Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 320 Struggle and Departure

"The magic power has finally broken through the boundaries and is one level more powerful than the leaders of all schools. It's time to announce his return."

"It's been twenty years. I've been dormant for so long. I wonder if anyone still remembers me?"

"It's snowing, a once-in-a-hundred-year snowfall, and everything in sight is dyed white. It's too monotonous."

“I especially like the red today because it should pop against the white.”

"War, killing, eternal themes."

"Is even Tria starting to be afraid of me? What a timid kid, I'm a little disappointed."

"Now I really feel like the god of death who brings death. This feeling is quite good to say."

"The old guy hiding in the prophecy school actually reached the same level of magic power as me. He is really a cunning old immortal. He set a trap against me early with the centaurs? Don't you know that I also have prophecy ability?"

"It was a really difficult battle, but it was also very enjoyable. If it weren't for the help of rune alchemy items, this battle would have been really dangerous."

"Now, no one can stop me from reunifying."

"I am now the uncrowned king of the human race."

"But after a long time, it becomes very boring."

"A few little guys betrayed me because my rule was too cruel? Tsk, tsk, I can enjoy a good show."

"After their names are crossed out in the Book of Death, random curses will appear on them. They will never kill them easily, but will be passed down to future generations along with their blood. The blood is endless, The curse endures.”

"This drama is really interesting. I found the expressions on everyone's faces and the activities in their hearts to be the most ridiculous drama."

"Why can't we achieve true immortality? Is immortality really not allowed by the world?"

"After decades of repeated research, combined with the runes in my mind, I finally created the most appropriate and perfect method. Based on the premise of the immortality of the soul, runes are used to preserve the vitality in the body, so that life can flow endlessly. ."

"But before using it, I predicted a great threat."

"Many human experiments were conducted, but in the end everyone died. How could this happen? There is no problem with the flow of magic power in the runes..."

"I feel bad. I'm afraid they can't bear the backlash from the world? If that's the reason, I have a hunch that I can't bear it either."

"If I can make another breakthrough at my current level of magic power, I can withstand this backlash. However, breaking through magic power to a higher level is not easy."

"It seems that I have to use the existing methods of immortality in this world to preserve my strength. Although there will be various sequelae, as long as I break through the magic power, all problems will no longer be a problem."

Seeing this, Brian paused and thought of the system's prompt: [Increase the magic power to a higher level as soon as possible. 】

"Is it because of this?" He murmured, but frowned slightly, "Is it for immortality?"

He reached out and turned to the next page.

"That dream reappeared, more and more frequently, like a gangrene that cannot be shaken off."

"No sign of a curse, no trace of dream magic, but it makes me increasingly uneasy."

"Obviously I have used various methods to preserve my vitality, but I always have a deep fear of being summoned by death."

"This can't go on like this. I have to mobilize everyone's strength to find the secret of this door."

"After defeating the centaurs, these disgusting guys finally fell into my hands."

"Relying on his innate prophecy ability, reaching out everywhere and claiming to be the defender of world peace, it is really annoying."

"I asked the leader of the centaurs to leave the name of their entire group in the "Book of Death", and they have bowed to me since then. Haha, after so many years of improvement and changes, the Book of Death has already gained stronger control. ."

"How should I punish you? Since you are proud of your ability to predict, then I will curse your predictions to never be clear again. Even if someone who is inspired occasionally sees the truth, they will not be believed by others."

"I think this is a kind enough and interesting enough punishment."

"I found the door that appeared in my dream in a valley. It was calling me deeply."

"I have never felt so scared and uneasy, yet I was deeply attracted and wanted to enter the door right away."

"I spent a lot of money to conduct a divination, and I understood one thing: Even if I make full preparations for immortality, I will eventually embrace death. This is my final destination."

"This door represents death itself, the beginning and end of everything, despair and hope, but I am not qualified to enter it now."

"I have to hurry up, I don't have much time."

"If Death dies in the end, that would be the funniest joke in the world."

