Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 338 A new battle

The Department of Magical Research was still very noisy late at night, and explosions rang out from various research rooms from time to time, causing the ground to faintly shake.

A Muggle TV program was playing in the nearby research room, and several researchers were made to laugh from time to time, making various tools rattle.

Brian was sitting in his research room, holding the letter sent by Christopher in his hand and looking through it casually.

In the past three months, ministers of magic and senior officials from several countries have tried their best to get in touch with Heinrich, hoping to reach cooperation. Whether they are really optimistic about Heinrich and agree with his ideas, or they just want to play both sides and leave a way out for themselves, or they have evil intentions, Brian will not refuse them.

Brian also received a letter from the leader of the goblins. The letter proposed that as long as Heinrich was willing to take an oath, he would ensure that the goblins would maintain their current status after victory, and also proposed a series of conditions, such as allowing the goblins to legally hold wands. rights, etc., then they are willing to support the cause of the film club, otherwise they will choose to support the other side.

After seeing the letter, Brian sneered and put it aside, thinking that the goblin and the wizard really didn't have the same heart. It seems that the actions of the International Federation have put pressure on the goblins, making them feel uneasy and began to conduct experiments.

Brian told Kristoff to hang on to the goblins and not make any substantive promises, and there was constant back and forth.

The goblins obviously also felt the threat, and understood that this war between wizards would not give other races a chance to benefit. The two parties had obviously reached a tacit agreement to deal with the threats of other races before the war began, and among these races The most powerful goblins will naturally bear the brunt.

However, Heinrich's ideas and the film club's unenthusiastic attitude toward goblins made the goblins more inclined to sacrifice part of their interests to help the Wizards' Federation, and they temporarily tolerated the measures of the Ministry of Magic of various countries to suppress goblins.

The influence of the Film Club in various places has stabilized, and it is now starting to promote the Muggle influence. At the same time, the film club did not disappear completely, but occasionally staged attacks to deal with conservatives who secretly hindered efforts to break the secrecy law.

But overall, the current situation is relatively stable. There are no major conflicts but small conflicts continue. Each is increasing its own strength.

Brian looked at the document in his hand, which contained the list and arrangements of the newly recruited members of the film club, as well as some information from various places.

He opened the last letter, and Christopher wrote: "Chief, Lucius's men found traces of several die-hard Death Eaters near Hogwarts. Because they had alerted the snake, they had to directly We took action and captured one of the Death Eaters, and he is currently being held at the headquarters..."

Brian's expression changed. He stood up and walked around the research room for a few steps before opening the door and walking out.

After leaving the Ministry of Magic, Brian directly apparated into the elevator room of the headquarters and saw an unconscious man in a specially separated cell.

Brian recognized him as Rookwood.

He waved his wand, causing Rookwood to slowly wake up, and started Legilimency without hesitation.

Reading Rookwood's memory, Brian's brows furrowed more and more.

From Lukewood's memory, it can be seen that since the Battle of Hogwarts ended and Voldemort was injured and escaped, these die-hard Death Eaters have not seen Voldemort again.

Voldemort just left them an order to hide and stand by, and then disappeared for almost a year. Even the news of the attack on Nurmengard was only received after the fact.

But just a few days ago, Voldemort suddenly summoned them and asked them to gather near Hogwarts, waiting for his call.

This group of waiting Death Eaters gathered near Hogwarts with great expectations, but unexpectedly they were discovered by members of the Shadow Club who were paying attention to the situation around the school, and a fight broke out between the two sides.

The Death Eaters managed to escape after one person died, but Rookwood was unlucky enough to be hit by a stun spell and fell into the hands of the Film Club.

"Gathered near Hogwarts..." Brian canceled Legilimency and frowned tightly, "Voldemort's next goal is still Hogwarts? What is his plan?"

Looking at Rookwood who woke up leisurely, Brian's eyes flashed and his expression changed again and again.

