Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 341 The night of confinement

When the sun sets slowly below the horizon, the sky seems to be covered with a black velvet curtain, and the sparse stars are like dazzling gems, adding a touch of luxury to the night.

The tall castle of Hogwarts stands on the edge of the cliff, looking like a black giant watching alone.

In the Gryffindor common room, the bright lights illuminate the surroundings very warmly.

Hermione was looking through the relic left to her by Dumbledore, the somewhat worn-out "The Tales of Beedle the Bard", her brows furrowed tightly, as if she was stumped by some complicated question.

Ron was opening and closing the Deluminator left to him by Dumbledore, causing the surrounding fire to flicker.

"Ron, if you are really bored and think this is fun, please go aside and play." Hermione was interrupted by the sudden light extinguishing and said angrily.

"Oh, maybe this is what Dumbledore wants to convey to me, so that I won't be too bored in my free time." Ron had a look of realization on his face. He shrugged and flicked the Deluminator open, letting the person inside The light flew back to its original place like a bird released from its cage, illuminating the surroundings brightly again.

"Perhaps Dumbledore will find it interesting. The mystery story..." Ron lay lazily on the table. "Maybe we are just overthinking it. Dumbledore just wants to share a few interesting gadgets with us. ."

"Maybe, but Gryffindor's sword is definitely not a gadget for playing with, right?" Harry said with his chin in one hand, looking a little confused.

After Dumbledore passed away, Harry originally thought he would live a life of escape, struggling to find and destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes, and find a way to kill Voldemort... However, he thought too much, and his life this year was the same as usual. There was no difference, it was even much calmer than before, and even Voldemort had disappeared.

Overnight, Voldemort seemed to have become a thing of the past, and the Dark Lord that people talked about more became Heinrich. It seemed that Voldemort was no longer on the stage in a short period of time.

But such silence always made Harry feel creepy, as if Voldemort was hiding in the middle of the night, always looking for an opportunity to jump out and give him a fatal blow. To be honest, this kind of waiting makes people feel even more uncomfortable.

Life at Hogwarts went on as usual, except for the changes in Muggle Studies classes, of course. Although Harry didn't feel that he needed to take this class, he was happy that, facing many classmates who made a fuss about Muggle things, he experienced the sense of accomplishment of becoming a top student for the first time.

Likewise, Snape had his usual bad attitude. Every time he was in class, he wanted to stick his huge hooked nose in his face to find his faults and try every possible means to deduct points from him.

In today's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Harry was punished and put in solitary confinement because he couldn't stand Snape's attitude of admiring and admiring the dark arts.

Harry felt his stomach churn at the thought of going to Snape's office for confinement soon. The memory of where he had learned Occlumency had almost become a psychological shadow, and he was repelled from the bottom of his heart by that dark and gloomy office.

At this time, Hermione turned the story book to a page, then wrote and drew in her notebook, and said, "Actually, I have researched something recently."

"What?" Harry looked at her excitedly. Ron also cast his gaze over.

"Look at this mark," Hermione said, pointing to an inconspicuous triangular mark on the page of "The Tale of Three Brothers." "In fact, I looked through related books in the library and got some information..."

"Grindelwald once used it as his mark, but it is actually much older than Grindelwald... it represents the Deathly Hallows." Hermione bit her lip in confusion. In fact, she was reluctant to believe something so outrageous.

"Three rewards given by the God of Death to the three brothers?" said Ron, who was very familiar with this story.

"Yes, I found the relevant description in the library, and then I talked with Luna..." Hermione said, "She obviously knew more details... The vertical line represents the Elder Wand, and the circle represents the Resurrection Stone. , and the triangle represents the invisibility cloak.”

"Have you asked Luna? Do you believe this is not what she saw in her dream?" Ron said in surprise, "Come on, she also said that my Deluminator is a thing that summons bubble slugs. According to her idea , maybe that bubble slug still has Dumbledore's head..."

Hermione glared at Ron, and then told the information she had found over the past few months, including the bloody inheritance of the Elder Wand in history.

Harry suddenly stood up as he listened and said: "Gregovich!"

"What?" Hermione said not quite understanding.

"Voldemort was looking for a weapon. He killed Grigovitch, but couldn't find it." Harry thought of last year's dream. "Then he found Dumbledore, killed him, and took away his wand. !”

"You mean, the Elder Wand has always been in Dumbledore's hand, and now Voldemort has it?" Hermione's face turned a little pale.

"That must be the case..." Harry continued, "Invisibility cloak, I know, my invisibility cloak!"

He took out his invisibility cloak from his schoolbag. The silver light shone like flowing cool water.

"No invisibility cloak can retain its magic power forever like it, right?" Harry's eyes became extremely bright, "As long as you find the Resurrection Stone again, you can become the master of Death..."

Hermione felt that Harry was a little obsessed, and she said worriedly: "That's enough, Harry, that's just a fairy tale! It's obvious that they are just three powerful wizard creations with special abilities!"

"But that's pretty powerful." Ron sighed exaggeratedly, and then said with an ugly expression, "Then, didn't the mysterious man get the most powerful wand?"

"No! As long as its previous owner is defeated, the Elder Wand will change hands, won't it?" Harry paced excitedly. "He was not the first to defeat Dumbledore! Brian! He defeated Voldemort before Dumbledore!"

"You mean, Brian Foley is the master of the Elder Wand?" Ron said.

"It can't be wrong!" Harry said. His pace became faster and faster, falling into the beautiful fantasy of the Deathly Hallows.

"That doesn't make sense, Harry!" Hermione shouted, regretting telling Harry this. "Your detention time is coming!" She poured cold water on him and changed the subject.

"Oh, okay." Harry finally regained consciousness and said reluctantly. He rummaged through his schoolbag, and then suddenly said: "Did any of you take the Marauder's Map?"

"No, isn't it always at your place?" Ron said casually.

"I remember I put it in my schoolbag this morning..." Harry rummaged around for a while and saw that the confinement time was coming, so he put the schoolbag aside.

"Harry, you didn't throw it away, did you?" Hermione exclaimed, "That might be bad! You know how important it is... others might rely on it to determine everyone's location!"

"I know." Harry said with some uncertainty, but at this time his head was already filled with the Deathly Hallows and he couldn't think about anything else at all. "Maybe I remembered it wrong. Maybe it's somewhere in the dormitory." It’s in this book. Even if it’s lost in a classroom, no one else will use it, right?”

"You can't take chances, Harry!" Hermione lectured sternly, "You are not running away from danger now!"

"Okay, I'll look for it when I get back from confinement..." Harry said without confidence, and slipped out of the common room in dejection.

Hermione gasped angrily and glanced at Ron. Ron coughed lightly and said weakly: "I'll go back to the dormitory to look..."

At this time, Harry walked out of the common room with light steps. Even though he was about to face Snape's confinement, he could not suppress his eagerness to try.

"The Deathly Hallows...become the master of Death..." His mind kept thinking of his own invisibility cloak and Dumbledore's wand, and his heart was beating wildly. If he could collect the three sacred artifacts, could he resurrect the dead? In other words, even if you just meet them for real...

He walked hastily, and after turning a corner, he bumped into someone.

The woman screamed and was knocked to the ground, the sherry bottle in her hand shattering on the ground.

"Professor Trelawney." Harry hurriedly stepped forward to help her up, smelling the strong smell of alcohol on her body.

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