Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 352: Falling into a trap

Brian, who was transforming into a starry sky and flying through the rain, suddenly stopped and stumbled onto the muddy ground.

He looked towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest with a pale face, his heart throbbing with pain.

He felt the spell he had cast on Daphne dissipate, which clearly told him that Daphne was dead.

Brian's figure stood upright in the torrential rain, and huge raindrops pitter-pattered on him, making it difficult for him to breathe.

He wiped his face, his hands were wet with rainwater, but there were no tears.

Human life is so fragile, and the girl who had been waiting for him tenderly suddenly disappeared from this world.

Brian thought he could see through all this. He had seen too many deaths. But at this time, he felt that his heart was empty, as if a large piece had been dug out, and the cold wind was blowing, as if even his soul was about to be frozen.

It turned out that Daphne had quietly occupied such an important position in his heart.

Brian took a deep breath, raised his head and faced the cloud-covered sky, letting the heavy rain hit his face.

After a long time, he slowly turned around, pursed his lips tightly, and leaned against a tree trunk as if without any strength to prevent himself from collapsing.

The badge in his pocket was burning hot, and the Aurors in Hogwarts were trying to contact him, but Brian had no intention of paying attention. He closed his eyes and listened to the continuous explosion of thunder, like a dead sculpture.

Slowly opening his eyes, Brian's expression became cold and hollow, and he murmured indifferently: "Then, let's continue with the plan."


Voldemort roared angrily, and strings of green sparks came out of the wand in his hand. Green flames burned the surrounding vegetation, and even the howling wind and pouring rain could not extinguish them.

"Who can tell me who cast that spell?"

Voldemort glared angrily, looking at the group of trembling servants in front of him. The magic was released unscrupulously, and the terrifying power made the raindrops in the air seem to freeze.

The Death Eaters knelt on the muddy ground, begging their masters for forgiveness.

"What else can you accomplish?" Voldemort's voice was as light as a snake's hiss, but it drowned out the sound of the storm, "You are all a bunch of useless trash! What use do I have of you?"

"No, Master... let us take the punishment and serve, and we can attack his family..." Rodolphus sobbed.

"You are very skilled in using the crushing spell, Rodolphus." Voldemort said coldly.

"Master... I didn't mean to do it!" Rodolphus defended hoarsely, his voice full of horror, "She bumped into it herself!"

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"

Voldemort waved his wand, and Rodolphus rolled on the ground wailing. Mud and water splashed everywhere, causing the people kneeling around him to tremble and lower themselves.

After a long time, Rodolphus could no longer scream. He collapsed on the ground dying, breathing hard.

Voldemort looked at him coldly, wishing to kill him directly. His plan was ruined by this incompetent idiot. It will be difficult for him to find such opportunities in the future...

Just as he was about to raise his wand, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

A bottle of magic potion flew towards them from a distance, and then exploded in mid-air, making the area within a radius of dozens of meters around them heavy and oppressive, and even the power of magic was suppressed a lot.

Voldemort shook off the Marauder's Map in his hand and looked at it, his expression becoming ecstatic.

He saw a small dot marked "Brian Foley" not far from them on the map, hiding in the dense woods.

"Brian Foley." Voldemort looked at the woods, a cold and urgent smile appeared on the corner of his lipless mouth.

No one spoke, and the curses came over mercilessly one by one. The whooshing curses carried powerful destructive power and the smell of death. The Death Eaters, whose bodies and magic powers were suppressed, were unable to react in time and were hit by explosion curses, crushing curses or life-killing curses. In an instant, several people screamed or lost their lives directly.

Voldemort ignored the life and death of his servant. He dodged the spell and raised his wand high, shooting a white spark into the air.

Silver lightning suddenly lit up in the woods, illuminating the surrounding area. After the dazzling light, a silver metal pillar was erected there.

