" Harry shouted as well, involuntarily tightening his grip on the wand in his hand. He felt that something was wrong with Brian in front of him, something very wrong. He was not the elegant, gentle and mysterious person he usually was. Instead, he seemed to be suppressing endless darkness and anger, so cold that it made people feel chilled.

"Voldemort is over there..." Brian raised his hand and pointed in a direction, "Beat me, and you will be qualified to find him."

Harry glanced in the direction Brian was pointing, and then said, "What's wrong with you?"

"Is the snake dead?" Brian didn't answer.

"Dead, killed by Ron." Harry frowned.

"Very well, come on, fight me." Brian raised the wand in his hand.

"You know, the Elder Wand..." Harry said.

"Beat me, and it's yours." Brian said calmly.

"But..." Harry wanted to say something else. Brian waved his wand hard, and Harry was knocked away and hit a tree hard.

"Brian!" Hermione screamed, "What are you doing?"

Ron threw the Sorting Hat into the muddy water, tightened his grip on the sword, and took out his wand with the other hand and pointed it at Brian.

"I said, beat me." Brian raised the corners of his mouth coldly, as if trying to force a smile. He waved his wand again, and Ron followed in Harry's footsteps.

"I don't know what happened to you...but you shouldn't vent your anger on us!" Hermione stared at him and said sternly.

She opened her arms and said to Brian: "If you think you should point your wand at us, then hit me, hit me here!"

Brian looked at her silently, a glimmer of light finally flashed in his dark eyes.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry got up and read to Brian.

The wand in Brian's hand moved, but he did not choose to resist. The disarming spell hit him, and the wand flew out of his hand and landed on the slippery grass.

"The Elder Wand is only on loan to you temporarily." Brian said, opened his right palm, and the wand that flew out returned to his hand with a "whoosh".

He took a deep look at the three people, turned around and disappeared deep into the jungle.

"What happened? Something's not right with him." Even Ron, who was least familiar with Brian, noticed something unusual. He grabbed his waist and climbed up, picked up the sword, then picked up the Sorting Hat, which was soaked in mud and water and turned khaki, and shook it.

"I don't know..." Harry said, "It's time for me to go find Voldemort. The final battle will follow."

"It's not you, it's us." Ron grinned.

Brian slowly walked away, holding something like an earphone in his left hand and putting it to his ear, listening to the sounds coming from inside.

Voldemort's voice came to him without missing a beat, and he heard it.

"Fairy King Bernulik," he murmured. He knew that Daphne's failure to escape with the Apparition Pendant must have something to do with the Goblin King.

Brian looked far into the depths of the Forbidden Forest, as if he could penetrate the barriers of the trees and see everything that happened there.

The Brian who surrendered himself to the trap was Brian's own masterpiece.

Based on the Death Eater Rookwood who fell into his hands, he used the thought manipulation technique composed of Legilimency and Occlumency to inject a brand new personality into him... He thought he was Brian Foley, and owned him. part of memory. Then he was given Polyjuice Potion, creating this tool to deal with Voldemort's trap.

If a person's appearance is Brian, his memory is Brian, and he thinks he is Brian in his heart, then he will be Brian himself in the magic test.

Therefore, the name shown on the Marauder's Map is Brian, and Voldemort and the goblins' detection magic cannot see that he is fake. And that "Brian" had already carried a bomb that could blow up a three-hundred-meter-radius area in a pocket with an infinite expansion spell. According to Brian's experiment, if he was caught off guard, he would not die or be disabled in such an explosion.

"Combining Voldemort's escape ability and the goblins' special magic methods, they have a high probability of surviving." Brian took out a remote control and pressed it hard, "But this is better..."

Fire like the sun bloomed deep in the jungle, lighting up half of the night sky. The loud bang made people's ears buzz.

The ground shook, the surrounding trees tilted outwards and fell, and the heavy rain in the sky was instantly shaken away. As the fire disappeared, thick black smoke obscured the sky, and heavy rain poured down again.

"What happened?" Harry and the three of them blocked the howling wind with their hands, staring blankly and horrified at the fire exploding in front of them.

"The sun is falling..." Ron's mouth opened wide, "Is this the Muggle nuclear bomb?"

"Nuclear bombs are much more powerful than this..." Hermione said and fell silent. She was deeply aware that the magical world was different. It was undergoing a modern transformation. If she could not keep up with this transformation, she would only be left far behind by the times.


As the fire disappeared and black smoke rose, a black figure swept out from the explosion area. His robe was in tatters and he had terrible black wounds on his body.

The strangeness in "Brian" made Voldemort take precautions in advance, and he narrowly escaped. In fact, if Apparition hadn't been banned here at Hogwarts, he wouldn't have been hurt at all.

"Tom Riddle!" Harry rushed over with his wand, "It's time to end everything!"

Voldemort looked at him in shock and some fear, his red eyes widened, and hissing sound came from his mouth.

He moved, the wounds on his body being washed away by the heavy rain. Facing this enemy that he could not kill, Voldemort had the urge to escape.

"Tell me, Potter, who acted as a shield for you and saved your life?" Voldemort's body tensed, like a snake preparing to attack.

"No one, Dumbledore arranged everything tonight. You can't kill me, Tom Riddle." Harry said.

"Severus Snape, he really betrayed me." Voldemort said softly.

"No, he was never yours." Harry said, "Although I don't want to admit this, and I don't know why...but I am willing to believe Dumbledore's words."

"Haha, Dumbledore..." Voldemort laughed loudly, "The person I killed?"

"You are wrong. That was the way he chose to die." Harry said, "His plan has been going on. Snape and Brian are both looking for ways to defeat you..."

Voldemort's hand holding the wand trembled, and he let out a crazy laugh: "So what? I can kill your mother, I can kill Severus Snape, and tonight I even kill If Daphne Greengrass dies, Brian Foley will probably go crazy..."

Harry's eyes flickered, and he understood the reason for Brian's strange behavior. Hermione and Ron looked at each other and put a fist to their lips.

"Dumbledore failed! He prevented me from getting the Elder Wand, but I have become the real master of the Elder Wand." Voldemort's red eyes stared at Harry, "I know that you are the master of the Elder Wand, but I I have defeated you..."

"No, in fact, I just became the master of the Elder Wand." Harry looked at him strangely, "Brian just gave it to me."

Voldemort's red eyes stared at him tremblingly, and he let out a high-pitched scream: "Avada Kedavra!"

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted at the same time.

There was a bang, like another cannonball exploding, and golden flames exploded where their spells collided. The death curse bounced back to Voldemort, and the wand in his hand flew high, and Harry jumped up and caught it in his hand.

Voldemort stumbled back, slumping to the ground with his arms outstretched. The slender pupils turned upward, and the snake face was blank and empty.

As the predicted outcome was, Voldemort died.

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