Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 312 Darkness is Coming

A bolt of lightning pierced the night sky, and as Brian's rumbling voice paused, there was a boom of thunder.

No one moves, just like the statue that has stood here since ancient times, brewing to explode in silence.

"I know that some of you have despaired of waiting day after day and have given up on your old ideas; some of you have blended into the sad reality and become ordinary members of the common people, losing their belief in progress; Some people are already satisfied with the status quo and have become a part of standing in the way of the times, and no longer have the courage to change..."

Brian said in a deep and thick voice, which seemed to ring in everyone's ears.

"But today, I still want to ask you here, are there any of you who want to change? Change the current era, change the status of wizards, break this sad status quo of hiding, and become the leader of the times again? "

"Mr. Grindelwald has grown old, and Dumbledore has passed away. Times are changing, but the conflict between wizards and Muggles has always been sharp. It is a thorn in the heart of each of us and a shackles that bind our bodies and minds. ."

Brian walked quickly on the round platform, but his tone was unmistakable.

"Now, the choice of the times and the direction of people's hearts tell us that it should become history! However, this requires a group with sufficient deterrence to stimulate this rigid sense of crisis in people's hearts, and a powerful war is needed to break it. The current situation of this stagnant water!”

"Of course, history tells us that blindly launching a war is a failed option. Mr. Grindelwald realized it, so he entrusted the hope of changing the future to me, because I am not only Arnold Heinrich who started chaos and war , and is also the star of hope for those who claim to be righteous and authoritative, Brian Foley!"

Brian's eyes seemed to be ignited with blazing fire, burning everything in front of him to ashes.

“On this path, we don’t need to put ourselves in a position where people’s hearts are betrayed, and we don’t need to be enemies with too many people. When we stand in the sun, we are defenders of peace and justice and promoters of change. When we stand in the sun, we are defenders of peace and justice and promoters of change. We stand in the shadows, and we are the guardians of the shadows, using darkness and fear to push the times forward."

Brian opened his arms as if to hug everyone in front of him.

"On this road, we will not fail, because no matter whether it is light or darkness, they will be our brothers and sisters! All stubborn enemies who stand in front of us will be completely crushed by the rolling torrent of the times!"

The saints remained silent, but the eyes of many people gradually lit up with dazzling fire.

"Now, I want to know, are you still willing to fight for freedom?"

After saying this, Brian suddenly smiled softly, and his sharp silver eyes became slightly friendly.

"Don't worry, I won't force you to make a choice... You can choose to leave here, follow Mr. Grindelwald's instructions, and swear by my faith, you will only think that you have spent a leisurely holiday here. As I said, our enemies on this road are only those stubborn idiots who try to use their hands as a trap." Brian said in a soft voice.

"Here, I ask you..."

Brian paused, and his voice suddenly became louder, as deafening as thunder in mid-air.

"Do you choose to work hard to break the shackles that bind us, or do you still hide like a mouse and trap yourself in the small and rotten cage of the wizarding world?"

"Do you choose to take the initiative and let wizards get their due status and glory, or do you huddle tremblingly within the false protective umbrella of the wizarding world, waiting for the increasingly powerful Muggles to knock on our door with guns and cannons?"

"Do you choose to ride on the development of the times and build long-lasting merits and great achievements, or do you shrink into your turtle shell and be carried away by the current of the times?"

"Do you choose to be the forerunner of this great change, or do you choose to be overwhelmed by the irreversible trend without knowing it?"

Brian's voice became louder and louder, like a surging wave, giving the people standing in front of him a feeling of suffocation.

"Now, if you are willing to be one of us, please stand up and stand in front of me." Brian's voice became softer, he opened his arms and took two steps on the round platform.

The round platform gradually lowered, becoming only half a meter higher than the ground. Brian lowered his arms and looked at the crowd in front of him quietly.

The people on the field were frozen, as if they had not yet recovered from the mental torture just now. Gradually, someone stood up. It was a young man with vigorous vitality and belief. He walked to the round stage, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and bowed deeply to Brian.

"Very well, please come up." Brian took his arm, "What's your name?"

