Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 342 The Beginning of Action

"Anyone can bully me!" Trelawney said drunkenly, "Bullying a prophet? How dare you? Huh?"

She roughly fiddled with the string of beads around her neck that had caught her glasses, and then stretched out a thin hand to fumble around with the wine bottle on the ground.

Harry hurriedly kicked the shards of wine bottles off the floor to prevent Trelawney from cutting herself.

"You!" Trelawney's eyes, which were magnified by her glasses, stared at Harry. She quickly reached out and grabbed his wrist, her nails digging deeply into his flesh.

"Professor?" Harry tried to break away from Trelawney's thin hand, but was squeezed tighter.

"I saw your death, so close, just tonight!" Trelawney looked at Harry nervously and said, "Getting closer, killing, ominous, terrible lightning and fire..."

"Professor, you are drunk!" Harry finally broke free from Trelawney's hand and rubbed his wrist. There were several deep nail marks on his wrist.

"There's no escape...poor boy..." Trelawney said with tears in her eyes, as if Harry had been buried in a grave.

"Then I've really been looking forward to it for a long time." Harry said, holding back the inexplicable anger rising in his heart. Even the Deathly Hallows didn't seem to be that attractive anymore.

"Oh, it's you, Harry." Trelawney finally seemed to wake up a little and stood up crookedly, "I really miss your time in my class... although you don't have much talent as a prophet. , but a very good partner..."

"Okay, I'm sorry about that, Professor." Harry said in a stiff tone. He was not willing to be the target of Trelawney's prediction of doom.

"Good night, Professor." He said and moved on. He was going to be late, and he wondered what kind of smug look Snape would have on his face by then.

"No, what I just said was serious, Harry." Trelawney burped loudly, raising her hands to adjust the shawls on her body, "I sensed an ominous omen, a divine omen... So I went out for a walk and I met you."

"I see death in you, child, more profoundly and clearly than ever before..." Trelawney rambled to herself.

"Then why didn't you foresee that you would be knocked down by me?" Harry was a little impatient. This prediction of doom had been with him for three years, and he was tired of hearing it.

"My third eye is not for small things!" Trelawney cried.

She caught up with Harry and babbled beside him: "If you ask me, you should hide somewhere unknown to anyone tonight...although you may not be able to escape. You should listen The advice of a prophet, rather than wandering around a castle when death approaches..."

"I'm going to be in detention with Snape, Professor," said Harry.

"Severus Snape? I should go talk to him...not tonight," Trelawney said.

"If you can ask Snape to cancel my confinement tonight, then I really want it." Harry said.

"Oh, I admit that it is a bit difficult. I have never felt the respect for the prophet from Snape, a mediocre mortal..." Trelawney said dissatisfied, "That is really a self-righteous and aggressive person. That guy, I remember that he even wanted to steal the experience and wealth of the prophet without any respect or awe..."

"Snape stole lessons?" Harry raised his eyebrows, willing to catch Snape.

"Yes, that's right. I remember that was Dumbledore's first interview with me, at the Pig's Head Bar... He was deeply impressed by me and appreciated my outstanding prophecy skills and calm and calm style... Trelawney kept talking about what happened at that time.

Harry knew that it was at that time that Trelawney made the prophecy that would change his life.

"But then we were rudely interrupted by Severus Snape!" Trelawney said. "He hid and eavesdropped through the keyhole, and was caught by the vulgar bartender... I I know why he didn’t give me a good look, because I caught him! You see, he was also looking for a job at that time, so he hid and learned my knowledge and experience..."

Trelawney looked a little proud, but when she turned around, she saw that Harry had stopped where he was, far away from her.

Harry's face was pale, shock invaded his head, and the matter of the Deathly Hallows was completely forgotten by him. He paid no attention to anything else.

It was Snape who overheard the prophecy, told Voldemort, and asked Voldemort to hunt down Lily, James and their sons...

"Are you finally going to listen to my advice?" Trelawney said at a loss looking at Harry's pale face and gloomy expression.

"You stay here." Harry moved his lips numbly and walked quickly towards Snape's office. Trelawney called him from behind, but he didn't want to respond at all.

He ran down the stairs, his mind swollen with hatred and rage. He wanted to rush up to Snape, grab him by the collar and question him, and then throw him off the cliff.

"How can Dumbledore believe him? Let me believe him?" He thought of Dumbledore and couldn't help but feel even more annoyed. He felt that Dumbledore was definitely old and confused.

Snape's office was getting closer and closer, but Harry couldn't help but slow down, suppressing the anger and hatred in his heart. He knew he couldn't deal with Snape now, and he needed to get through tonight and then write a letter to Sirius and tell everyone in the Order...Snape would be punished.

Harry reluctantly suppressed his hatred in his heart, but the green flash and screams in the nightmare seemed to resurface in front of him, and the burning anger seemed to be burning his soul.

He knocked on the door with a cold expression, then opened the door and walked in.

Snape's gloomy figure sat behind the desk, with a familiar look of disgust and sarcasm on his face, making Harry almost unable to control his body and want to pull out his wand and kill him.

"I'm coming." Harry's tone was cold and trembling slightly because of his efforts to suppress it.

"You should first call yourself Professor, Potter." Snape's tone was a bit sarcastic, "Although I don't expect you to be very polite, I will not spoil you."

"Yes, Professor, I'm here." Harry said through gritted teeth, his eyes looking like he was about to breathe fire.

Snape looked at Harry suspiciously and frowned. Harry's anger and hatred were almost written on his face tonight, as if he wanted to pounce on someone and bite him, which made him a little confused.

But he didn't take it to heart. What happened tonight wouldn't make Harry feel very happy anyway.

"So, for tonight's confinement, you need to..." Snape pointed to the cabinet next to him, making Harry look at it.

Several ropes flew out from the wand in Snape's hand and rushed towards Harry.

Harry, who had not expected Snape's sudden attack, was caught off guard and tied up tightly. His hands and feet were tied tightly, and his body lost his balance. He staggered twice and fell to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Harry yelled hatefully.

Snape walked up to him and looked down at him with an indescribable expression.

"Take you to meet someone." Snape said slowly.

"Go to see your dear master?" Harry struggled hard, but the rope around him became tighter and tighter. "You finally stop pretending? Are you going to sacrifice me to Voldemort tonight to please him?"

"You can understand it that way." Snape said indifferently. He took out a bottle of green potion from his hand, uncorked Harry's mouth and poured it in roughly.

Harry struggled desperately, but to no avail. The cold and bitter potion slid down his throat, making him feel as if his body was frozen, and hatred and despair swallowed him up.

When Snape put down the empty potion bottle in his hand, Harry coughed hard and retched for a while, but nothing came out.

He looked at Snape with hatred and said with hatred: "You think you can restore your position by sacrificing me to Voldemort? Just like before, you told Voldemort the prophecy and let him kill my parents. ? You hurt him badly that time, you can't win this time!"

Snape's face seemed to turn pale, and he moved his lips imperceptibly, and his voice seemed to come from the distant horizon: "How did you know about that prophecy?"

"Trelawney told me." Harry sneered. "Dumbledore still wants to believe you. It's really the biggest mistake."

Snape stood silently for a long time, like a lifeless, dry corpse.

After a long time, Snape moved his eyes and blocked Harry's mouth with a curse. Then he pointed his wand at Harry, causing him to levitate lightly.

After everything was done, Snape used the Disillusionment Curse to hide the two people's figures, took Harry out of the office, and walked slowly outside the castle.

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