Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 350 Caught off guard

"Luckily you're here." Harry said with a smile.

After a hard battle, Harry felt that his whole body was sore and weak, with pain everywhere, but his heart felt relaxed and happy.

"Man, you just realized you can't do it without us, right?" Ron grinned and covered his cheek with a cut, and said in a relaxed tone.

"Yeah, I can't do anything without you." Harry said softly.

"Were you really kidnapped by Professor Snape?" Hermione asked.

"It was him, but he did it on Dumbledore's orders," Harry said, causing both Hermione and Ron to widen their eyes in disbelief.

"What?" Hermione said.

"It's not over yet." Harry stood up despite the pain in his bones and said, "After tonight, I will explain everything to you."

"Okay, what else are you going to do tonight?" Ron stood up and picked up Gryffindor's sword, turning it over and over fondly.

"That depends on what Brian thinks..." Harry was silent for a while and said, "Maybe I have to go find Voldemort. This is what I have to do..."

"Don't even think about leaving us, Harry," Hermione said.

"That's right, you can't do anything without us." Ron grinned, the wounds on his face making his smile look a little funny.

"...Of course," Harry said after a moment of silence, "I need you."

There was a roar of thunder, and the sound of rain fell outside the house. The heavy rain that had been brewing for a long time finally arrived.

The three people looked at each other and walked together towards the way they came.

In the Slytherin common room, after the head count, everything seemed chaotic.

Someone was talking and speculating about the situation outside, such as Heinrich coming in, Voldemort coming back, or Muggles coming in with guns and cannons...

"I think Hogwarts is really unbearable. There are chaos every year... We can't risk our lives to stay here." A senior student loudly expressed his dissatisfaction and got a large crowd. the response to.

"But where is the safe place now?" Someone retorted, "At least Hogwarts is under the care of Brian Foley. He is from our Slytherin house and is more powerful than the Dark Lord!"

Daphne sat nearby and listened to everyone's discussion, her blue eyes like clear sea water. She wrung her fingers nervously, waiting anxiously for Slughorn to finish everything.

Students passed by her one after another, talking enthusiastically. Astoria and Draco were whispering to each other, Blaise was drawing something on the parchment as if no one was watching, and Pansy, who was controlled by Daphne, was gathering with her friends to talk normally.

"Daphne, don't worry too much." Her girlfriend Peggy, who was in the same dormitory, sat next to her and comforted her, "It will be fine."

"I'm fine." Daphne shook her head and said absentmindedly.

"Looking at your face, you don't look like you're okay." Peggy said worriedly, "Are you worried about your Brian?"

"No." A blush appeared on Daphne's pale cheeks.

"Since you said so, it must be the case." Peggy nodded, "Don't worry, he is very powerful."

"But I always feel uneasy tonight." Daphne stared blankly at the giant squid passing by outside the window, "I feel like I'm going to implicate Brian..."

"Why do you say that?" Peggy raised her eyebrows.

"I lost something very important, which may lead him into a trap." Daphne said, "Maybe I will lose him forever."

"It seems to have happened before. In the future, he turned into a dark crow and flew away. I missed him forever..." Daphne said with a blurry look in her eyes, "No matter how hard I chase, I can't catch him."

"Why do you think so?"

"I saw him in a dream. In the dream, he was much more mature and had black wings... In the dream, I was very far away from him, far away in the horizon. I had never been close to him. I was so close but could never reach him. , he makes me scared and obsessed with..." Daphne's tone was uneasy, and she unconsciously said something she had never told anyone before, "I'm afraid that everything in the dream will reappear. It was too cold. ."

"Are you crazy, Daphne?" Peggy looked at her and said.

"No, I always feel that everything in the dream is the future that is about to happen, or the past that has already happened." Daphne said, "Obviously it is so contradictory, but it is so real."

"But I think, as long as Brian can be safe tonight, even if that future comes back..." she said softly.

"Don't think too much, Daphne." Peggy patted Daphne on the shoulder, "Would you like some water?"

She handed a water glass into Daphne's hand.

"Thank you, Peggy." Daphne lowered her head and looked at the water glass, but her expression changed.

There is no water in the water glass, it is empty.

"You..." Daphne suddenly wanted to let go, but lost the chance.

The cup stuck to her hand and carried her flying into the swirling colors and howling wind.

When she opened her eyes again, she found that she was already in the fierce wind and pouring rain.

The water glass is a door key, and Peggy is obviously controlled.

The cup in her hand fell to the ground and broke into several pieces. Daphne took out her wand and squeezed the pendant around her neck with her other hand.

"Look, our lovely little girl is here to visit." A hoarse voice with a pinched throat came along the strong wind, and then disappeared in the crackling rain.

Daphne raised her wand and looked over. A black-haired woman came out from behind the tree trunk with a arrogant and arrogant smile on her face.

"Bellatrix Lestrange." Daphne's heart sank.

Around her, figures came out one after another, surrounding her in the middle.

In the common room, Daphne's sudden disappearance caused the people around her to panic and start shouting.

"Daphne!" Astoria stood up in a hurry, her face turning pale. Draco hurriedly held her waist, looking back and forth uneasily.

"What did you do?" Blaise Shabini grabbed Peggy's collar and stared at her fiercely.

Peggy smiled sarcastically at him and raised her chin proudly.

"What? What happened?" Slughorn squeezed over with difficulty.

"Daphne was teleported away!" Brace gritted his teeth and said, "It's a door key. It must be her fault!"

"How...how could it be possible?" Slughorn panicked. He looked at Peggy with an expression of disbelief.

"Where did you take her?" Blaise shook Peggy's collar.

"Who knows?" Peggy said contemptuously.

But in the blink of an eye, her expression became confused, and then she said in a daze: "What happened?"

"No, something is wrong with her!" Slughorn asked Blaise to let go of his hand.

Peggy looked confusedly at the people around her who were staring at her as if they were monsters, and then her expression turned frightened.

"Someone has taken over me!" she screamed. "A man, a mouse turned into a man, and he cast the Imperius Curse on me!"

She sobbed and said: "He gave me that water glass and asked me to deliver it to Daphne at a specific time..."

Slughorn took a few steps back, clutching his heart, and then said, "Where did that cup take her?"

"I don't know..." Peggy shook her head desperately.

Slughorn calmed down after experiencing the shock, called on the prefects to calm the students' emotions, and said loudly: "You stay here, I have to tell the others! That girl will be fine!"

He said and hurried out of the common room, his chubby figure disappearing behind the stone wall.

Astoria sat down on the chair with a pale face, her face glowing with blue-gray color. Draco held her cold hand and comforted her: "Don't worry, she will be fine. Brian will definitely make her okay."

Astoria nodded, burying her face in his arms and crying.

Blaise leaned against the stone wall with a dull expression, looking a little depressed. Theodore sighed and leaned his back against the wall next to him.

"Hopefully the storm will pass soon," he said.

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