"Erwin Schmidt, inheriting the legacy of his grandfather Frank Schmidt, representing the thirteen aspirants who have developed over the years, here to join your team." Schmidt's tone trembled slightly, and there was a hidden meaning in his tone. Determination and expectation.

"Very good, Erwin." Brian patted his shoulder. He took out a thick book from his arms, raised his hand and threw it into the sky. The "Book of Secrets" floated lightly in the sky, and the pages opened with a splash, as if a golden fire was igniting, revealing the terms above.

"This is an oath you need to abide by. Leave your name on it and join us." Brian said gently.

Erwin couldn't conceal his excitement and raised the wand in his hand, and shot a ray of light at the Book of Secrets. The light transformed into his own name on the page, flashed dazzlingly, and then gradually faded away.

With Erwin taking the lead, more people came out and left their names on the Book of Secrets, making the suspended book seem even more dazzling.

"Felix Kral, here to follow his father's last wish, willing to fight for freedom!"

"Julia Wolfe inherited the legacy of her grandfather and grandmother, and accompanied five others to fight for freedom and belief."

"Karl Inoue..."


Young people walked up one by one and stood behind Brian. The old people remained silent.

When there were fewer and fewer people in the venue, finally, a hobbling old man came out and said in a hoarse voice: "Bazel Lehman, representing the forty-five believers who have developed over the past fifty years, is willing to serve again Fight for freedom.”

He bowed slowly, and Brian supported him, watching him tremblingly raise his wand and leave his name on the page.

Inspired by him, more and more people joined in, the thunder in the sky became louder and louder, and the raindrops fell pattering down, but they could not extinguish the blazing fire in people's hearts.

At the end, only a few people were left standing still.

"Very good, since you chose to escape, I won't make things difficult for you." Brian said with a smile.

"But..." He took a few steps in the crowd, causing many people to take a few uneasy steps back, "This does not include Mr. Auror and ladies who are stubborn."

"I am willing to accept your joining, just like this Mr. Auror." Brian patted the shoulder of an Auror who also left his name in the Book of Secrets, making him stand stiffly in place. .

Brian smiled at him and walked into the remaining crowd: "Like I said, I will not be hostile to you because of your camp. In fact, we are friends..."

"However, I cannot tolerate the intention of some of you to undermine our great cause. I know that your narrow minds cannot understand the nobility and greatness of this cause, but ignorance does not mean that it is worthy of forgiveness."

Brian's eyes stayed on the faces of several people for a while, and the smiles on their faces became deeper and deeper.

"I know that your companions have been ambushing outside, and I know that you are here to pursue your beliefs, but..." Brian bowed slightly, "Since you have chosen to stand on the opposite side of us, then please get on your way."

The few people who were stared at by Brian hurriedly raised their wands, but the blazing flames in the stands had stretched out like giant hands and swallowed up their figures silently.

"As for you, I understand your choice." Brian said to the remaining people, "I will keep my promise, but now, please forget everything about tonight."

He stretched out his right hand and gently wiped it in front of people, causing them to faint and fall to the ground one after another. Brian nodded to the followers around him and turned to the newcomers.

"Now, let us sound the horn of return. The Auror outside is our best target!"

Brian waved his cloak and walked out along the exit first. Everyone followed him silently, following behind him like a shadow.

Brian waved his magic wand like the most elegant conductor, and the door burst open. Endless golden light bullets flew out, forcing each figure to be revealed.

"Enemy attack!" someone shouted.

Brian waved his wand, and huge flame dragons and phoenixes flew out from the tip of his wand and rushed towards the Aurors, lighting up the entire night sky. The terrifying high temperature caused the rainwater flowing down to evaporate into mist.

In an instant, a fierce battle broke out here, and various spells flashed fiercely in the dark night, like a grand fireworks party.

With the screams of the last few people and the "crack" sounds of a few apparating escapes, the battle ended.

Brian stood in the rain, surrounded by everyone, standing next to the fallen bodies, and announced in a solemn and solemn voice:

"Friends, what we should know is that a dark but glorious era has arrived!"

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