Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 329 Two Generations of Dark Lords

The heavy snow in the past few days has covered every land. Under the moonlight night, the whole world seems to be covered with a layer of silvery white light.

The tall black tower stood alone on the barren hillside, looking particularly dark and decadent at this time, as if it had stood there since ancient times.

The night was already dark, and the only light on the top of the tower had been extinguished. The cold wind howled like a wild beast.

A black mist-like shadow flew over from the sky. It circled around the black tower and kept rising. Finally, the small window at the top quietly opened a crack. Follow the crack. Got in lightly.

Inside was a small cell, with a skinny figure huddled on a narrow stone bed, covered with a blanket, snoring softly.

A cold wind whined through the gap in the opened window, causing the figure to flinch, turn over, and open a pair of eyes that were as bright as the stars at night.

He slowly looked at the window and then looked to the other side. A tall, thin and pale figure emerged from the black mist. His slender red eyes glowed in the dark night, looking evil and cold.

"You're here, Voldemort." The old man on the bed coughed slightly, sat up slowly, and said in a very calm tone.

"I was wondering, are you the owner of this wand?" Voldemort was playing with a wand between his slender fingers, and he said in a soft voice like a snake's hissing.

Grindelwald casually glanced at the wand in Voldemort's hand, and then laughed toothlessly. He shook his head and said, "You'll never get it, Voldemort."

Voldemort's cold red eyes did not waver, and he said to himself: "The Elder Wand did not serve me well because I was not its real owner... But I killed Dumbledore, and the Elder Wand should be the one who killed Dumbledore." The wizard of its previous owner..."

"So, I think Dumbledore is not the real owner of the Elder Wand... because he did not kill you." Voldemort said thoughtfully, "As long as you are alive, the Elder Wand cannot truly belong to me."

Grindelwald laughed even harder, as if he had heard something very funny. He said slowly: "There are many things you don't understand. I feel really sad for you... I am happy to die, but you can never win."

Voldemort murmured softly: "Don't understand? Maybe, but I can take away your life." He pointed the wand in his hand at Grindelwald, and his voice suddenly became louder: "Tell me, who is its owner? ?”

"You never know, Voldemort." Grindelwald laughed. His eyes became brighter. It was hard to imagine that such an old man in his dying years could have eyes as bright as those of a young man.

Powerful power radiated from his old and withered body, and the surging magic power calmed the cold wind blowing in. Grindelwald took out his right hand from his robe, holding a wand between his skinny fingers.

In an instant, the two magic spells collided together, as if a small sun was placed in this dark tower, and a huge sound exploded, making people's ears roar.

When the bright light of the spell was extinguished, Grindelwald had already stood up. His thin and hunched body seemed to hide endless power. The former Dark Lord once again released his power without reservation.

"Come, kill me, or be killed by me." Grindelwald's hoarse voice echoed in the small space, with a burning light in his eyes.

"Why do you have a wand?" Voldemort hissed. "Why are you still here? Are you waiting for me to come?"

"I don't need to explain to you." Grindelwald looked at him with contempt, waved his hand and cast a spell, causing the walls of the cell to explode.

Thus began a battle between the Dark Lords.

The dazzling light shone through the narrow window into the dark night sky, like the flash of a lighthouse in the vast darkness, waking up the two people watching nearby.

"Something's happened!" A burly man covered in black robes said to his similarly dressed companion beside him.

"I know." Another thinner man took out a complex geometric badge from his pocket and gently rubbed it.

"Just wait, we can't help." He put the badge back into his pocket, quickly ran behind a tree, and looked at the flickering lights at the top of the tower from a distance.

The burly man also stepped behind his companion, took out a cigarette from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth. He also looked at the top of the tower.

"So, many of you have decided to join the Department of Magical Research?"

In the silent hall of a huge library, Brian flipped through the materials in his hand and said.

The man with silver curly hair next to him nodded. His light gray eyes were calm and wise. He said in a generous and gentle voice: "In fact, the alchemists in the Death Sect have been waiting for this day for a long time. Even the alchemists in the Department of Mysteries have been waiting for this day for a long time." So do a lot of people.”

"With the development of Muggles, many wizards have become curious about their technological products. However, due to the regulations prohibiting the modification and misuse of Muggle items, they can only give up this idea. In other words, many people are actually also Do it secretly, otherwise why would the Office for the Misuse of Muggle Articles seize so many things every year?"

"The Office for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Items will be disbanded soon," Brian said casually. "The people inside will either be absorbed into the Department of Magical Research or put into the Department of Muggle Communication... In terms of dealing with Muggles In terms of understanding, they are at the forefront of wizards, at least many of them can distinguish between plugs and sockets."

Elijah smiled, shook his head slightly and said, "Next, the mysterious research in the Department of Mysteries will be stagnant for a while... The Ministry of Magic will definitely focus most of its energy on the Department of Magical Research."

"Will it affect your salary?" Brian glanced at him and joked.

"No, in fact, I have been looking forward to studying Muggle items for a long time." As the director of the Department of Mysteries, Elijah seemed very easy-going at this time, but his eyes shone with the curiosity of a researcher. and eager light.

"That's really good. At least the Department of Magical Research is not afraid that no one will join." Brian said with a smile.

His expression suddenly changed, and the smile on his face disappeared. He paused and then said: "Sorry, I suddenly thought of something urgent. I'll excuse you now, Elijah."

"It doesn't matter, I have to deal with the personnel allocation report anyway." Elijah said very understandingly.

Brian quickly walked out of the Hall of Silence, touching the hot badge in his pocket, his eyes became sharp.

"Coming?" he murmured.

Brian left the Ministry of Magic along the elevator and walked into the sparsely populated street through the phone booth. Thick snow covered the road, and the shadows of the buildings blocked the moonlight. Only the yellowish light came from the narrow surrounding windows, bringing a glimmer of light to the place.

With a "pop" sound, Brian's figure disappeared, leaving only two deep footprints on the spot.

The few pedestrians around were still walking with their heads down, and did not express any surprise at this scene.

Brian apparated quickly, sometimes transforming into starlight and blending into the night sky, and hurried on his way.

Since he had arranged for the people in Nurmengard to send him the news, it meant that something had indeed happened there, or that Voldemort had broken into it.

Brian pursed his lips, and the howling wind ruffled his hair, but it did not stop him from moving forward.

Voldemort's disappearance for the past few days has troubled Brian. When the plan was being implemented smoothly, Brian didn't mind taking advantage of the moment to beat Voldemort back to a bodyless state.

"I don't know if Mr. Grindelwald can hold on." Brian sighed. He couldn't help but think of his second meeting with Grindelwald, which was two months ago.

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