Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 349 Showdown in the shed

Harry lay quietly on the floor, listening to the footsteps of Voldemort and Snape fading away.

Wormtail stood in a corner not far away, breathing rapidly, feeling lucky to have escaped.

The big snake Nagini swam next to Harry, hissing and almost licking his face. It opened its fishy mouth and exposed its fangs at him.

Harry knew he couldn't wait any longer. He tensed his muscles and jumped up from the ground before Nagini could bite him. He reached into his pocket and took out his wand.

Snape did not take away his wand, giving him the ability to resist at this time.

Wormtail's watery little eyes stared blankly at Harry, his mouth wide open, and for a moment he was so surprised that he seemed to turn into a statue. Then he took a few steps back with a bang, his expression filled with indescribable fear and panic.

Seeing a killed man jump up from the ground with his own eyes, Wormtail, who was already timid, became panicked for a moment.

This gave Harry a chance. He stretched out his hand to adjust the glasses hanging on his ears and shouted: "Armor for protection!"

Nagini bared her fangs towards Harry, assumed an offensive stance, and then rushed towards him with lightning speed. The sharp fangs pierced the protection of the iron armor spell, and the huge snake body rushed towards Harry. Hit it.

Harry rolled to the side in embarrassment, chanting the crushing spell at Nagini, but the smooth scales on the snake bounced around and almost hit his own head.

"No, it's a Horcrux. Ordinary spells have no effect." Harry anxiously thought about his escape, but found that many protective spells had been cast on the house. The only exit was the tunnel from which he came, but the tunnel entrance seemed It was also blocked by the wall of Yingying light.

Obviously, Voldemort put a lot of effort into protecting his last Horcrux.

At this time, Wormtail finally woke up. He held the wand with his powerful silver arm and pointed it at Harry.

"You want to kill me?" Harry said in a hoarse voice, trying to buy himself time. "After betraying and killing his best friend, you want to kill their son without hesitation?"

The wand in Wormtail's hand shook and almost flew out of his hand. There was a bit of surprise and fear in his small eyes, as if he was shocked by his momentary impulse of kindness. He shook his head violently, his expression became ferocious, and there was a fierce light in his little eyes.

Harry took advantage of this moment to roll again to avoid Nagini's attack. At the same time, he also tried to apparate, but found that apparation was prohibited here, just like Hogwarts.

The sound of swishing curses was getting closer and closer, and Harry only had time to tilt his head. Wormtail's curses flew past his ears, and warm blood slid down his neck into his collar.

Harry recited another Iron Armor Curse, but it was instantly broken by Nagini's tail swing. He had no choice but to continue rolling on the ground a few times to avoid subsequent attacks.

He got up and backed away, only to realize that he had been blocked in a corner by a man and a snake. The situation was extremely dangerous.

Hermione and Ron walked quickly through the tunnel. Ron took the sorting hat that Hermione gave him and put it on his head without any explanation.

"What are you doing?" Hermione gasped.

"The Sorting Hat can summon the Sword of Gryffindor. This must be the purpose of Foley giving it to us, right? Only the sword can destroy Horcruxes." Ron said, "Harry has done this before, let me try it... …”

"Then what did you feel?" Hermione said. She tried her best to talk to Ron, lest she be swallowed up by the desperate and dark silence of the tunnel and the terrifying speculations in her mind.

"I just hear this old hat chattering in my head, scolding Foley." Ron said.

"Almost there!" Hermione looked at the light curtain in front of her and cautiously slowed down.

"What is that?" Ron pressed the hat on his head and looked at the light wall blocking the exit.

"It should be a protective spell. Let me see if I can break it..." Hermione pointed her wand at the light wall and muttered a spell.

"Harry's inside! He's still alive!" Ron looked at the battle in the room through the light wall, and saw Harry avoiding Nagini's attack in embarrassment. He said with excitement and relief, "Hurry up, he's holding on Can’t stand it anymore!”

"I can't break it! It must have been blessed by Voldemort..." Hermione's eyes were so anxious that her eyes were red.

"Harry is in danger!" Ron saw Harry being forced into a corner, Wormtail raised his wand, and the big snake took an attack stance.

Ron used magic spells to blast the entrance of the cave regardless, but the light curtain only showed a trace of ripples. In desperation, he bumped his shoulder. At this time, he only had the will to save his friend.