Immediately afterwards, identical metal pillars flew out from the surrounding hundreds of square meters of soil, as if attracted by a magnet, and gathered towards the original pillar like arrows flying in the sky. They crisscrossed to form a covering. A large box covering more than ten square meters trapped a figure inside like a prison.

"How reckless, Brian Foley." Voldemort looked at the trapped man proudly. The figure raised his head, and it looked like Brian. At this time, he was frowning and trying to destroy the surrounding pillars.

"You rushed over for a woman without thinking, and you acted like a reckless Gryffindor... Do you think you can win with such a trick?" Voldemort looked around with contempt at the demons around him. The suppressive circle created by the medicine circle waved the wand playfully, constantly consuming the surrounding suppressive force.

Brian, who was trapped, did not speak, but only used magic spells to attack the surrounding pillars. The metal pillar hummed and trembled, bouncing all the spells back. Then Brian tried to get out through the gap in the pillar, but was blocked by the invisible silver light.

"Is this what you rely on?" Brian, who had tried various methods, seemed to have given up. He fell back to the ground and looked at Voldemort indifferently.

"That's right, the prison specially created for you, isn't it good?" Voldemort said with pride in his tone.

"The goblin's creation..." Brian glanced around, "You found a goblin ally? Let him come out."

Voldemort glanced to the side, and saw a short figure walking out of the woods on the other side. He was wearing a gorgeous golden robe, a crown made of gold and colored gems on his head, long hands and feet, and a big round head. There is a pointed white beard on his head and chin, and his bright black eyes show shrewdness.

Behind him were several goblins who seemed to be his bodyguards.

"Goblin King Bernulik." Brian said calmly, "Do you want to cooperate with Voldemort?"

Bernulik said in a hoarse and slow voice: "The Dark Lord found me and revealed your identity. Whether it is you or Heinrich... you are embezzling our wealth, plundering everything we have, and trying to We will step down hard... We will not sit still and wait for death."

"So what you've done these days is just to paralyze me." Brian nodded, and then looked at him coldly, "What I want to know is, was it you who came up with this series of plans tonight?"

"It's not me, it's the Dark Lord's idea." The Goblin King looked at Voldemort and moved further away with a vigilant expression, "I just provided this prison... The Silver Prison is one of the treasures of our goblins. one."

Bernulik looked proudly at the prison where Brian was trapped: "As long as you bury these silver pillars within a certain range in advance, you can control the space within this range to a certain extent... What's even better is that , when an enemy steps into this range, we can control them to gather at a specific location to form a prison that prohibits transformation."

"So you planted them in this area a few days ago..." Brian in the prison nodded, "But do you think you can trap me in this way?"

"No one can escape, you are dead tonight." Bernulik said, "The goblin's creation is indestructible."

"There is no such thing as indestructible, it's just that the power to destroy it is insufficient." Brian said contemptuously. He glanced around and said, "Where is Daphne?"

Voldemort played with the wand in his hand and said coldly and loudly: "She is dead."

"What? Dead?" Brian's face in prison became uncertain, sometimes sad, sometimes confused, and sometimes filled with hatred. He held his head, his expression becoming ferocious as he struggled.

"Something's not right?" the Goblin King said to Voldemort hastily.

Voldemort's two slit-like nostrils opened slightly. He raised the wand in his hand and pointed it at Brian.

Brian in the prison had a strange look on his face. He waved the wand in his hand and shot an invisible spell... The metal pillar buzzed without any change.

"It can't be destroyed... Why can't it be destroyed?" He chanted the spell like crazy, but it had no effect.

He looked at the wand raised by Voldemort, and his pupils shrank to the size of a needle tip, as if another person had awakened in his eyes. He trembled and said: "Master? How can I..."

Voldemort's expression changed, and he began to retreat crazily.

A fierce light bloomed on the people in the prison, like a sun falling to the ground. The fierce fire engulfed everything within hundreds of meters around it. The fire light shot up into the sky, as if it was trying to drive away the dark clouds above!

The huge explosion sounded like the sky was falling and the ground was shaking.

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