Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 322 Hogwarts starts school

While Mr. Foley was "gnashing his teeth" and chewing on the book, Brian came to King's Cross Station and stood quietly in the corner of platform nine and three-quarters, watching the people coming and going.

"Mr. Foley, if there is any problem, you can inform us." A young Auror with freckles said next to him. He looked at Brian with curiosity, as if he was admiring a living legend.

"Are you a newcomer?" Brian glanced at him and remembered that he was a Hufflepuff senior.

"Yes, I am Robert. I just graduated from Hogwarts last year and joined this year." The young Auror said, "You may not know me, but I know you, the warrior of Hogwarts. I didn't expect you to be like this." Just graduated.”

Robert said very excitedly: "Cedric also joined the Auror office this year and is now an intern Auror like me, but he is not here today."

"Cedric?" Brian whispered to himself and nodded slightly.

"In the past two years, the Ministry of Magic has increased the number of Auror recruits and improved the treatment of Aurors, but the recruitment conditions have not been relaxed at all." Robert said very talkatively, "The Auror exam was really crowded, but in the end Not many people can actually join.”

"These are troubled times, and Auror is a very dangerous job." Brian said softly.

"What's not dangerous now? Becoming an Auror can also help you gain combat experience and better protect the people you want to protect." Robert said enthusiastically.

Brian nodded silently and listened to Robert continue: "Manpower is needed everywhere recently, and many places need protection. The Auror office is still recruiting people. In fact, I think that with you here, no one will come to attack... …”

"Robert, what are you doing there? Come here quickly!" A middle-aged Auror shouted to this side.

"Okay!" Robert jumped over energetically.

Brian smiled and stood quietly in the corner of the platform, watching the people saying goodbye to each other.

Brian saw Draco, with his mother, looking much better behaved and sensible. However, Draco's eyes completely changed after seeing Harry and the others. He raised his chin in disgust and his nostrils almost reached the sky.

Blaise was carrying a big bird cage and was kissed again and again by his stunningly beautiful mother, smearing lipstick marks all over his face with a look of disgust. Theodore Nott got into the car alone, carrying a big schoolbag, looking a little lonely.

Luna was pushing a large suitcase onto the train with her father, and the two hugged goodbye at the door. The little black cat lay lazily on the owl cage, lazily licking its paws. Luna gave him a wide wave as if she already knew Brian was here, then turned around and jumped on the train.

On the other side, Daphne and Astoria were saying goodbye to their parents. The whole family had golden hair, shining warmly in the sun.

As if she felt something, after hugging her mother, Daphne turned her head and looked in the direction of Brian. Her beautiful blue eyes instantly brightened, as if they were suddenly filled with starlight.

"Brian!" With a bright smile on her face, Daphne avoided the crowded crowd and ran towards this side.

"Daphne." Brian felt helpless and warm. He opened his arms and gently gave her a hug.

After a very brief hug, the two people faced each other, and a thousand words turned into a smile.

Brian glanced at Daphne's parents. Mrs. Greengrass was nodding to him with a smile on her face, and the gentle Mr. Greengrass was looking at him with a serious look on his face.

Brian smiled and nodded at them, listening to Daphne's words: "Are you escorting students here?"

"Yeah, come and take a look." Brian said.

"Will you go with the train?" Daphne looked at him seriously.

"Yes, but I won't be with you," Brian said.

"Well, you have to be careful, Brian," Daphne said.

"Of course, you have to be careful too. I'm not sure if they will target Hogwarts again." Brian pondered.

He looked sideways at Daphne's fair and graceful profile, took out a piece of parchment from his pocket and handed it to her: "This is the Marauder's Map I made, make good use of it."

Daphne looked at the parchment curiously, her thin eyelashes casting a faint shadow on her cheeks.

"Something like that castle model?" She squeezed the map tightly.

"Yes, I don't give it to you to take risks. I just hope that when you see danger in the school, you can hide in time and contact me through this badge."

Brian put another exquisite trait badge into Daphne's hand and said very seriously.

"I understand." Daphne nodded seriously.

