Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 348 Heavy rain is coming

Harry felt himself lying on the cold floor again, and the damp and corrupt breath penetrated his nose, making him want to sneeze.

"Go and confirm, that boy... is he dead?" Voldemort's voice came over, sounding sharp and frightened.

Harry heard Snape's footsteps approaching him, and he held his breath involuntarily. Although Dumbledore said he could trust Snape, Harry instinctively resisted.

You know, Snape gave his bundle of flowers as a gift to Voldemort, just tied with a few ribbons and bows...

Harry felt Snape's fingers probing his nose, and then pressed his chest with a slight trembling, and then said: "He is dead."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, and then he realized that his heart had stopped beating for some time. Maybe it started when he woke up, or maybe it was earlier, when Snape poured him the potion.

The cold potion seemed to freeze his body and seal his heartbeat, but he was immersed in hatred and anger and didn't notice it at that time.

Immediately afterwards, Voldemort said loudly, "Get out of the way" and wanted to come over to check. Harry almost wanted to jump up from the ground immediately, but his reason told him that this would not work... He held his breath anxiously, but found that he did not feel suffocated after not breathing for a long time.

Voldemort checked Harry's heartbeat, then knocked Harry's body into the air again and again, and then fell hard to the ground. It took almost all of Harry's willpower to make his body look limp and lifeless.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort's voice sounded, making Harry breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Master, what are we going to do next?" Snape's voice came in a low voice.

"Of course we have to deal with another enemy." Voldemort paced excitedly and sneered, "I think Wormtail will be here soon."

Harry simply kept holding his breath, opened his eyes slightly and listened intently to the conversation between the two people.

Voldemort took out something from his pocket that looked very familiar to Harry.

"This is..." Snape's expression moved, looking a little surprised.

"I think you know this, the Marauder's Map." Voldemort rubbed the parchment, looked at the dots on the map, looked at the students gathered in the lounges of various colleges, the professors searching inside and outside the castle, and the people who came to support. Auror.

"Wormtail told me about this interesting gadget and volunteered to steal it." Voldemort looked at the map thoughtfully, "Next, he will bring us more chips."

"Then we can rely on it to ambush Brian Foley..." Snape said in a low voice.

"No, in fact, Foley has a similar thing." Voldemort said calmly, "So it's not that useful to me, but it's better than nothing."

"Next, let's wait for the good news from Wormtail." Voldemort said.

Not long after, a small voice came. A bald mouse scurried in along the tunnel, slowly grew in size in the house, and finally turned into a short man.

"How are you doing, Wormtail?" Voldemort asked.

"Master..." Wormtail said in a sharp voice, with fear in his voice, "I brought this badge to contact Foley... The girl escaped. She has the ability to phantom move within Hogwarts. Shape thing!"

"I don't want to know how you failed, Wormtail." Voldemort's voice was extremely cold, "You are so incompetent that you can't even catch a girl who has not graduated... What should I do with you?"

"I have made other preparations, Master!" Wormtail shouted in fear, "I will definitely be able to bring the girl there by then!"

"Very good, I'm waiting for your good news, Wormtail." Voldemort's voice softened a lot, "Give me the badge."

"It's almost time, our allies should be waiting in a hurry." Voldemort looked at the badge in his hand, and then glanced at Harry on the ground, "Nagini wants to eat, and there is ready food here... just in time to dispose of the body. "

Voldemort glanced at Snape, who was silent, and then at Wormtail's silver hand. As long as he had this hand, he was not afraid that Wormtail would betray him.

He said softly: "Wormtail, stay here and take care of Nagini. Severus, you have to follow me."

Snape knew that Voldemort seemed to doubt his loyalty, so he nodded without hesitation and followed Voldemort into the tunnel from whence he came.

Hermione and Ron slipped out of the castle smoothly without meeting anyone along the way.

They followed the guidance of the Deluminator, hid under the invisibility cloak and trotted towards the Forbidden Forest. The wind howled so hard that they had to use both hands to hold on to the invisibility cloak to prevent it from blowing away.

"Why does this road look so familiar?" Ron looked at the surrounding woods that were tilted by the strong wind.

"The Whomping Willow is ahead, and there is a secret passage there. I really hope it's not inside the Shrieking Shack..." Hermione frowned and said.

They saw the Whomping Willow from a distance, and Ron turned pale and said, "I can feel the Deluminator guiding me to go inside. The mysterious man is probably inside."

"We can't waste any time. Harry is definitely in danger now." Hermione took out her wand.

"No, I think the two of us can't beat the mysterious man alone, right?" Ron licked his dry lips, "So you can stay..."

"Don't even think about it, I think I can be of much greater use than you are," Hermione interrupted.

"Listen to me, Hermione, we need someone to go to the professors for help. We can't put all our eggs in the same basket." Ron whispered.

"Then I'll go down too!" Hermione said firmly.

"No, since Dumbledore gave me the Deluminator instead of you, it means that I can definitely play a greater role." Ron did not give in this time.

The two people were arguing quietly as they kept approaching the whomping willow. At this time, Ron's face suddenly turned pale. He took Hermione's arm and rushed behind a tree, covering her mouth.

A rustling sound came from the hole under the Whomping Willow, and then two figures came out of the tree hole. Voldemort held the wand in one hand and a familiar old piece of parchment in the other hand, looking down slightly. Snape followed him like a giant bat.

The two people did not stay nearby, but walked directly towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest, and their figures gradually disappeared.

After a while, Hermione and Ron looked at each other with pale faces, and then cautiously moved towards the Whomping Willow.

"You have no reason to tell me to leave now, do you?" Hermione bit her lip and said uneasily.

"Hmm..." Ron responded dully, his face as white as a layer of white dust.

Both of them realized that since Voldemort came out of there, did that mean that Harry had...

They didn't dare to think about it, they just silently got into the tree hole and rushed along the tunnel to the Shrieking Shack.

Brian looked at the dozen or so Aurors in front of him, the manpower assigned to Brian by Fudge. Tonight's events are obviously not suitable for members of the film club to participate.

He instructed methodically: "A large number of dementors and inferi are gathering, and you need to help the professor resist the invasion."

"The remaining people are divided into four teams to guard the students in Hogwarts and don't let anyone enter or leave the castle."

"I have already arranged things in the Forbidden Forest. No matter what happens tonight, don't go there."

"If there is an emergency, you can use this to contact me." He gave the Aurors several specially made contact badges.

The Aurors received the order and left, leaving Brian looking out the window with an indifferent expression at the dark night where the rainstorm was approaching.

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