Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 318 The Story of Death

The time shown on the next page of the diary is two months later, and I am much more careless.

"Today my brother came to me crying, and I blew him away. Did I awaken some kind of power?"

"I originally thought this world was an ordinary world, but I didn't expect it to have mysterious power. But why is there no energy in the air?"

"It seems that the cultivation methods of the previous life cannot be used in this world, but the strength in the body is still slowly increasing, but I do not feel the influx of energy, nor do I feel physically or mentally weak, nor does my appetite increase... So Where this power comes from and how it becomes stronger is really intriguing.”

"This kind of power may be closer to the mysterious nature than the power in the previous life, which is really exciting."

"I don't know if I can return to the original world. If Ian knew that he killed me and gave me a power closer to my true nature, he would probably be angry to death and alive again."

"I don't know if the things from the previous life can still be used. Unfortunately, apart from a basic meditation method, I only memorized an alchemy rune book. Damn it Ian."

"Well, it's decided. If I can go back, I must let Ian die for a hundred years."

Brian's eyes moved. Was it the alchemy rune book brought from another world? He turned to the next page, and it was three days later.

"The awakening of the power made my parents cry with joy. They said it was magic and that I was a born wizard."

"My mother said that my birth was accompanied by the dazzling morning star, which destined me to be an extraordinary person. Of course, I am a man who wants to stand at the top of the world."

"It's such a shame that Adela is getting married. I want to rub her breasts more."

Brian scanned quickly, and after flipping through several pages of trivia, he saw useful information again. It was already three years later.

"I'm going to the nearby wizarding school to learn magic. I finally waited for this day. When life is boring enough, even I want to learn."

"The legendary journey is about to begin, and I feel a little sad."

"Why do I feel that my mentality is getting closer to that of a child? On the impact of the body on the soul? It sounds like a promising research topic..."

"I have to say goodbye to my childhood sweetheart, cousin Lillian. She will definitely be a great beauty when she grows up."

"The research on magic in this world is still in its infancy. Even the ancient wizarding schools still cannot get rid of primitive exploration methods."

"It turns out that humans are not the only powerful ethnic group in the world. Groups such as fairies, elves, and mermaids also occupy large areas, as well as groups of magical animals such as phoenixes and dragons. It's really strange. There is obviously no magic power in the air... …”

"However, what's interesting is that as long as you study the principles of magic well, you can create your own magic. It is even said that two people who create completely different spells and gestures can get exactly the same magic effect."

"It's a bit idealistic. It seems that the magic in this world has much more potential than I imagined."

"Ian, wash your neck and wait for me to go back and kill you ten thousand times!"

"Well, I got my own magic wand, which has a powerful channeling effect on magic power, but isn't it too weird to swing the stick at each other during a battle?"

"The creation of magic is not as complicated as I thought. From now on, I will be a great inventor."

"Alchemy has just emerged in this world. What's good is that the runes I memorized in my mind can be used in this world, and the power they exert is much stronger than in the previous life."

"What a great invention. The astonishing and talented Dominique Tanat invented an unprecedented alchemical rune at a young age. This is a small step for Tanat and the whole world. A big step!"

"Ahem, I can't take them out yet. Maybe I can keep these runes and create a school myself in the future."

"Being the master of one's own affairs is the correct pursuit of life."

"I don't have enough money. I can't go to work. Maybe I should find a rich woman? Fortunately, I look pretty good."

"Amelia and Ferrier in the school are both beautiful. Who should I choose better? Elena is also good-looking, but her figure is not that good. I don't know what cousin Lilian looks like... "

Seeing this, Brian was choked speechless by Death's shamelessness. He took a breath and continued to scroll down.

The latter part was mostly records of Death's studies and experiments in the school, as well as speechless trivia about life. Brian flipped through more than a dozen pages before he saw what he wanted to see.

Judging by the time, the Death God is now seventeen years old.

"The school is at war with the centaurs across the river, and I have to go to the battlefield. It's really annoying."

"Those centaurs are very poor, and they don't have any useful materials on them. Even the meat is sour, so there is no benefit at all in starting a war. But those centaurs are so stupid that they still say that I am the evil star who brings disaster. It's really funny."

"Unknowingly, I have become one of the pillars of the school. Time flies so fast."

"I've been wanting to take a nap lately, and I had a strange dream just now. I'm a little concerned about it. Could it be those guys from the Dream School who are cursing me?"

"In the dream, I was walking in darkness. There was a towering stone arch in front of me, and there were gorgeous curtains on it. The fabric was good. It looked like a door in a noble castle? There were a lot of whispering voices around me. I thought It’s irritating to watch.”

"I always feel like this dream isn't a good one. I hope I'm just overthinking it. If there's really a problem, I'll go to the Dream School and knock something out. Anyway, they are very good at finding precious materials and exploring secrets."

"Well, maybe it's because I broke up with Doris, so I'm a little sad. Maybe I should chase Lina. She is beautiful and charming, like a ripe peach..."

Brian clenched his fists and ignored Death's romantic affair. He just looked at the dream described by Death.

"It seems that he dreamed about that door just like me." Brian said to himself, "Although the details are different...but there is no figure in his dream that he needs to chase all the time."

"Besides, he had this dream later." Brian thought as he continued to search for useful information.

"In the blink of an eye, I am already nineteen years old. Time flies by so fast that people can't help but be in awe of it."

"There seems to be no way in this world that can make people truly immortal, and I don't know if I can find it. I don't want to end up as a handful of loess. Maybe the runes I brought are what I rely on."

"I finally figured out the spell. But it's much more powerful than I thought."

"A spell that can take away all life from a person's body and kill a person instantly...Avada Kedavra."

"The results obtained by studying the runes in my brain are so amazing. This ability to die instantly is really frightening. If I were killed by this spell one day, it would really rank among the stupidest ways to die in the world. It’s in place.”

"I can't announce it, so let it be my own trump card. But I'm not yet proficient in spell-free casting. This spell is very difficult, and I can't cast it without spells."

"If others hear the spell, it will be leaked. Use it with caution."

"However, it seems that it requires me to shout out the spell passionately? How shameful. Why is the spell I created like this? Am I such a ostentatious person at heart?"

"No, it's just an accident. There is no one more humble, elegant, noble and indifferent than me."

"Kill Johnson with the Death Curse and break up with the school."

"Isn't it just because I invented a killing curse? What is the difference between good and evil in a curse? Why are you like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, and want to send me to the stake like those centaurs?"

"A bunch of pedantic guys, but they still leaked this curse. It's really troublesome. If I'm not careful, I will be killed by this curse."

"Rebecca also betrayed me. It's so sad. Although we were only together for a month, I gave you all my passion and sincerity... Of course, my favorite will always be cousin Lillian. She is a gentle and considerate good girl, and she is so beautiful.”

"Back home, my parents are planning my wedding to Lillian. Although I like Lillian, getting married is really frustrating."

"There are endless attacks from different schools. Maybe I should establish a school of my own. What is its name?"

"Since I invented the Death Curse that can control life and death, just like the legendary God of Death who controls the gate of the underworld and harvests souls. Why not call it the Death God Sect."

"Then can I call myself the God of Death?"

"This way, the style will be there."

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