The train made a long whistle, and Daphne hurriedly ran towards the train, turning around and saying, "I'll get on the train first. Goodbye, Brian."

Brian watched as she followed each student onto the train. After the Aurors finally entered the door, the Hogwarts Express started slowly.

Brian's figure quietly landed on the roof of the train, sat down cross-legged, and used the Disguise Charm to hide his figure. He watched quietly as the surrounding scenes quickly passed before his eyes, and there was only the sound of his robes rustling in the wind.

The journey was uneventful and there was no danger. After all the students returned to school safely, Brian looked up at the castle towering high on the cliff and turned around silently to leave.

In the auditorium of Hogwarts, students were chattering and sharing their experiences during the holidays and talking about Heinrich's arrogant behavior. They did not feel the same way, but seemed to be telling each other legends and stories. The air was filled with laughter and laughter.

"It's really unbearable. I have to move to a house in the country this summer vacation. The carpets there are all eaten by insects..." Draco was slowly complaining about his life during the summer vacation. "Mom won't let me go to the house." Go outside, it's like there are dark wizards everywhere with wands attacking people randomly..."

Astoria listened with a smile and comforted him softly, as if comforting a child.

Daphne put her chin in one hand and looked at the map in her hand, as quiet as a beautiful oil painting.

"...Don't doubt it, it's all Cornelius Fudge's conspiracy." Luna told the people around her seriously, "Heinrich is actually a house elf, and the Ministry of Magic secretly trained him to spread gum disease. Disease has come to rule the world, and everything now is just a cover-up..."

"You don't want this, do you?" a Gryffindor boy said to his friend next to him, "Constipated people? I dare say the mysterious man will definitely murder them on the toilet... Save it, now Diagon Alley It’s just that Weasley’s Joke Shop is a bit interesting, don’t let it close down…”

"Yeah, yeah..." the boy next to him said perfunctorily, "Would you like some finger biscuits in the shape of the Dark Mark?"

"I can't believe it, Harry, you don't want to drop out of school, do you?" Ron's fiery red hair was like a burning flame.

"No, I don't need to find Horcruxes anymore." Harry whispered, "Maybe I have to think about how to kill that snake..."

"But now the mysterious man has disappeared, let alone the snake." Hermione whispered, "I don't think you need to think about this matter for the time being, Harry."

"But I should pay more attention to look for it. Dumbledore left this matter to me..." Harry said.

"You don't want to spend the whole world playing hide-and-seek with the mysterious man, do you?" Ron stared at him in horror.

"Yeah, right." Harry said perfunctorily.

"You should think about what Dumbledore told you, Harry," Hermione said.

"He will only tell me to trust Brian and trust Snape!" Harry said angrily, "But none of them will tell us anything, and the other one can't even tell which side he is on."

"We should believe Dumbledore, right?" Hermione said uneasily.

"Yes, I should just wait for others to arrange things clearly for me..." Harry said angrily.

"Man, didn't you notice that Snape is still there?" Ron muttered, "He won't break the curse that has been placed on Defense Against the Dark Arts, right? I have a bad feeling..."

Only then did Harry and Hermione notice this, and stared at the teacher's chair with their mouths open, where Snape was communicating with Slughorn incomprehensibly.

"Maybe the two of them just swapped the professor's subjects..." Harry groaned.

"No, I'll just say that the curse in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is just a coincidence. No one can curse a position!" Hermione raised her chin.

"Hush, the sorting ceremony has begun." Ron said.

Professor McGonagall led a group of young wizards into the auditorium, holding a gray-black hat in his hand.

"Don't you think the Sorting Hat is a bit strange?" Harry noticed the hat placed on the stool, "Isn't it changed?"

"Don't worry, man, it's probably just a wash," said Ron. "They finally remembered that they should wash their hats. That's really good news, isn't it?"

"But the Sorting Hat's lyrics are full of resentment." Ginny was listening to the Sorting Hat's song with great interest and said after hearing this.

The lights in the castle echoed the moonlight in the sky, and the laughter was like the cheerful chirping of birds in the deep jungle.

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