Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 327 Situation

"I think you should not only discuss how to deal with Heinrich, but also focus on the series of changes that will inevitably occur in the future."

Brian put down the information in his hand, and Shi Shiran stood up with an elegant and humble tone.

"It's the same thing..." one official said.

"No, that's not the same thing." Brian raised the corners of his mouth and said softly and clearly, "Are you ready for the existence of wizards to be completely exposed to the eyes of Muggles?"

This sentence seemed to press a switch, causing everyone to freeze, and the sound of arguments disappeared instantly, as if time had been suspended.

Brian ignored the reactions of others and continued to talk in a calm tone: "It turns out that Heinrich has reached cooperation with Muggles, and another war sweeping the world is inevitable."

"And it turns out that Heinrich paid more attention to cooperation with Muggles than the original Grindelwald, and played a lot of role in the expansion of Muggle power. It can be seen that he did not blindly stick to the past Grindel Instead of using Waugh’s ideas and strategies, we made changes that were beneficial to ourselves.”

"But this change will undoubtedly completely expose the existence of the wizarding world, and this day will not be too far away."

Brian's tone of voice was very calm, but what he said made the audience's hearts beat wildly. Some people kept shaking their heads, as if they were unwilling to believe this possibility. Fudge's face seemed to be covered with a layer of white ash, and the top hat in his hand was crushed unconsciously.

"So we have to stop him before that happens!" A serious witch with a square chin said.

"But how to stop it?" Brian looked at her and said, "As you have discussed before, it is impossible for me to stand up against him with a clear-cut stance, because I still have to deal with my mortal enemy, Voldemort."

Hearing this name, there was a commotion all around. Many people moved around and shook their heads desperately, as if they wanted to get this terrible name out of their minds.

Brian smiled slightly and continued: "Voldemort is the biggest threat to us currently. Although he has disappeared at this stage, there is no doubt that he is not reconciled. I believe he must be somewhere we can't see. Keep an eye on me and find the right opportunity to give me a fatal blow."

"And Heinrich, there is no doubt that he also has some connection with Voldemort."

The surrounding wizards began to whisper again, seemingly not agreeing with this.

"I think Minister Fudge has already interrogated those captured Death Eaters again." Brian glanced at Fudge, who had a bad expression. "In fact, Heinrich's conspiracy started a few years ago. He participated in Voldemort's resurrection plan and attended several of his meetings..."

There was a gasping sound all around, and everyone was frightened by the terrible news. If Heinrich cooperated with the mysterious man...

"Fortunately, the two of them do not have a close cooperative relationship. It is even said that they have a lot of disagreements." Brian changed his tone and said, "It turns out that Heinrich and Voldemort seem to have big differences in cooperation. Then they parted ways.”

"The evidence is some of the Death Eaters who were rescued half a year ago. If anyone can break into the heavily guarded Azkaban and the Ministry of Magic without anyone noticing, it would be Heinrich besides Voldemort." Brian suddenly He smiled and said, "Of course, you can also add me."

"But if it was Voldemort, he wouldn't just rescue a few less loyal followers and leave his most loyal men in prison."

"So, the facts are obvious. The one who saved people must be Heinrich." The smile on Brian's face was a little cold. "Obviously, the two dark devils had differences and parted ways. And Heinrich should He took the opportunity to split Voldemort's followers, recruit a group of subordinates from the Death Eaters, and completely break with Voldemort."

Many people nodded thoughtfully, their eyes flashing.

"This trend is good for us and gives us the opportunity to defeat each one one by one, but it does not mean that we can relax our vigilance." Brian continued to pour cold water on him, "If I go to trouble Heinrich again, they will The two of them probably don't mind cooperating to deal with me for the time being."

"And this is just Heinrich's problem, and the influence of the Shadow Club he has developed is even more overwhelming and difficult to resist." Brian paced slowly, "If he only sets his sights on the wizarding world, we will naturally have a way. to deal with it, but he chose to establish a close cooperative relationship with Muggles."

"We can't deal with Muggles unless we can work with them too."

"We already have a cooperative relationship with the Muggle government..." Percy said.

"That was just a one-sided contact with the Muggle Prime Minister, wasn't it?" Brian looked at Percy and said, "And what did Heinrich do? He put his men on the side of those Muggle collaborators. By your side, help them develop their power, eradicate their opponents, and even conquer cities and territories!"

"If we want to stop him in advance, we can only choose to cooperate with Muggles in this way. This kind of behavior will inevitably expose our existence to more Muggles, gradually lose our mystery, and be known to more and more Muggles." Brian said slowly.

"So..." a wizard said, but was interrupted by Brian.

"So, what if we don't stand up?" Brian said, raising his tone. "What if we give up in-depth cooperation with Muggles because of the Wizarding Secrecy Act?"

"The result is also destined. Whatever Heinrich does, whether it is success or failure, will gradually expose the existence of wizards to all Muggles! And by that time we have already lost the opportunity!"

Brian has slowly walked to the front, and everyone's eyes are following him. He opened his arms and said loudly: "So, wake up and stop harboring unrealistic illusions! The existence of wizards will inevitably be exposed to everyone!"

"What we have to do is to prepare in advance, instead of waiting until the war breaks the tortoise shell of the wizarding world. Like a bereaved dog, we panicked and begged Muggles for help and became Muggle dependents!"

"The breach of the confidentiality law is irreversible. What we need to consider is not to find ways to maintain this network that is full of loopholes, but to consider how to make ourselves stronger and more confident in this world!"

For a moment, everyone lost their voices.

Brian gave everyone a moment to think, then smiled and said, "Then, if you have any objections, please stand up and refute me."

The atmosphere became oppressive and solemn. A few people stood up and asked some questions, and then sat down in silence. The conference room fell into silence.

"Then, you all agree that this is an inevitable future." Brian concluded softly.

"In fact, I discussed the solution to this matter with Minister Fudge." Brian smiled slightly, "Since it is unavoidable, it is better to take the initiative and hold the initiative in our own hands."

The wizards sat up involuntarily and stared at Brian with burning eyes. In a trance, they seemed to feel that a brilliant new star was rising, subverting all the existing order and injecting endless vitality into this stagnant water.

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