Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 328 Changes in the Ministry of Magic

"First of all, the first thing to open up is to understand." Brian said, "It is not advisable to break the confidentiality law rashly. We need to understand everything about Muggles and know ourselves and our enemies."

"We need to carry out a series of measures to educate all wizards about Muggle knowledge and Muggle history." He said and glanced at Fudge.

Fudge wiped the cold sweat from his head and then said: "In response to this proposal, I propose to establish a special Muggle general knowledge education office to be responsible for the implementation and supervision of this aspect."

"The office needs to select teaching materials as soon as possible. This can be obtained directly from Muggles. At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, adjustments have been made to the Muggle Studies course, making this course a compulsory subject, and educating students on Muggle general knowledge and history. and even popular education in basic sciences.”

"For adult wizards, teaching materials will be distributed to every household, and the office is responsible for making countermeasures to supervise their learning instead of throwing the teaching materials into the toilet."

"So how do you choose the professor of Muggle Studies?" A wizard raised his hand and asked.

"Priority will be given to adult wizards of Muggle origin, who have basic common sense." Fudge said, then reluctantly added, "But considering that they may have been abandoned for a long time, it is not impossible to consider real Muggles by then. For example, for parents of Muggle-born students, of course, this is based on voluntary consent."

The wizard nodded, lowered his head and took notes on the information in front of him.

"Then, if you agree with this proposal, please raise your hands." Fudge said.

The wizards in the conference room looked at each other for a moment, and most of them raised their hands.

"Very good, this proposal passes." Fudge said.

Percy Weasley was recording quickly, his eyes as bright as a cat's after seeing a mouse.

"So, which department will this office be under?" an official asked.

"This is about the next steps." Brian took over the conversation and said calmly, "Common sense education is only the first step. The next step is to absorb Muggle knowledge and improve our own strength."

"Some of you should know that the technological power currently developed by Muggles has become a force that cannot be underestimated. Many of them are even more magical than magic... Facts have proved that Muggles have long had the power to threaten us. There is no doubt about this."

The mood of the audience was a little unstable. A wizard raised his hand and said: "Mr. Foley, what you said is too sensational. Are you just relying on Muggles who don't know magic?" Many people nodded in agreement with his opinion and expressed their disapproval of Muggles. Showing contempt.

Brian glanced at these people and asked funnyly: "Before saying this, have you ever understood Muggles?"

The wizard twitched the corner of his mouth and said in a tone full of superiority: "Then what do you need?"

"This sentence alone reflects your narrow vision and stupid prejudice." Brian sarcastically said, "Do you know that Muggles have mastered the power to destroy a city in an instant? Do you know that Muggles have the power to destroy a city in an instant? Have you been to the moon?"

"Your understanding of Muggles is probably still a few centuries ago, right? Thank you for using yourself as a negative teaching material to tell everyone the importance of common sense. Please understand the basic common sense before you say this to me. ."

The wizard's cheeks flushed and he sat down angrily. But some others had thoughtful looks on their faces.

"What we have to do is combine Muggle technology to improve magic. This has two most obvious purposes." Brian continued talking as if nothing had happened. "The first purpose is to enhance our own Strength, let us take more control in cooperation with Muggles. Strength determines everything."

"Technology can make the use of many magics more convenient and popular, and magic can make technology more flexible and magical. These are complementary to each other. As long as we decide to study this combination, we will achieve rapid and explosive development in the future. ."

"At the same time, we also need to know more about Muggle weapons, and know their functions and principles so that we can deal with them better, develop targeted defense and restraint methods, and even use these weapons to our advantage."

"As for the second purpose, we need to prepare for opening the door to the wizarding world in the future." Brian glanced at the wizards who were frowning and listening, "Although the current situation is different from hundreds of years ago, there is no doubt that , the persecution of wizards by Muggles was still fresh in our minds, and many people must not want to face such an era again."

Many people below kept nodding.

"In this case, we might as well start with magic. Magic can do many things that technology cannot. Magic can cure many diseases that technology cannot. Many magic potions can significantly increase people's life span. Magic can do it at a smaller cost. It makes people's lives more convenient, and magic can solve many problems that technology cannot solve..."

"When we invade the lives of Muggles and make magic and technology inseparable, when our interests become closely related to those of Muggles, the persecution of the past will no longer happen randomly."

After listening to Brian's words, the audience was whispering to each other, some were chatting excitedly, some were frowning, some were shaking their heads, and some were silent.

Fudge took over Brian's words, coughed slightly and said: "Therefore, it is urgent to establish the Department of Magical Research. As a research institution, this department will allocate some personnel from the Department of Mysteries and recruit personnel for the wizarding community. The treatment is equal to that of previous researchers.”

"The Department of Magical Science Research consists of the Alchemy Office, the Potions Office and the Charms Office, which are responsible for a series of research, cracking, defense, restraint, utilization and transformation of Muggle technology..."

"Anyone who agrees with this proposal, please raise your hands." Fudge said loudly.

Fudge's own subordinates raised their hands to support Fudge one after another, but this time more and more people were wavering, but as several department heads raised their hands, in the end the number of people who agreed was still narrowly exceeded.

"Very good, then this proposal passes." Fudge sighed.

"Finally..." Brian continued to speak, causing many people to look at him like frightened birds, as if they were afraid that he would say something terrible again.

Brian smiled and shook his head and said: "The last thing is what happens after the confidentiality law is broken in the future. We must prepare in advance. A department dedicated to communicating with Muggles is indispensable."

"The Muggle Exchange Department consists of the Muggle Exchange Office, the Muggle General Knowledge Education Office, etc." Fudge said, "The establishment of this department can be slowed down, but the relevant talents for communicating with Muggles must be cultivated in advance, because this group of wizards You must be proficient in diplomacy, know how to deal with Muggles, and be proficient in Muggle knowledge, such as political methods, laws and regulations, etc..."

Fudge glanced at the wizards in the conference room and saw many people nodding. There was one thing he didn't say, which was that some of the wizards must be proficient in Legilimency so that they could have an advantage in communicating with Muggles. Of course, there is no need to tell everyone this part.

"Anyone who agrees with this proposal, please raise your hands." Fudge said.

This time there were more people raising their hands than last time, which made Fudge heave a deep sigh of relief. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, happy that he didn't have to be under too much pressure.

"Motion passed," Fudge announced.

"Then, when the cooperation between wizards and Muggles is imminent, I hope that everyone can help each other and work together." Brian glanced at everyone with a burning gaze. "If you have any objections, please raise them directly. But if you find that someone is behind the scenes, Tiezi, you will be punished mercilessly!"

The power of Brian made everyone feel terrible pressure, and those who were cautious also restrained themselves a lot.

After today, the huge machine of the Ministry of Magic will start operating quickly, bringing about earth-shaking changes to the wizarding world.

After the meeting, Brian walked out of the conference room and took a breath of the cold air outside.

"We'll be even busier in the future," Fudge said as he put his hat on his head.

"The International Federation of Wizards very much hopes that you can become an honorary member. What do you think?" He continued to ask Brian, "To solve the problem of the Secrecy Law, we cannot bypass the Wizards Federation. We cannot bypass them. Revealing the existence of wizards privately.”

"I'm already planning to agree to this request." Brian nodded and said.

"In this case, a new joint meeting will be held soon." Fudge sighed and said hurriedly, "Then I'll take my leave now. Now there's a lot more work..."

Brian looked at his back and thought that maybe Percy had a lot more work.

Percy Weasley's hairline is already very dangerous now.

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