Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 315 The most beautiful light

Several sounds of laughter came from behind, and several girls carrying flower baskets walked into the village talking and laughing. The conversation and laughter were peaceful and joyful.

"Hi, are you from outside the village?" The girls, big and small, looked at Brian curiously with wide eyes. They did not show any expressions of surprise, but greeted him enthusiastically, with bright smiles on their faces. It's like there are no worldly worries.

"Yes, hello." Brian smiled slightly, looking very gentle.

"There have been a lot more people outside the village recently." A blond girl said with a smile.

"It's not because of the development of tourism, but the village will not be quiet in the future." A girl about eleven or twelve years old pouted unhappily.

"This is a good thing, Amy, in the future we will be richer and can go to big cities." said an older girl.

Brian blinked and listened to the girls' conversation for a while, then interrupted and asked, "Can I ask if there is the 'most beautiful light' here?"

The girls looked at each other, and several young girls looked at Brian intently and whispered to each other.

"I have never heard of the most beautiful light..." the older girl thought seriously and shook her head.

"Then where is the most beautiful place here?" Brian pondered.

"Everywhere here is beautiful." The girl smiled, "Everywhere in the village and on the mountains is beautiful."

"You can go there..." A young girl with a red face pointed in a direction on the mountain, "You can see the whole village on the mountain over there, and the scenery is the best from there. But be careful when climbing. Point, don’t fall down.”

"You only fell down once, Katie," the girl next to her teased.

"Okay, thank you." Brian nodded thoughtfully, smiled and said goodbye to the girls who were teasing each other.

He silently climbed up the mountain that the girl pointed to. The mountain path was very rugged and there were steep rock walls. By the time Brian was halfway up the climb, the sky was getting darker.

The scenery on the hillside is beautiful, surrounded by green trees, colorful flowers blooming in the green grass and bushes, but it is not too stunning.

Brian looked back and saw that half of the village was blocked by undulating hillsides and rocks. The houses in the village looked dark and lonely.

Brian shook his head and continued walking along the winding mountain road while focusing on feeling for any fluctuations in magic.

The sun has completely set, and stars are shining in the black velvet curtain-like sky. The sounds of insects and birds can be heard from the surrounding woods and grass.

When Brian flew up to a huge boulder that was too tall to climb, and walked through the mountain path sandwiched between two narrow and towering stone walls, the inside suddenly became clear. A small waterfall appeared in front of you. Clear water flowed out from the hole in the stone wall higher up. A light mist filled the air and formed a clear stream on the grass.

Green branches hang down around the mountain stream, and petals fall from the branches from time to time, landing on the stream and the undulating grass next to it, making this place look like a place where elves inhabit in legend. However, there is still no fluctuation of magic power here.

After Brian checked it carefully with magic spells, he continued to use magic to climb up, climbing to a height rarely visited by people, until he reached the highest point of the mountain, overlooking the panoramic view from above.

However, the highest point is not beautiful. There are weeds growing randomly on the top of the mountain, and the scenery below the mountain is also blocked by undulating hillsides and boulders. Brian sighed and checked everything with magic spells, finding it a bit tricky.

He thought for a while, and his figure merged into the starry sky, exploring the mountains surrounding the village on three sides.

Time passed little by little, and Brian did not find any traces of magic. He had no choice but to explore the terrain, draw a map of the terrain on the parchment, sit on the roof, frown and think, write and draw on the map.

"The most beautiful light... maybe it's because it's night now so I can't find it?" Brian circled a few locations and held his chin in one hand, "Wait until daytime and search again, and if that doesn't work, go to the village to search again. "

Brian sighed and said to himself: "I hope there is nothing wrong with the description in the poem. Otherwise, no matter how I look for it, I won't be able to look it up here."

"Since Merlin is a powerful prophecy master and left a message in the cave in advance... He must have expected the current situation, but why is he still trying to be mysterious?"

"Don't leave any messages in advance if you're afraid I'll dig your grave."

He stared blankly at the scenery down the mountain with a very helpless expression.

By this time, the night was already dark. The lights in the village have dimmed, and they have fallen into a peaceful sleep in the calm darkness.

Brian waited quietly, observing the surrounding terrain and considering the most likely locations.

He rested all night on the top of the mountain. When it was almost dawn, he stood up and patted the grass blades on his body.

"If the most beautiful light refers to sunrise, then the first mountain is the first place to see the rising sun."

Brian's figure turned into the starry sky and flew towards the first hill to climb. Next, he went down the bare mountain top, constantly changing his position and adjusting his orientation.

"It can't work here...it's blocked by rocks and the light can't get through."

"Here... to be determined, the scenery is not very good."

"This place is pretty nice, but it's still blocked from the sun."

Brian kept walking and jumping down until he reached the mountain stream where he found the small waterfall. The crisp sound of the water was especially obvious in the quiet mountain.

"Here..." Brian commented lightly, but suddenly paused.

When he came, he was so focused on checking for traces of magic that he ignored the scenery behind him.

But when he went down from the mountain and walked this road again, he discovered the scenery that he had never noticed.

Here, looking out along the tall stone wall in front, you can have a panoramic view of the entire village.

The sky outside has turned dark blue, but this village in the mountains is still shrouded in darkness, and it feels the morning sunshine later than outside.

But the people in the village had already gotten up on time, and the lights came out from the windows of each house. Through the curling smoke, they looked a bit hazy and mysterious, like the stars in the sky falling on the earth.

The dawn sun finally broke through the obstacles of the mountains and shone on Brian through the stone walls, washing over his body like a golden stream of warm water.

From where Brian stood, the world under the mountain presented two distinct sides. On one side was the rising sun, which spread its warm and bright sunshine all over the world. On one side is the village still shrouded in shadow. The lights that flicker in the early morning mist and smoke are like stars in the night sky.

Brian looked along the sunlight that passed through the mountain stream and saw that it first shone on an inconspicuous small slope next to the waterfall, surrounded by green grass and flowers.

"So this is it." Brian sighed, "The most beautiful light..."

Perhaps, this is the most beautiful light that Merlin thinks.

What he likes is the thousands of lights under the clear sky, and the bright ray of sunshine that shines through the mountain stream at dawn.

Brian didn't rush to confirm, he just stood there silently, looking at the scenery below the mountain, until the sun finally dispelled the dark night and illuminated the land.

Brian, who was standing like a statue, finally moved and turned towards the ordinary small slope. This kind of small slopes are everywhere here and are very inconspicuous.

"If this is really the case..." Brian said softly, "I'm offended."

He first confirmed it with a magic spell, but there was no response.

Next, Brian pointed at the dirt slope with his wand, and the dirt on it spread out along with the lawn to both sides, forming a hole. The hole became deeper and deeper, until it reached about two or three meters. A delicate and ancient box was turned up along with the soil.

Brian waved his hand, and the box flew to him. He continued digging a few meters underground before stopping.

The box in front of me looks very old, but you can still see the exquisite carvings on the box and the unique symbol of Merlin on the lid. The box was locked with a small lock and showed no trace of magic.

Brian still stood a little further away vigilantly, blessed himself with a few spells, and then cautiously said: "Open the Alaho Cave."

The lock on the box clicked open, and the lid popped open, revealing the contents inside.

They were two old books, with a flattened pointed wizard hat underneath them, and a stack of wizard robes with black backgrounds embroidered with stars.

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