Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 321 Family

Closing the diary in his hand, Brian raised his head and slowly closed his eyes.

The sun was already high in the sky, and the melodious chirping of birds came from all around, echoing with the sound of water flowing in the mountain stream, forming a wonderful concert.

"In this way, many secrets are no longer secrets." He murmured, "However, there are still some mysteries that have not been solved."

"Do I have to die and then come back to life?" Brian stood up, stuffed the two books into his bag, stretched his body, and took a few steps slowly.

"According to the method of the God of Death, as long as you collect all three Deathly Hallows and enter the Door of Death, you will have a chance to transcend death?"

"Is it that simple? No, maybe we need to add a full set of Death Runes." Brian pondered, "But if it were that simple, the Death Sect wouldn't have been in charge of the Deathly Hallows and Death Runes for so many years. I haven’t figured out the secret.”

"Or is it just because the Death God Sect does not and does not allow anyone who dares to enter the door with the Deathly Hallows, so the truth has never been found? This explanation is quite reasonable."

Brian glanced back at the mountain stream, turned around and walked towards the outside of the mountain.

"However, the frequency of the God of Death dreaming about the door of death is obviously very low, and it is only when he is seventy or eighty years old that he feels the urgency of time and is irreversibly called by death." He whispered to himself, "And now I Already feeling it.”

"Is it really because I use the system to improve my abilities? But what is the purpose?"

"How long do I have left? It seems that I have to speed up." He looked up at the blue sky, took a deep breath, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Foley Manor lay silently on the mountain, and the sparkling lake looked like a clear pearl in the sky.

Brian walked on the flat stone road and walked through the foyer. He was about to raise his hand to open the door of the small living room, but found that the door in front of him opened first.

Mrs. Foley was wearing a simple white dress, her long light red hair was pulled into a bun at the side, and her blue eyes looked at Brian who came back in surprise.

Mr. Foley, dressed in a black robe, was sitting leisurely on a lounge chair, drinking black tea and reading a newspaper.

Brian looked at her with mixed emotions. All signs showed that they were indeed his parents, and there was nothing he had robbed.

If the extraordinary shining of the morning star represents someone who broke the boundaries between life and death and escaped from death, then it was indeed Brian himself who was born at that time. The later consciousness may be the self before the memory is restored, or it may be the personality created after being sealed by Occlumency.

This grudge that had always existed in Brian's heart but was softening over time should be gone. However, Brian found that he didn't have much time.

He himself doesn't have much confidence in his future.

Looking at the gentle woman in front of him, Brian felt a little dazed and stunned for a moment.

"Brian, you're finally back." Mrs. Foley broke the silence first and said with a half-smile, "I haven't seen you throughout the whole summer vacation. Why have you become a little dull?"

"He's not a child anymore. Of course he has his own work to do." Mr. Foley put down the teacup and blinked at Brian.

Brian, who had an inexplicable mentality at first, felt the warm and relaxing atmosphere, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and smiled away all the worries and complications.

"I just went to explore some interesting secrets, Mom." Brian said gently.

Mrs. Foley looked at him in surprise and raised her eyebrows slightly. She seemed to feel Brian's change in mentality. She pursed her lips and smiled: "Suddenly I feel that you have become cuter. What should I do?"

Brian coughed lightly and followed Mrs. Foley through the door. He suddenly found that he had to lower his head slightly to look at her now. Unknowingly, he had grown very tall.

"Really? This kid is not cute at all, and he doesn't look like me." Mr. Foley looked at Brian with a smile.

"Read your newspaper," Mrs. Foley said angrily.

"What's good to see? There is chaos abroad, and peace is being whitewashed at home." Mr. Foley took a sip of tea, "And he praised Brian to the sky."

"I don't know how long the chaos will last. I haven't been to a banquet for a long time." Mrs. Foley clasped her hands on her abdomen demurely, trying her best to hide her proud attitude.

"Besides, the Ministry of Magic is really disappointing when it comes to pinning its hopes on a child." She said with a slight lift of her chin.

Brian smiled helplessly and looked at each other with Mr. Foley. They had a tacit agreement not to tell Mrs. Foley about Brian's other identity.

"Ahem, how many days will you stay here this time?" Mr. Foley asked.

"There hasn't been much going on recently, so come back and stay for two or three days." Brian smiled, "I'll get busy after that."

"Really, don't worry too much about the trivial matters of the Ministry of Magic. Don't let those politicians take advantage of it." Mrs. Foley warned softly, while Brian listened with a smile on his face.

Mrs. Foley, who had been bored at home these days, started talking and kept talking. The voice is soft and gentle, like gentle spring water, making people unable to bear to interrupt.

Brian's lips opened again and again, listening to her words helplessly, nodding from time to time to show that he was listening carefully. Mr. Foley covered his mouth and snickered, but Mrs. Foley turned her head and glanced sideways, changing the target of her chatter to him.

"Okay, okay, he's fine. You don't know that he's just a little fox. The only one who will suffer is others." Mr. Foley said repeatedly.

Mrs. Foley pursed her lips slightly and then reluctantly stopped talking.

Brian stayed at home for three days, enjoying the leisure and relaxation of being isolated from the world. At the same time, he was also discussing some things with Mr. Foley.

"Hogwarts is about to start school tomorrow. Cornelius is writing this letter, hoping that you can take the time to look after the security of Hogwarts to avoid being broken into again." Mr. Foley looked at the letter on the table. channel.

Brian nodded slightly, looking down slightly at the shadow reflected in the tea cup.

Mr. Foley smiled sarcastically and said lazily: "In fact, that short fat man wishes you were at the Ministry of Magic all the time to protect his safety."

"Students are going back to school soon. I'll go look over there then." Brian said the previous topic.

"Well... by the way, how is your relationship with that little girl from the Greengrass family?" Mr. Foley suddenly leaned over and said with a wink.

"What about..." Brian said softly.

"That little girl has been in love with you for a long time. I've seen it a long time ago." Mr. Foley sighed, "Sure enough, you are beautiful because a girl likes you..."

Brian's face darkened slightly and he stared at him speechlessly.

"Okay, I mean, if you confirm your relationship, you can still win the support of the Greengrass family." Mr. Foley raised his eyebrows, "Although their family has declined a lot, they still have influence. ."

"In fact, there is no need to fight for this." Brian said calmly, "Soon, those who want to be neutral will have to take sides, and for me, no matter which side they stand on, they are supporting me."

"Besides, father, you don't need to worry about these things. You should make a clear relationship with Heinrich. Of course, if you are really full..." Brian raised his eyes and looked at Mr. Foley, "Why don't you Thinking about how to gain benefits from this war."

"What do you think?" Mr. Foley moved and smiled like an old fox.

"For example, preparing to open a wizard bank, or setting up a company." Brian shrugged, "The near future will be an era of rapid progress."

"Interesting." Mr. Foley said thoughtfully, rubbing his chin with his right index finger.

"Of course, you may lose your pants in the process. Father, you have to study hard." Brian suddenly smiled.

"Are you looking down on me?" Mr. Foley raised his eyebrows, "I am in charge of many industries."

"However, your competitors in the future will not only be wizards, but also Muggles. Their business knowledge exceeds that of wizards at least for an entire era." Brian said softly.

Mr. Foley narrowed his eyes slightly and frowned.

"So, learning is essential." Brian raised the corners of his mouth and showed an inexplicable smile. He took out dozens of thick books from his bag and arranged them on the table. The big words on the covers of the top books were clearly visible: "The Wealth of Nations", "Principles of Economics", "Economics" history"……

Mr. Foley looked at the pile of books in front of him with a dazed look in his eyes.

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