A heavy object hit the top of his head, interrupting his movement and almost knocking him unconscious. He put aside the Sorting Hat crookedly and pulled out a shining sword from it.


Ron grabbed the sword with both hands and struck hard at the light wall in front of him. The light wall trembled and opened a crack. He raised the sword high and struck it down hard again, and the light wall shattered like glass.

Hermione pointed her wand at Wormtail's back and said, "Collapse!"

Wormtail noticed the breaking of the light curtain early, and threw himself to the left before the spell hit him, avoiding the spell.

Ron had already rushed in with his sword, followed closely by Hermione.

Harry looked at his friend who was rushing towards him. Huge joy filled his heart, like sunshine, injecting hope and courage into his desperate heart. He was no longer alone.

"Look out!" Ron yelled. He threw the sword in his hand at the big snake that was rushing towards Harry. The shining sword turned into a ray of silver light and shot towards Nagini like an arrow from the string.

The big snake sensed the danger. It stopped attacking, swung its head wildly to avoid the sword, and cautiously stepped aside to wait for an opportunity. Its cold snake eyes like Voldemort were searching for flaws.

Hermione faced Wormtail, and fierce spells flew out from the two people's wands, causing a burning sensation in the air.

Harry grabbed the sword stuck in the wall and shouted to Ron: "Go help Hermione, leave this to me!"

The big snake stood up, as if it knew that this sword could threaten its life, and began to circle around Harry cautiously. Ron joined Hermione's side and fought with her against Wormtail.

Not long after, Nagini swung her tail and hit Harry. Harry raised the sword in his hand, but the expected impact was not received.

The very smart snake retracted its tail halfway and bit Ron who was not far away from it.

"Ron, be careful!" Harry shouted, and thankfully saw Hermione fly up and kick Ron on the side, kicking him to the side and narrowly dodging Nagini's attack. But the distracted Hermione was completely at a disadvantage by Wormtail, and was in danger for a while.

Harry rushed towards Nagini with his sword, but the snake quickly swam away and jumped to the other side to look at Hermione eagerly.

Ron got up and cast a spell on the big snake. The spells flew around so that everyone had to be careful to protect themselves.

Hermione got a chance to breathe and faced Wormtail again. Harry and Ron exchanged glances and nodded tacitly, although Harry didn't know what Ron understood.

Seeing Ron pointing his wand at Wormtail, Harry continued to pounce on Nagini.

Under Nagini's flexible and quick attacks, Harry was in danger. The sharp fangs and powerful snake body made him fend off in a panic.

Ron on the other side stumbled and hit the wall, then slid down softly, seemingly without the strength to get up again.

Harry held the sword to threaten Nagini at all times, preventing her from attacking others. But with the passage of physical strength, the sword in Harry's hand became heavier and heavier. With a flick of Nagini's tail, the sword flew out of Harry's hand and slid to Ron's side with a clanking sound.

Nagini showed her fangs and struck Harry with a long-prepared blow.

"Armor for protection!" Harry only had time to recite the Iron Armor Charm to himself.

The big snake bit through the iron armor spell, and at the same time, thick black smoke came out of its body, turning into countless black mist snakes and pounced on Harry.

"Ha!" A flash of silver light flashed across, Ron jumped up with the sword in both hands, and chopped off Nagini's head. The snake's head spun and flew high, shining in the dim firelight.

All the black mist disappeared instantly. Harry moved his body, which had become sluggish and cold under the attack of the black mist, grinned at Ron and said, "The cooperation is perfect."

Ron also grinned and looked towards Hermione.

Nagini's sudden defeat left Wormtail shocked and panicked, fear engulfing his soul. His master asked him to protect Nagini, but he failed to do it...

"Expelliarmus!" Hermione seized the opportunity and knocked away Wormtail's wand.

"No...don't kill me..." Wormtail said tremblingly. Then his eyes widened in horror, and the silver hand moved inexorably toward his throat.

The tools Voldemort had given him ruthlessly attacked their disarmed, cowardly master. The three Harrys were unable to stop them, and watched helplessly as Wormtail was strangled to death by Silverhand.

The three people looked at each other and sat down on the ground a little exhausted.

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