Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 319 Betrayal and Madness

The time shown on the next page of notes was already half a year later, and Death's handwriting no longer looked so sloppy.

"When the school was founded, many things were complicated and confusing."

"A new school of thought will always be resisted by existing forces. Although I was prepared for it, the backlash that followed was still frightening. It seems that the Death Curse I created did cause a lot of panic. ."

"However, I am an amazing genius, how can I be defeated by you?"

"The school has been initially established. With the support of the unique magic spell and alchemy technology I created, it only takes a period of secret development to not lose to other schools. When the time comes... hum, prepare to bear the consequences of death. Be angry.”

"I'm getting married tomorrow, but I'm getting more and more anxious. Maybe I have marriage phobia. I'd better go find Selena to comfort me. She's the most considerate."

"I finally gained a foothold, and the successive wars made me tired of it."

"I overturned the old nest of the prophecy school and found a lot of information collected by them, which can be used to enrich the foundation of the Death School. I also want to learn prophecy. Those old magicians are really difficult to deal with."

"After killing this chicken, I should be able to calm down for a while. I can finally go home. I miss Lillian's warm embrace."

"Lillian is pregnant, am I going to have a child of my own? I feel a little complicated for no reason."

"My sense of belonging to this world has also become stronger. To be honest, this world is not too bad. Although the conditions are far behind and the entertainment is much less, the people here have low IQs and the quality of the beauties But very high.”

"I am progressing very quickly in learning prophecy. It seems that my talent for prophecy is pretty good. I am indeed a genius, a genius who had visions when I was born."

"But what does the shining star mean? Why is there such a vision? There can't really be a god in this world."

"I can study it when I have time in the future."

"The child was born, and I named him Tria, using the name of my previous life. It was a farewell to my previous life."

"The war has begun again, and the war between races is always the most cruel."

"The defense line to the east was lost, and those cunning goblins rushed into human territory to plunder and kill wantonly. To be honest, as a member of humanity, I can't help but feel angry."

"The mermaid community on the west coast is also about to move, but there is no movement from the elves. They have never dealt with the goblins, but they also have mutual hatred with humans. Maybe they want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight."

"The situation is still not chaotic enough. It would be better to be more chaotic. Only in chaos and war can the Death God Sect absorb the fertile soil watered by blood and flourish. Maybe I can go to the elves for a trip."

"Just now you were angry about the suffering of human beings, but now you are thinking about how to get benefits. Dominic, you are indeed a despicable guy."

"Despicable me, it's actually quite funny."

For a long time, Death did not write a diary. When I turned to the next page, it was already the time when Death was thirty years old.

"This war is finally over. All ethnic groups have suffered huge losses, and peace can last for many years."

"The Death God Sect has also become one of the most powerful sects. This was developed by me. I have an emotion called pride in my heart."

"Why do I feel like this? Am I already old?"

"Telia has grown up slowly and is now a handsome young man who has inherited my magical talent."

"I have to study the method of immortality. I will not be satisfied with spending my life like an ordinary wizard and then return to dust."

"That dream has come again. I have had it three times. Maybe next time I will enter that stone arch. What does that mean?"

Seeing this, Brian's expression became much more solemn. Why did Death have such a long dream? He only dreamed it three times when he was thirty years old.

Brian doesn't know how many times he has dreamed about it, and now he has long been deeply trapped in the "door" in the dream.

The index finger of his right hand tapped lightly on the diary, and Brian lowered his eyes and continued to read down.

Turning a new page, it is shocking red. This page was written with black and red ink that looked like dried blood. The marks of the pen were deeply embedded in the paper, almost cutting open the thick parchment.

"Haha, I thought that after the war would be the long-lost peace, but I didn't expect that it would be the deepest hell."

"Betrayal, betrayal again."

"I know that my secret instigation intensified the intensity of the war, but who did I do this for? You benefited from it, but in the end you put all the sins on me? Because the one I invented cost countless lives. The spell?"

"Haha, I thought you were a bunch of stupid guys, but in the end I was the stupidest person!"

"In the last life, Ian betrayed me. In this life, my apprentice, my friends, the power I worked so hard to develop... all betrayed me. It's really ridiculous."

"But why...why did you even betray me, Lilian?"

"Am I not good enough for you? I gave you the best things, and I let you enjoy everything that others can't get in their lifetime!"

"Is it just because I'm not dedicated enough? I just long for gorgeous and passionate love. I put all my passion into every relationship. Only in such extremely bright emotions can the spark of inspiration bloom dazzlingly."

"But you know, Lillian, you will always be my favorite. Not the brilliant and short-lived ones like fireworks, but the long and peaceful love."

"Don't worry, Lilian, I will preserve your body so that you will always be by my side and bloom at your most beautiful moment."

"Now you will never betray me again, right? My dear Lillian."

Brian's fingers trembled and he sighed softly.


Although it is sympathetic, it must be said that to some extent it is his own fault.

Brian seemed to understand where Death's later evil personality came from.

Turning to the next page, the pen and ink are no longer shocking black and red, and the handwriting of the God of Death has become much more regular. It is no longer the careless scribbling, but unhurried, as if it suddenly bids farewell to the immaturity of the past.

But Brian may know what kind of madness and distortion is hidden under this normality.

He seemed to see a graceful wizard slowly writing a diary in that chaotic era two thousand years ago, with a strange smile on his face.

"After thoroughly rectifying the entire school, all the bugs were finally eliminated."

"I hung those traitors in the banyan forest. They were really like bacon waiting to be dried."

"The Death God Sect has begun to develop in the dark. When we reappear in the light, it will be time for the world to change."

"Haha, I have been described as a devil in hell, a cruel devil... but so what? History is written by the victors. When I stand on the top of the world, I will be the embodiment of light and justice."

"However, I like the title of the God of Death more and more. Shouldn't the God of Death be the one who harvests life?"

"There will be no more Dominic Tanat, only Death."

"A breakthrough has been made in the research on curses, and a "Book of Death" has been refined."

"It's the perfect way to control all your followers."

"Although the Legilimency of the School of Thought is also very good, it is too boring."

"I asked everyone who followed me to leave their names in the book. Haha, now I hope more people will betray me. The result will definitely be very interesting."

"The dream came again, and I entered the stone archway."

"What a strange place it was? Surrounded by countless doors, mirrors or picture frames, and in the distance was a clear and beautiful light, so attractive and yet so scary to me."

"Perhaps I should pay more attention to this dream."

"I always feel that if I allow it to develop, my future will be very bad."

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