"I conquered all intelligent races such as goblins, elves, mermaids, vampires, and werewolves, and asked them to write the names of their groups in the Book of the Dead."

"The Book of Death, which brings together the power of various ethnic groups, can exert a powerful driving force under my guidance and help me break through the boundaries of magic."

"Although the sequelae of such a breakthrough are great, the power is mixed, and it may even affect the mental state, I have no time to find a better method. I must try my immortality plan before time runs out."

"It failed. Although I broke through the magic and reached a height that no one has ever reached. Maybe I can call it the legendary realm. But the immortality plan still cannot be implemented."

"I can withstand the influence of the runes, but the call of death is still with me."

"I realized that death was something I could not escape. I traveled into this world and gained a new life. I was a prisoner who narrowly escaped death. So, death has been calling me since I was born. "

"Prisoners have to go back to prison eventually, so I have to die."

"But maybe I can find a way to come back from the dead."

"Resurrection from the dead is not allowed in this world. The boundary between life and death is always the most difficult to break."

"Fortunately, the runes in my head give me hope. It's really the only thing I can rely on now."

"I made three things that helped me achieve my great cause of resurrection from the dead."

"The Soul Summoning Stone, it can bring my soul back from death and return to the world again."

"The protective cloak can block the world's sight and allow my soul to return safely without being harmed by the world's backlash."

"The Resurrection Wand is the most powerful wand. It has the power to connect life and death, ensuring that the resurrection spell can be executed smoothly."

"I've done everything I can, and if it doesn't work out, I can say I tried my best."

"Everything has been arranged. I took the three things I prepared and planned to enter the door."

"Whether you can transcend death depends on this time."

"The shining star of Venus at dusk today is welcoming me back to the embrace of death?"

"I succeeded. From now on, I no longer need to be chased by death or teased by fate."

"It turns out that two years have passed. I was appreciating the secrets and truth in death and unconsciously forgot about time."

"The morning star is shining for me again. Now I know that the shining of Venus represents the breaking of the boundaries between life and death. At this time, loopholes in life and death, time and even cause and effect may also appear."

"From now on, I am the real God of Death."

"Death is really a fascinating and interesting thing. It connects all truths, is the singularity of all, and connects different worlds."

"Now I have the ability to travel through every world. When I get tired of staying in this world, I can roam the endless world."

"Ian, wait for me. Of course, it doesn't matter if you die early. I can always go back to the day you betrayed me."

"That group of elves dared to rebel after I left, causing a lot of damage and making me not happy."

"Why can't you be more knowledgeable like those goblins? The goblin leaders are extremely flattering to me. Although they are cunning, they lick me very comfortably."

"Since you pursue freedom, then...let you become slaves forever. I think wizards need a kind of slave called a house elf."

"There is no need to keep the runes secret anymore, I put them in the Death God Sect."

"Haha, they are really flocking to it. Even if I tell them that these runes are rejected by the world, the people who study them will die early..."

"But, feel free to study it. Only I know the specific meaning and interaction of these runes. Only I can truly maximize the effects of these runes... Others can only study step by step and spend a long time trying, Some results may be obtained, but their true meaning and correct use may never be understood.”

"It would be fun if someone could thoroughly study the secrets of the Deathly Hallows under such circumstances."

"I'm really speechless. The language I'm writing is regarded as a great magic text by all wizards, and it has been studied and researched by all the people."

"Sure enough, when a person stands at the top, everything he leaves behind will be worshiped and interpreted."

"But this way my diary will not be able to keep secret. If someone gets this diary, my image will be ruined."

"But I'm not willing to destroy it, after all, it has been with me for so many years."

"Forget it, I will have left this world by then anyway. As long as I don't know that anyone knows, it won't be me who is embarrassed."

"However, it is very bad behavior to peek into other people's diaries. What do you think I will do?"

"How long has it been? One hundred years or two hundred years?"

"The days are getting boring. All the fun has been enjoyed. Maybe I should leave."

"I left the three Deathly Hallows here and told everyone: All my secrets are in them. If you get them, you can get everything!"

"Ha ha."

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