Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

End of volume remarks

The plot has entered an advanced stage, and the more I write, the more difficult it becomes to write. There are more and more things to consider. Due to the lack of plot control, many things have deviated from the original theme, just like they have deviated from the original intention, which makes Jing Wu feel filled with emotion.

This volume was very difficult to write, and Jing Wu himself felt dissatisfied, so he would like to apologize to his book friends.

First, because of Jing Wu’s lack of grasp of the plot and lack of writing, many things could not be presented, making the emotions of this volume very awkward. On the other hand, the author himself is not in good condition, and the plot design is prone to problems. Later, he has to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall, and the result becomes more and more embarrassing.

Just like in this volume, the originally planned plot of Luna was cut off, and the plot of Harry and Hermione was not picked up, which made the rest of the story abrupt, unreasonable, and even offensive.

Because of this, the subsequent plot had to change. Their attitude towards them and the achievement of subsequent goals...it really affected the whole body.

It is really difficult to write a complete novel, especially in the later stages, when there are more and more things to consider, and the plot becomes increasingly difficult to grasp. If you are not careful, you may become a wild dog that runs away and never returns. Coupled with the depletion of inspiration and the fading of enthusiasm, it is indeed quite a headache.

Jing Wu was so worried that his hairline moved back. No wonder so many dog ​​authors are always eunuchs or unfinished. This must be the bottleneck of a book. If it is broken, it will end smoothly; if it cannot be broken, it will end well from the palace and thank the world.

Jing Wu was not a eunuch, but as the plot progressed and book friends commented, Jing Wu became more and more doubtful whether the plot he designed was satisfactory, and he hesitated many times whether to redesign the important plot and plot of the next volume. ending, but in the end Jing Wu decided to continue writing according to the original idea.

The next volume is the last volume. All the mysteries will be solved. Let us look forward to a new era.

Finally, as I said before, as the plot reaches a later stage, the whole story will be affected, and many plots will need to be redesigned.

When Jing Wu sat in front of the computer from eight o'clock in the evening to two o'clock in the morning, and only typed out 1,500 words that he was very unsatisfied with, Jing Wu knew that he should ask for leave again.

Take a day off to sort out the plot, and don't hit me.

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