Snape was sitting in his office, frowning while grading students' Defense Against the Dark Arts homework, with an expression that seemed to be disgusting on his face.

After reading a good paper, his expression softened a little, but after seeing the signature "Harry Potter", the expression on his face became worse.

Suddenly, the quill in his hand paused, and large ink spots appeared on the parchment.

Snape inserted his quill into the inkpot, looked at his arm with a strange expression, stood up and walked into the fire of the fireplace.

He stepped out of a hidden fireplace and apparated directly into a dense jungle. This is right near Hogwarts, and you can even see the tall spiers of Hogwarts Castle from here.

A tall and thin figure stood in the dark forest, with his back to Snape and looking in the direction of the castle. A big snake was crawling at his feet and slowly wagging its tail. Snape bowed deeply and stood silently.

Undisguised figures kept apparating one after another, expressing their submission and obedience with humble etiquette, and then silently formed a circle.

After a long time, no one came. Voldemort turned around and looked at the sparse crowd, his red eyes shining coldly in the darkness.

"Very good, you are the only ones willing to stay with me now..." Voldemort said in a soft tone.

"Master, let me kill those traitors!" Bellatrix shouted in a rough voice, "They deserve to die!" Her chest kept rising and falling, obviously she was very angry.

"Relax, Bellatrix." Voldemort said softly, "In fact, in the eleven years since I lost my body, I no longer have any hope in their loyalty... They won't be able to escape for long. Once they will not be forgiven by Voldemort, it will be obvious death for them, including their families."

"And you should be rewarded for your loyalty," he continued.

"No, Master, your appearance is the greatest reward for me." Bellatrix's tone became like that of a little girl, and others responded to her words.

"Voldemort will never treat his loyal servant badly..." Voldemort said a few words lightly, and then looked at Snape with his red eyes.

"I'm curious, Severus, why do you still come to me?" He stretched out his pale fingers and touched Nagini's snake head.

"I think those people made the wrong choice." Snape said slowly, "Following you is the right decision."

"Very well, Severus, you are indeed my most loyal servant." Voldemort said.

"Master, he may not be trustworthy! He didn't take action at all that time at Hogwarts!" Bellatrix shouted in disbelief when she heard this, looking at Snape's expression full of dissatisfaction and some deep regret. envy.

"I think I have the ability to make a judgment, Bellatrix." Voldemort said softly, but the power in his tone made Bellatrix dare not argue any more, and could only turn her head and stare hatefully. Snape.

The expression on Snape's face did not change at all, and he did not even look at Bellatrix.

"Perhaps you are uneasy, thinking that after Voldemort was defeated by Brian Foley, will he fail again?" Voldemort suddenly said loudly, making the people around him shake their heads.

"I killed Dumbledore, I killed Grindelwald..." Voldemort whispered this fact, "and Brian Foley just set a despicable trap and stole the limelight... yes , a well-prepared trap that exceeded my expectations.”

"However, Voldemort will not fail again, and victory will eventually belong to us." He said.

"Master, can we cooperate with Heinrich?" Rodolphus Lestrange said.

Voldemort looked at him deeply and said with a strange expression on his face: "Use your brain and think carefully, Rodolphus. Arnold Heinrich is Brian Foley."

For a moment, everyone stayed in place in shock, and even Snape's face became slightly dazed.

"Then we can reveal his identity to the Ministry of Magic, Master!" Bellatrix suggested with conviction.

"You can try, but you don't have to have high hopes." Voldemort said casually, "He is naturally prepared, and the information from us will naturally not be trusted by the Ministry of Magic."

After finishing speaking, Voldemort walked around in the crowd, looked at Snape thoughtfully and said: "Next, Severus, I want to give you a task to bring Harry Potter to I."

"This is important, yes, very important..." he murmured to himself.

"As you command, Master." A glimmer of light seemed to flash in Snape's empty eyes.

"Then..." Voldemort didn't look at him anymore, turned around and walked a few steps, "a new battle has begun."

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