Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 354 The End

Brian walked in the forest following some kind of induction and stood silently at a certain location.

In the direction of the explosion, a short figure appeared in embarrassment. There were several large burnt holes in his gorgeous robe, revealing the bright silver armor underneath. His pointed beard became burnt black, and the crown on his head was tilted to the side.

He growled angrily, because the Silver Prison was destroyed, and the guards he brought with him were also killed in the explosion.

"Fairy King Bernulik." Brian said coldly.

"What?" The Goblin King almost jumped up in fright. He looked at Brian in front of him and screamed, "You should be dead!"

"It's just a substitute." Brian's eyes were as sharp as knives, "So, have you decided how you want to die?"

Bernulik made a gesture with his long fingers and was about to apparate away. In fact, he did not suffer any damage in the explosion. Although the Apparition imprisonment at Hogwarts will have a certain impact on him, it is not completely incapable of use, so his strength is quite well preserved.

Brian sneered and waved his wand quickly, interrupting Bernulik's spell-casting gesture.

"You don't have to kill me!" Bernulik shouted, "Once I die, the goblins will only start another rebellion!"

"Just right, they can be used for surgery." Brian said coldly, "I don't mind killing them all."

Bernulik's heart sank, and he rolled his eyes slyly: "Only when I am alive can I bring you greater benefits, you know. I can agree and implement your decision, and you have proved yours." strength……"

"You shouldn't kill her." Brian's expression did not waver.

"She? I didn't kill that wizard girl..." Bernulik defended palely.

Brian raised his wand, his black eyes seemed to be burning with raging flames, trying to burn everything to ashes.

Bernulik sighed, understanding that he couldn't be kind today. He pulled off his gorgeous robe, revealing his shiny silver armor. The armor spread, covering his head and hands.

The crown on his head lit up with colorful lights, and when combined with the armor, it looked very gorgeous.

Bernulik's face was covered with a silver-white mask, revealing only a pair of shrewd black eyes, protected by colorful light. A gorgeous sword also appeared in his hand, with the gems on it shining.

"Very good, this will make the fight more enjoyable." Brian raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a smile that sent chills all over.

He waved his wand, and a spell hit the armor. The beam turned and hit in another direction, but Bernoulis was not harmed at all. He made magic gestures with one hand and rushed over with a sword in the other, trying to close the distance.

Brian just waved his wand again, and Bernulik hit the invisible wall. Although he broke through the obstacle, he staggered twice.

Brian's left hand pressed down hard, and Bernulik's waist bent down, as if he was under an invisible pressure.

"So you are so weak." Brian said softly.

Bernulik screamed, and the sword in his hand flew out, turning into a silver-white electric light and stabbing Brian.

Brian's figure jumped upwards, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and appeared beside Bernulik. The sword rushed into the forest and pierced several thick tree trunks one after another.

Brian waved the wand from top to bottom in a wide range, and Bernulik spun crookedly for several times like a top, but the protective light on his body quickly stabilized his pace and was no longer affected by this magic. The influence of the curse.

There was a feeling like a light on the back, and Brian disappeared again. The flying sword appeared behind Brian at some point and stabbed it silently. Brian narrowly escaped from it. of raids.

The Goblin King sighed, stretched out his hand to hold the sword that flew back, pointed with his slender fingers, and silver ropes popped out from around Brian's feet and bound towards him. At the same time, an attack like a silver sword light also flew towards him.

Brian just waved his wand from left to right, and all the ropes broke into bright silver dust, melting and disappearing in the heavy rain. Those sword lights also shattered in the air without causing any damage.

This was a one-sided battle. The Goblin King Bernulik could only rely on the tough armor cast by the goblins to protect himself from harm, but he could not escape or hide, and could only be beaten on one side.

Brian seemed to have the mentality of a cat playing with a mouse, with a cruel joke on his lips.

After going back and forth several times, Brian lost interest. He looked at the panting Bernulik and said indifferently: "It seems that you have no other means? Then please die."

Without listening to what Bernulik was saying, the purple fire phoenix flew out from the tip of the wand and engulfed Bernulik in one go as he screamed.

Brian touched the ground, and a blue light envelope enveloped Bernulik, prohibiting all the ability to apparate.

Bernulik could only scream in the fierce fire. The exquisite armor forged by the goblin protected him from the harm of the curse, but the high temperature of the flame burned the armor and the surrounding air, heating everything around it, causing Unimaginable pain.

He desperately tried to use magic, but was interrupted by Brian. His screams in the fierce fire gradually became hoarse, then turned into low moans, and finally lost all sound.

The armor melted in the flames, and Bernulik lost his life, turning into a ball of charred black ash, which was washed away by the rain and blended into the soil.

Brian stood silently for a moment, then walked in the other direction and saw the three Harrys hugging each other, as well as Voldemort's pale and cold body.

"It's time you give it back to me." Brian said softly.

Harry opened his mouth hesitantly, and then spread out the hand holding the Elder Wand without any hesitation. After experiencing death once, he saw away many things and no longer had much obsession with the Deathly Hallows.

Brian waved his wand, and the Elder Wand flew out of Harry's hand and landed in Brian's hand, with bright sparks emitting from the tip. At this moment, it changed its owner again and returned to Brian's hands.

"I need to borrow your invisibility cloak," Brian continued.

"Of course, I can lend it to you." Harry took the invisibility cloak from Hermione's hand, with a look of reluctance in his eyes, "I hope you will remember to return it to me after you use it... I still want to continue using it as a pawn." Here’s the family heirloom.”

"If I can come back, of course I will return it to you." Brian took the invisibility cloak.

He put away the invisibility cloak and waved to Voldemort's body, and a black bag flew into his hand. He put away the bag, turned and walked towards the deep pit at the center of the explosion.

"Brian...take care." Hermione frowned and said in a worried tone.

"The future will always get better, mate," Ron muttered.

"I know." Brian said and disappeared deep into the jungle.

He walked in the crater caused by the explosion. The surrounding vegetation and soil were overturned, and the surrounding area was scorched and slippery.

The heavy rain was still falling, and the rain seemed to be trying hard to fill the deep hole. Perhaps in the near future, this place will become a lake with beautiful scenery, but now it is scorched and lifeless, like a wound on the earth.

Brian walked to the center, and the rain had already filled a thin layer. He waved his hand, and a high slope of earth formed in the pit.

Brian sat on a hillside in the storm.

A figure in black robes came over from the other side and said in a deep voice: "I'm sorry, I couldn't take her out."

Before the explosion started, Snape narrowly escaped by using the apparation items that Brian had given him in advance as a precaution to escape.

"It's not necessary." Brian's eyes moved numbly.

Snape was silent for a moment, then slowly told what happened.

Brian closed his eyes tightly and remained silent for a long time, making it unclear whether he was listening or not.

"She wanted to avoid dragging you down and not being used as a weapon against you..." Snape said, looking indescribably sad, "so she abandoned the path that might have saved her life and chose to face death."

"That's pretty stupid." Brian closed his eyes, his tone calm.

"She just loves you," Snape said.

Brian then opened his eyes, his eyes empty and indifferent. He said in a hoarse voice:

"I don't like Daphne."

The two of them stood and sat together for a long time in the gradually stopping rain, until the sound of bustling people came.

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