Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 340 Rumors

After Daphne asked the question, she left Snape's office, lowered her head slightly and returned to the common room in deep thought.

Not long after dinner time, the common room was full of students, either doing homework or chatting in low voices. Under the green light, the surroundings seemed quiet and peaceful.

Daphne sat down in the soft armchair and rummaged in her schoolbag for a while, then patted her forehead, stood up and walked towards the dormitory.

There was no one in the dormitory. Pansy Parkinson was walking hurriedly towards the door and almost bumped into Daphne.

"Oh, won't you grow some eyes?" Pansy said arrogantly.

"I'm really sorry." Daphne said without apology, not wanting to get entangled with Pansy.

"Humph." Pansy snorted coldly and strode towards the door.

Daphne walked to her desk very calmly and found her notebook. Looking at the arrangement on the desktop, she frowned slightly, showing a thoughtful expression.

"It seems... passive?" she thought. "Is it Pansy? Or is it someone else?"

In the past, Pansy would borrow her things without saying hello, but after the relationship between the two became estranged, Pansy rarely showed up.

Thinking of Brian's reminder, the expression on Daphne's face became serious. She bit her lip and checked that nothing was missing. Then she calmly walked out of the dormitory with her notebook, keeping this in mind.

Two days later, Brian was sitting in his office, looking seriously at the Hogwarts Castle model in front of him. Everything was normal inside Hogwarts, nothing of note happened.

His eyes wandered around the model, and after glancing at Daphne sitting in the common room, he looked at the edge of the model.

Although this castle model is very magical and even has a certain connection with the real Hogwarts, it only covers the main body of the castle and a small part of the Forbidden Forest. It is much smaller than the Marauder's Map created by Brian, and a large part of the Forbidden Forest is covered. Lin are not included in the model.

Brian looked at the edge of the Forbidden Forest in the model and squinted his eyes slightly. If Voldemort wanted to plot something at Hogwarts, he would most likely arrange it in the Forbidden Forest outside the model.

After all, Voldemort was the one who entered the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets before Brian, and must have been very aware of this model, even using it to place a curse on the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

However, the Forbidden Forest is too vast, and Brian cannot send people to search it.

He rubbed his brows and whispered to himself: "Sure enough, the best way is to stop with silence. As long as I don't fall into the trap, Voldemort can't do anything either."

He had already reminded his parents and friends to be careful these days, not to wander around, and to spend this period of time peacefully, and also sent a few people to secretly monitor the situation at Hogwarts.

He opened the information sent by Christopher. There was nothing special, everything was normal.

Brian's fingers were tapping on the table, his eyes closed and he didn't know what he was thinking.

There was a "dong-dong" knock on the door. Brian opened his eyes and said, "Please come in."

Cornelius Fudge opened the door and hurried in. He took off his top hat and said in an unpleasant tone: "Brian, you are very leisurely, but I am so busy that my feet never touch the floor."

Brian looked at him with a smile and said, "You're not here to complain to me, are you?"

"Of course not. There has been a strange rumor recently," Fudge frowned. "There is a group of people who say that you and Heinrich are the same person, and their purpose is to control the world in black and white... To be honest, this is ridiculous. Yes, but rumors spread quickly."

Fudge looked at Brian calmly.

Brian burst out laughing. He looked at Fudge with interest and said, "Where did this very imaginative statement come from? The Quibbler?"

When the magazine was mentioned, Fudge's expression turned disgusting and he said: "Come on, I'm going to stop that damn magazine sooner or later." He was a frequent guest on "The Quibbler" and was described by the magazine as "wanting to dominate." "The world's careerist", "goblin killer" and even "Muggle massacre"...

"Actually, "The Quibbler" is very good. At least it's interesting and dares to say things that others dare not say." Brian said with a smile, "I think the next world needs this kind of fun."

"Ahem, I didn't come here to talk to you about this magazine..." Fudge said in a dumbfounded voice, "I don't know where that rumor originally came from. Although many people took it as a joke, there may be more. Or less likely it will affect you."

"What impact can it have?" Brian said unconcernedly.

"In fact, the more rumors spread, the more people will doubt it, and then it will become a fact considered by some people." Fudge said sternly, "We cannot overestimate people's IQ... and this statement does have some validity. After all, your rise has been too rapid, and your genius is unbelievable... There are always some mediocre people who are unwilling to admit that geniuses like you exist."

"You know, those people have never seen you confront Heinrich, right? They are probably wondering if you have transformed into Heinrich and secretly controlled the Ministry of Magic..."

"It makes sense." Brian said calmly, "You can't overestimate the lower limit of people's IQ. So what are you going to do?"

"Do you want to clarify?" Fudge asked.

Brian looked at Fudge in surprise, and then said: "You should know that this kind of thing should be left alone. Once it is clarified, more people will start to doubt it."

"I'm also anxious and confused..." Fudge's mouth twitched, he reached out and patted his forehead and said, "You know, this also has a certain impact on my image..."

He was rumored to be a scoundrel who helped Heinrich run the Ministry of Magic to achieve evil purposes.

"This must have been done by those stubborn conservatives." The more Fudge thought about it, the more he felt that this rumor was directed at him. It was a counterattack by those guys who clung to the secrecy law and refused to change it, to discredit his magic. The glorious image of the minister made him encounter more obstacles when implementing the executive order.

The more Fudge thought about it, the more sense it made, and he couldn't help but pace back and forth angrily.

"No, we still have to solve it in advance." Fudge said, "We can't let them be complacent. Do you have any good ideas, Brian?"

"You can ask The Quibbler to publish this rumor and tell a more exciting story." Brian raised his lips playfully and said, "Or you can ask your subordinates to spread a few more outrageous rumors... It can be solved easily after all. ."

"Good idea!" Fudge's eyes lit up. After turning his hands behind his back a few times, he eagerly opened the door, "Then I'll do it..."

"Wait, Connelly." Brian said, "Have you finished what I asked you to prepare?"

Fudge paused, then said with a serious expression: "Get ready, that thing is very dangerous... Are you sure you want to use it?"

"Of course, in order to eliminate a threat, it's not a bad deal." Brian said indifferently.

"Indeed." Fudge nodded cautiously, "As long as the mysterious man can be eliminated...I'll have someone send it over. You should be careful, ugh..."

He muttered and walked out, closing the door behind him.

Brian continued to look at the castle model and breathed a sigh of relief.

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