"A new battle?"

In Snape's office, after listening to Snape recount the story of how Voldemort summoned them, Brian held his chin and thought deeply.

"He's quite confident." Brian raised his eyebrows.

"I think the Dark Lord has something to rely on." Snape stood in front of the desk and nodded slowly, his expression a little gloomy.

"What can he rely on?" Brian muttered to himself as he took a few steps.

"What do you want me to do?" Snape didn't want to engage in unnecessary speculation and discussion, so he asked directly. He wanted to follow Dumbledore's plan and send Harry Potter to Voldemort, but he had to consider whether it would hinder Brian's plan.

"According to what Voldemort said, let's tie Harry up and send him there when the time comes." Brian said thoughtfully.

Snape glanced at Brian and said indifferently: "I will tell you in advance before doing this."

"Well..." Brian responded softly, and then said, "Aren't you going to explain this matter to Harry in advance?"

"No need, it will only do bad things if he knows." Snape sneered, with disdain and disgust for the brainless fool on his face.

"In this case, your relationship with him may never be eased for the rest of your life." Brian said with a half-smile.

"No need to ease up..." Snape said with a look of disgust. Then, as if something suddenly occurred to him, he stopped talking and stared at Brian with his dark eyes.

"Why do you think my relationship with him needs to be eased?" Snape said carefully, "I'm just doing what Dumbledore asked..."

Brian blinked, looked at him innocently, and closed his mouth.

"You know about me?" Snape's nose twitched, as if he was very angry, "Dumbledore told you?"

"Yes." Seeing that he could no longer hide it, Brian had no choice but to let Dumbledore take the blame. Anyway, he is dead and will not jump out to refute.

Snape's sallow face turned pale, then turned a little red, and finally turned black, so gloomy and terrifying that it could scare the little wizard to tears.

Brian watched the face-changing performance that he had never seen before, trying hard not to show interest.

Sure enough, Snape loved Lily all his life and had been protecting Harry for this reason... Once this secret was known, Snape probably wanted to jump off the astronomy tower on the spot.

"I won't tell anyone," Brian promised quickly before Snape could explode.

"Dumbledore, that old bastard." Snape cursed, losing his usual composure and sitting on the chair angrily, "He promised me that he would never tell anyone else..."

"I don't need to ease things up with Potter, he's still annoying and always will be," he said, turning his upper lip in disgust.

Snape protects Harry because he is Lily's child, but Harry is also the child of the person he hates most, and his personality is just like that of his father... I have to say that Snape's feelings for Harry are definitely Mostly disgust and disgust.

There was nothing more embarrassing than letting Harry know this secret. It served no purpose other than adding to the embarrassment.

"I understand." Brian nodded and said with some understanding.

"Then, please sir, please kidnap Harry to Voldemort." Brian said casually about kidnapping people.

"But the question is, how to hide it from the Dark Lord in the future." Snape was silent for a while and then said.

"I'm ready." Brian took out a bottle of magic potion that he had prepared a long time ago. "Those who drink it will not need to breathe within an hour, and will also lose their heartbeat and vitality fluctuations, but it will not affect their activities. , enough to fool Voldemort."

Snape took the potion, opened the cork, smelled it, and said with a somewhat surprised expression: "Your level of potion science has improved a lot."

"After such a long time, there should be some progress." Brian smiled, with a hint of pride that only a young man can have in his tone. A few days ago, Brian's level of potion science also reached the master level, an ability he improved entirely on his own.

Although it was also because of his multiple master-level abilities and the inference factor, it still gave Brian a sense of accomplishment, a sense of accomplishment that was completely different from relying on system improvement.

"Very good." Snape said a rare compliment.

Brian smiled reservedly, then coughed slightly and said: "If Voldemort casts the Death Curse on Harry, you'd better stay and deal with the 'body' to avoid exposing the secret."

"However, I always feel that Voldemort has other plans. If things change, please don't be brave and do as Voldemort asks." Brian turned to say seriously, "I will make other arrangements."

"I hope you, sir, can take care of yourself when the time comes." He looked at Snape and said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you then."

"I know how to protect myself," Snape said lowly.

"That's good." Brian smiled and then walked outside.

Snape raised his eyes and glanced at Brian, his lips moved slightly, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"Is there anything else, sir?" Brian noticed this and asked with a slight smile on his face.

"The Dark Lord said you are Heinrich, and they will spread this news recently." Snape paused and said without changing his expression.

Brian smiled thoughtfully, nodded and said, "I understand, thank you for reminding me."

Snape nodded his chin subtly and looked down at the paper on the parchment in his hand.

Brian walked out of the office tacitly and sighed: "The storm is coming."

He turned a corner, and Daphne suddenly jumped out from the corner and looked at him with a smile.

"Brian, are you scared?" she said with a chuckle, her beautiful eyes shining.

"A little bit." Brian shook his head in amusement. In fact, he had already discovered that there was a cat behind the corner.

"I knew I couldn't scare you." Daphne was not frightened, she seemed a little discouraged and said, "In fact, I also used the Disillusionment Curse, but I haven't mastered it yet."

"It's already very powerful. Most of the other students still don't know what the incantation of the Disguise Curse is." Brian said gently. He quietly looked at the bright-eyed girl in front of him, feeling inexplicably that the stress and boredom of the past few days had been dispelled.

"But it's far behind compared to you." Daphne raised a smile, but still said this. In order to pursue Brian's figure, she spent almost all her time studying this year. Now she can be called a top student.

"If you take me as your target, you have to be prepared to never catch up in your lifetime." Brian said easily.

"I don't believe it. Sooner or later I will catch up with you." Daphne raised her beautiful neck, "We can bet."

"Okay, let's bet." Brian got a little playful and grinned.

Daphne followed Draco's lead and pretended to snort arrogantly, but her blue eyes were moving smartly.

Brian, who felt a little naive, couldn't help but smile and said, "How did you know I was coming?"

"I just came to see Professor Snape." Daphne said, "I have a question to ask him, but I didn't expect to see you coming out of the office."

As she said that, she smiled mischievously: "This way I can just ask you directly."

Brian said a little apologetically: "Sorry, Daphne, I have to leave quickly. My coming to school today is a secret."

"I know." Daphne looked a little disappointed, but said very understandingly, "I won't tell others."

"Then...I'm leaving first." Brian said softly, "Don't run around in the school these days, something might happen."

"Yes, I understand." Daphne's expression became serious and she promised seriously. Then she waved her hand, said "bye", and then walked towards Snape's office.

Brian glanced back at her and saw Daphne also turning her head and showing him a bright and beautiful smile.

He smiled back, then disappeared and walked in the other direction. He planned to pay a visit to the current principal, Professor McGonagall, to ask her to be mentally prepared for the upcoming changes and not to make things worse.

After coming out of the principal's office, Brian left the school and returned to the Ministry of Magic. After a trip to Fudge's office, he returned to his own office.

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