Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 314 Looking for Merlin

Just as the world was in panic, Brian, the culprit who caused all this, came to Cornwall alone.

After two months of hard work, the development of the Film Club is on the right track. As the leader, Brian, the three forces of Death Eaters, Saints and new entrants have merged to form a new core, plus more unknowing peripheral members, forming a new core. The overall structure of the film club.

Among them, those peripheral members only knew that the film club inherited Grindelwald's ideas and did not understand its brighter side. These people were assigned to core members for arrangements and gradual ideological transformation to see if they could be gradually absorbed into core members.

The power of the film club continues to grow, and it has finally stabilized and can let go a little bit. Brian, who has traveled to various places and given many speeches and battles, is finally freed from the tedious work.

Brian couldn't help feeling that being a Dark Lord was not that easy, especially for a Dark Lord who had ideals, ambitions, and was still in the development stage of his career. It was really exhausting.

If Brian didn't have an immediate goal to achieve, he would really want to give up the job.

Now, Brian pursues Merlin's deeds and comes to the place that is most likely to be Merlin's hometown according to historical research, Cornwall.

Currently, the only people who have traces of possible possession of the complete Death Rune are Death and Merlin. However, the God of Death has "left", and the time is too long to be traced back. Brian has to try to find Merlin's tomb to see if he can fill in the only missing part of the Death Rune about "death". part.

"But is Merlin really dead?" Brian muttered to himself as he walked slowly along the roadside.

He was wearing a slim-fitting black robe with beautiful silver patterns on it, which made him look elegant and retro. He was slightly noticeable among the Muggles coming and going, but he didn't look out of place.

Many Muggles would look at him curiously when they passed by. His beautiful appearance and noble and unique temperament made him look like an aristocratic young master who stepped out of an oil painting.

Brian ignored the looks from outsiders. He raised his head to identify the road, but he was thinking and analyzing Merlin's information in his heart.

"Merlin is probably like the God of Death, a figure who is almost transcendent of death." Brian closed his eyes, "A powerful wizard who has lived for more than 1,200 years and is still good at prophecy, how could he die so easily?"

But he still had to try to find it.

"The book of poems says that Merlin was buried in his home and slept with the most beautiful light... his home... the most beautiful light..." Brian touched his chin.

The exact person who buried Merlin has not been recorded. In fact, the circumstances of Merlin's death during the Goblin Rebellion have been obscure in the history of magic. Historians don't even know who killed him in that battle. Merlin.

This is very inconsistent with the legendary story of a great historical figure. Just like the various ambiguities and contradictions in Merlin's life, they are hidden in the fog of history, as if a confusion spell has been recited.

Brian can only try to find Merlin's hometown.

According to the records and research of magical history, Merlin's accurate birthplace is in Cornwall, and there is no specific location because Merlin was actually not noticeable in his youth.

Brian recalled all the places in Cornwall that might be related to Merlin, and finally settled on Tintagel, rumored to be the birthplace of King Arthur, as his target this time. This is the only place where it can barely be related to Merlin, but that's about it, and Brian actually doesn't have much hope.

"Perhaps I can find a wizard who is good at divination?" Brian was thinking wildly as he walked.

He first walked around the local library and museum, but found no clues, and then continued walking towards his destination.

Tintagel is a village located by the sea. The scenery here is beautiful, and there are scattered gray houses along the streets. It looks quaint and dim, but has a unique flavor.

Brian walked along the coastline. The blue water lapped at the deserted coast. The rugged coast was full of undulating boulders.

Brian walked around the ruins of several decaying old castles, but did not find any traces of magic or useful records. He walked along the steep and narrow plank roads and bridges onto the rocky peninsula standing in the sea, visited the ruins of the ancient castle above, caressed the ancient gray-yellow walls, and even used magic spells to carefully detect the underground, but found no trace worth paying attention to. .

Even though he was mentally prepared, Brian still sighed softly, returned to the original coast, and continued walking forward, exploring possible traces of magic along the way.

The sun gradually sets in the west and begins to lose its unbridled heat. The sea breeze becomes more violent, pushing the waves to continuously hit the coast.

Brian stepped onto a hillside and saw a cave located next to the coastline from a high vantage point. The cave entrance is surrounded by mountains on three sides, facing the vast sea water and hidden in the dark shadow of the mountains.

Brian flew over lightly, stepping on the gravel on the ground and entering the cave. The cave is not very deep, with a faint light coming in. It is surrounded by rugged stone walls, and at the end is a clear puddle.

Brian's brows moved, feeling the power of magic here for the first time.

"In the water?" Brian walked to the puddle and looked down.

The water is very clear, and water drops seep down from the gaps at the top of the cave. The water is so clear that you can clearly see the rocks at the bottom.

"It seems to be here..." Brian frowned, and the fleeting magic fluctuations had disappeared, as if he had imagined it.

"Appear quickly." Brian pointed at the puddle with his wand, but there was no response, but the magic wave appeared again for a moment. It's very faint, but it's there.

Brian's eyes lit up, he pointed his wand at the puddle, and muttered a long list of spells. The water in the puddle fluctuated like a rhythm, but there was still no change.

"No problem?" Brian frowned and quickly realized, "No, could it be water? The rhythm of water..."

Brian's eyes became brighter and brighter, silently counting the rhythm of the water waves, and finally got a string of numbers.

After confirming it several times, Brian stopped his magic and quickly calculated in his mind: "It seems there is no pattern, but if you calculate the conversion according to astrology, you can get a coordinate."

"It represents... southwest Wales, Carmarthenshire?" Brian couldn't help but reach out and pinch his chin, turned around and walked out of the cave.

"It went very well..." He sighed softly, and his figure disappeared into the air.

Following the coordinates, Brian found a village in Carmarthenshire at dusk. It was located in a quiet valley, surrounded by mountains on three sides, with only one road leading outside.

As the sunlight faded, lights came out of the windows of various houses. The houses in the village are arranged in an orderly manner, and each household plants bright flowers in the garden, making the place full of greenery and vitality. It is a paradise-like village.

"Carmarthenshire..." Brian's eyes flickered, "Why here?"

He recalled the miscellaneous historical materials he had learned about the description of Merlin's hometown. Although the mainstream believed it was Cornwall, some historians once believed it was Carmarthenshire. However, there was no evidence to support this statement. So it was ultimately rejected.

"No evidence...heh, no evidence." Brian muttered to himself, looking a little weird. Wasn't there no evidence that Merlin had ever enrolled in Hogwarts, so it was rejected? But where did these claims originate in the first place?

He came outside the village and looked at the quiet scenery around him. The surrounding mountains are undulating, with strange rocks standing upright, and the mountains are covered with green grass, which is very beautiful.

"The clues only end here, where can they be?" Brian looked around, thinking about where the "most beautiful light" was.

"Is it sunshine? Sunrise or sunset?" Brian's eyes scanned around, looking for possible locations.

"Or is it a rainbow? Starlight? Or does it refer to someone?" Brian frowned slightly, which would make it difficult to find.

Merlin did not seem to have loved any woman or man in his long and legendary life. Although there were many poignant love stories in his legendary stories, they all seemed to have been added by the story compiler himself. Legendary stories cannot lack the beauty of romance. rumor.

Brian thought about it and walked into the village. Seeing several children playing around, he decided to ask a few people first.

Recommend a book: "Periodic Table of Words and Spirits in Hogwarts"

Written by a book friend in the group, it is a stitched world view of Harry Potter and the Dragons. The protagonist is from Slytherin House and the heroine is Astoria. If you like this genre, you can try the poison for us (..)

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