Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 313 Situation

"With the remnants of Grindelwald resurrected, where will the wizarding world go?"

After everyone in the film club announced their arrival on the world stage with a devastating battle, this news was on the front pages of wizard newspapers around the world.

According to the Aurors who narrowly escaped, Grindelwald's remnants were suddenly summoned that night to hold an illegal assembly at the Wiener Stadium in Germany.

Over the years, Aurors have also mastered several Saints' past communication channels, and monitored several Saint suspects who were suspected but had no evidence to arrest them, so they also got this news.

After Grindelwald failed in the decisive battle with Dumbledore, some of the saints who followed him were arrested and imprisoned in secret prisons in various countries and died one after another. Some of them concealed their identities and restrained themselves because they lost their leader. Minions, lurking silently in the wizarding world, living ordinary lives with normal identities.

But everyone knows that most of them are unwilling to do so. As long as that person is still alive, the raging fire burning in their hearts will never be extinguished.

They are all silently preserving their strength, accumulating strength, waiting for that person to come back, ascend to the heights again, and let the great wheel of the times turn again because of them.

Therefore, the actions against the remnants of Grindelwald have never stopped, and fifty years is not enough to eliminate everyone's hatred.

Those saints who still have hope and faith are dormant in silence. Some protect themselves wisely and wait silently. Some develop their power in a low-key manner and carefully absorb fresh blood. Some die unwillingly, but put their will into the future. and wishes passed on to future generations.

Their faith has never faded, and as long as Grindelwald is alive, they will not give up hope because they firmly believe that they are on the right path.

Similarly, Aurors from all over the world have never stopped hunting them. During the long fifty years, some people have been exposed, arrested, exterminated, or put under surveillance. Some people gradually lose patience, give up their faith, get tired of waiting day after day, and choose to give up, or stand on the hostile side.

But everyone knows that as time goes by, these remnants can only die in dormancy. Grindelwald will eventually die of old age, and by then, without a strong enough leader, they will no longer be able to make waves.

However, the development of things was so unexpected.

That night, several Aurors sneaked into the meeting, intending to figure out the purpose of this unexpected gathering, and set up an ambush outside the stadium, hoping to catch these die-hard elements.

However, the gymnasium was blocked by a defensive spell. The ambush Aurors were afraid of alerting the dangerous elements inside and did not dare to break the defensive spell casually. They could only wait outside.

But what they were waiting for was a merciless battle!

The number of Aurors can naturally give them an upper hand against dangerous elements, but their leader has become a nightmare for all Aurors.

A force that is too powerful to resist, and the power of one person to turn the tide of the battle, frightening many people.

These Aurors are elites from all over the world. They have not experienced the original battle with Grindelwald, but this extremely powerful leader made them seem to have seen the power of the Dark Lord in the past.

After a tragic defeat, many Aurors had to disapparate and escape, and the news was spread in time. They remembered the leader's appearance deeply and may never forget it in their lifetime.

What shocked and panicked everyone even more was that the Aurors who were captured after that battle were all released two days later.

The mysterious leader promoted his own ideas to them, which were consistent with the original Grindelwald's ideas, fighting for the status they deserved for all wizards, fighting for the right to cast spells freely, liberating wizards from their prisons, and solving the threat of Muggles. Even the idea of ​​putting wizards over Muggles.

This concept has shaken the faith of many Aurors. In addition, before they were released, they had a separate conversation with the mysterious leader, leaving the Ministry of Magic in various countries not knowing who has betrayed, who has been controlled, and who is still loyal.

The mysterious leader seems to have mastered some means of keeping secrets, and the Ministry of Magic of various countries has tried their best to determine whether what each released Auror said is true or false, so they can only temporarily imprison everyone.

This caused great dissatisfaction and the Ministry of Magic was under terrible pressure.

At the same time, Arnold Heinrich's information was placed on the desks of the ministers of magic in various countries. A wizard who graduated from Durmstrang and an admirer of Grindelwald. He is obsessed with black magic and has committed serious crimes in many places. No trace has been found in recent years...

They rightly believed that Heinrich had achieved a breakthrough in black magic, reached the level of Grindelwald and Dumbledore, inherited Grindelwald's will, gathered the original saints, and established the Shadow Society, want to cause war in the world!

From that night on, meetings of the Ministry of Magic in various countries were held again and again. The resentment of the elite Aurors who were released but imprisoned became more and more intense, and they had to be released after a week.

In the following time, as the concept of the new film club was continuously spread by interested people in various places, various conflicts broke out more and more fiercely, and social unrest was already brewing.

At this time, leaders of various countries are truly afraid.

They are more afraid of the resurgence of Grindelwald's remnants than Voldemort's rampage. This is the major event that will affect the world.

Facing Voldemort's comeback, wizards from all over the world were uneasy and at the same time sitting on the sidelines, because his power was mainly active in the United Kingdom, and there were people like Dumbledore resisting him there.

Although they know the truth about the coldness of lips and teeth, they do not really threaten them. These people can at most encourage them with words, give a little support, and even secretly gloat.

But things are different now. A vicious dark wizard has gained enough power to rival Grindelwald and summoned the former criminals overnight...

Could it be that the war that swept the world was about to start again?

For a time, people in the wizarding world were panicked, and the shadow of war enveloped everyone's hearts.

And as the extremely inflammatory and seductive radical ideas spread uncontrollably, people's hearts began to waver, wizards began to dare not trust each other, and all kinds of restlessness began to surface.

Muggle attacks have occurred frequently in various places, more frequently than before, causing the Ministry of Magic in various countries to be overwhelmed.

And after Arnold Heinrich gave several shocking speeches in various places, more and more people became dissatisfied with the "Wizard Secrecy Act", dissatisfied with the current situation of wizards being trapped in the wizarding world, and dissatisfied with the wizarding world. Possessing miraculous magical power, he lives such a humble life, dissatisfied that he can never freely release magic.

Secretly, people's hearts were agitated, and more and more wizards supported and yearned for the beautiful vision described by Heinrich. However, his extremely vicious dark wizard identity made many people hesitate and stay rational.

Even so, the power of the Shadow Club is still growing unswervingly, absorbing wizards from various countries who are dissatisfied with the status quo, and growing in a short period of time.

At the same time, those dark wizards who were evil enough in their own right and some lawless careerists seemed to have seen an opportunity and secretly joined the periphery of the film club, creating more panic everywhere.

In just two months, the world was in turmoil, and the Ministry of Magic in various countries was in dire straits. The new International Federation of Wizards conference is under discussion, but with the current lack of trust among each other, the ministers of magic from various countries are afraid of being wiped out during the conference, and a long wrangling is inevitable.

Because everyone realized a terrible problem. Now that there was no Dumbledore, they had no means to counter Heinrich.

They couldn't help but think of Brian Foley, but he was still young, and even though he was extremely talented, he lacked experience. In addition, he also had his mortal enemy Voldemort, so it was hard to say whether he would interfere in this matter.

After all, even when Grindelwald was at the height of his power, he did not reach out to the UK, and it seems to be the same now, and Heinrich is not causing trouble in the UK.

Cornelius Fudge, the British Minister of Magic, has been feeling much more refreshed recently. Finally, he is not the only one who is worried. It is not as good as sharing the joy of everyone.

Voldemort has recently disappeared, the Death Eaters have stopped their activities, and the Aurors have begun to exterminate the lawless Dementors, and everything is on the right track. Fudge walked with a breeze, and his figure seemed to be more rounded.

Thank you to the chocolate cat who drinks milk tea for the 1,500 starting coins. Thank you~

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