Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 317 Death Diary

"Will the lost future return in another way?" Brian's eyes were fixed on this string of words, his expression slightly frozen.

"In dreams, in illusions, in the moment of mental confusion, it will briefly return to people's memories and confuse people's thoughts." Brian's eyes flickered and he touched it thoughtfully. Chin, "If this is the case, some things can be explained...but the question is...why do this."

He continued to look down, hoping to find some answers later.

"Future friend, what I hope you know is that fate is not so easy to get rid of. You may be able to change the original fate of this world, but you yourself will also be affected by it. Just like a person entering a river, You can pick treasures from the river, you can change some things in the river, but you are also drifting with the flow."

"But the good news is that you have the opportunity to choose and change. This is the biggest difference between you, me and the God of Death and other people in this world."

"However, even 'Death' and I can't escape the arrangement of fate. But the difference is that for us, fate is always playing some interesting little jokes on us. But for others outside of us, For human beings, fate is always cruel and merciless.”

"What makes the difference is whether you can come back from death again and truly transcend death in a sense."

"Future friend, I think you and the God of Death should be of the same kind. You were born with the brightest star at dawn and escaped from death, but you come from a different world."

"I have chased the deeds of the God of Death, used the things he left behind, and transcended death like him, so that I could have enough time to look at the era I was in."

"Beyond death itself is not allowed, but the runes brought by the God of Death give us a chance. It is something that does not belong to this world. It is despair and hope."

"My birth was accompanied by the twinkling of Venus at dusk. Later I learned that that day was when the God of Death left. Perhaps it was because of this that the boundary between life and death was broken, allowing me to gain a new life."

"Now I have left this world like the god of death to chase the dream of my previous life. I am very happy that this world no longer needs me."

"I left you a note from the God of Death, which contains many secrets about the God of Death."

"But please remember, be careful of Death."

"The God of Death is a wizard who is very good at prophecy, but he prefers teasing and having fun. Although we can't see a clear future, death contains all the truth. It depends on whether you are willing to take the time to find it."

"What I do know is that Death is someone who is willing to spend a long time and infinite patience to devise a bad joke."

"The exquisite little trap he left for me is really something I will never forget. I still feel very 'kind' when I recall it."

For the first time, Merlin's writing had a bit of gritted teeth, and it was obvious that he also hated the death trap.

For a great wizard like Merlin to remember him for so long, Death is really a terrible person.

Regarding the matter of "Be careful of the God of Death", Brian was convinced. He thought of the previous attack on him by the leader of the Death God sect. The ultimate reason was the teasing prophecy left by the God of Death, which almost killed him.

In any case, the God of Death is really a very bad guy.

Fortunately, Brian escaped the trap set by Death, but will there be a second trap?

Thinking of this, Brian felt a little more gloomy for no reason.

"The ghost is still here." Brian couldn't help but muttered.

Then he looked at the part about fate that Merlin said and thought to himself: "Because the three of us are souls who luckily escaped from death, can we have the opportunity to resist fate?"

The fate of this world is too cruel.

Brian then thought about it, if he had not traveled through time, all the stories in this world would have developed according to their original trajectory. Isn't this the arrangement of fate?

Even though everyone is working hard, struggling, and pursuing opportunities to change their destiny, who knows that all the endings have already been written?

What you think is changing your destiny is just destiny's arrangement. The choices you make are just what destiny lets you choose. Whether you choose to fight or accept your fate has also been written by destiny. But the world doesn’t know, so there is unlimited hope.

Brian sighed softly, feeling more alert and urgent.

He continued to flip through the notes, only to find that there was no other content at the back. Finally, there were a few copied death runes. Brian identified them and confirmed that they were indeed the 'death' part of the runes he was missing.

Brian breathed a sigh of relief, took out some pieces of parchment and rubbed the runes, and his expression became more relaxed.

Closing Merlin's note, Brian touched the hard cover of the note, and then turned his gaze to the Death Note.

Brian has always been curious about what kind of person this ancient god of death was.

"After all, he is also the first senior time traveler." Brian smiled involuntarily.

With mixed emotions, Brian took the Death Note and looked at the dim and faded symbols on the cover. Different from the symbols I’ve seen from the Death God sect, the symbol on the cover is not so upright. The capital “D” is crooked, giving it a casual and unruly feel.

Brian opened the cover and saw the signature on the title page.

"Dominique Tanat."

The signature is an ancient magic script. It is unknown where it originated, but it occupies a place in the current study of ancient magic script.

"Is this the name of the God of Death?" Brian thought to himself as he looked at the scrawled handwriting. This ancient magic text did not cause Brian any difficulty in reading.

"Tanat... It seems that the leader of the Death God sect does know something about Death." Brian thought and turned to the next page.

To Brian's expectation, this was not a notebook recording research on death magic, but a real diary.

Brian flipped through it briefly. There was a date written on each page. The handwriting was either neat or scrawled, but it also revealed that it was careless. It should be a diary written casually on a daily basis.

Turning back to the first page, Brian began to look. The font on the first page is correct and the date is August 1st.

"I decided to start writing a diary in the future. It will become the biography of a great man and be worshiped by countless future generations. Of course, it is better to write it in the words of the previous life so as not to be read by others."

"Well, the weather is nice today, the sun is shining brightly, and my father led a group of people to resist the invasion of the Tangpu Territory. Although in my opinion, this so-called war is just a village fight, but for the sake of everyone being prepared, , I’ll just have to be nervous for a while.”

"You call me 'Father' so naturally, Tria, oh, now my name is Dominic, you are so shameless. After all, you were almost 20 years old before you traveled through time, and you don't care about someone older than you. How many people call me father, but today I even acted like a baby to him. Thinking about it now gives me goosebumps."

"No, what am I writing? This is the biography of a saint, how can I remember these things?"

"Forget it, no one else can understand it anyway."

"My sister is crying again, annoying. My brother is crying too. I really want to slap him away. In fact, I think he has a problem with his IQ. I really want to say that the tableware used in the castle will only cause brain problems, but But they all regard it as a privilege of the nobility, which is really nerve-wracking.”

"But cousin Adela is so beautiful, even though she is not smart. Well, I want her to hug me more, since I am only three years old now."

The first page of the diary ended here. The corners of Brian's mouth twitched. He seemed to understand what kind of person the God of Death was.

He looked around involuntarily, feeling inexplicably ashamed of peeping into other people's privacy.

Brian blinked and continued to turn to the next page.

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