Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 311 Convocation

It was another cloudy night, and the dark clouds were so low that they seemed to be falling from the sky. The subtle chirping of insects came from the grass on the roadside, which sounded a bit sad.

At the end of the road ahead is a dark behemoth, a stadium located in the suburbs. At this time, there was no one inside and few people around.

A group of men in black robes appeared out of thin air at the entrance of the stadium. The leader raised his head slightly and looked at the huge building in front of him. He raised his right arm and waved. The group quickly entered the stadium and merged into the ubiquitous darkness.

"It's almost time, leader." A tall man in black robe said, "No one else was found around."

"Stay alert, it may be dangerous tonight." A tall, thin man in black robes warned lightly in a low and slightly hoarse voice.

This open-air stadium has a large space and is surrounded by high-rise stands. The tall and thin leader moved the wand in his hand, and a tall round platform was raised on the edge of the stadium, ensuring that everyone standing inside could see him clearly.

The rest of the men in black were scattered, some standing in front of the round platform, and some standing at separate intervals on the edge of the stand, faintly surrounding the surroundings.

On the round platform, the leader looked up at the dark clouds above his head, and slowly took off the hood on his head, revealing a thin but handsome face with an indescribably cold expression.

He looked to be in his thirties, with light blond hair neatly combed and tied low into a braid on the back of his head. The facial features are profound, the deep-set silver eyes are extremely sharp, and the light-colored pupils look strange as if they have no pupils.

This is Brian disguised as Arnold Heinrich. At this time, he has completely lost the gentleness and calmness before, and has become arrogant, sharp and aggressive, which is completely unrecognizable to Brian.

Brian pulled out the pendant hanging on his wrist. The triangular pendant had a row of small blue letters that were glowing, giving the pendant a strange burning feeling.

"June 30th, 8pm, Wiener Arena."

Brian had given this information two days in advance, and now, the time was almost here.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the surroundings were quiet. When it was close to eight o'clock, there was finally movement in the field.

With a "pop" sound, a rickety shadow wearing a hood appeared on the scene, his eyes carefully and sharply looking around, as if ready to deal with possible traps at any time.

Gradually, one figure after another appeared in the scene. Some of them appeared directly, some silently walked in along the door, and some emerged silently out of thin air.

There are obviously two types of people among them. Some are old and rickety, with a frail and decrepit air, while the other are young and powerful, with inquiring and unruly eyes.

The air is becoming more and more humid, and the light of lightning is gradually brewing in the dark clouds. There were already hundreds of people gathered in the venue, which surprised even Brian.

"It seems they have never given up." Brian thought to himself, "Even though Grindelwald was defeated and imprisoned in the tower for fifty years, his followers are still lurking silently, quietly developing their power, waiting For his return."

While Brian was looking at these people, the people gathered were also silently looking at Brian, who was standing in the most conspicuous place. A pair of eyes hidden in the darkness revealed a look that seemed to be substantial, with a hint of substance. A sense of vigilance and scrutiny.

When the time reached eight o'clock, everyone stood silently on the field, not whispering, just as silent as towering tombstones. Brian continued to wait for another minute, and no one came during this time.

No one was late and everyone who was supposed to come arrived.

Brian smiled, raised the wand in his hand and pointed it straight at the sky. A bright beam of lightning-like light flew out from the tip of the wand, and rushed towards the sky with the power of trying to cut through the dark clouds above his head.

Then, the beam of light exploded in the air, turning into a film of light that shimmered with a faint white light, quickly spreading overhead, and finally turned into a huge bowl-shaped light shield that enveloped the entire stadium. The light film undulated slightly like water waves, and then gradually disappeared into the air.

Brian waved his wand again, and a circle of bright red flames ignited in the stands, slightly dispersing the darkness and dampness around them, and making everyone's shadows look like devils with teeth and claws.

Feeling Brian's powerful magic and familiar power, the crowd in the venue was in commotion for a moment, and then quickly calmed down. However, their eyes became more eager at this time, and there was even a hint of fanaticism and excitement in the eyes of those young wizards.

Brian pointed at his throat with the wand in his hand, and then spoke in a low, hoarse, steady and powerful voice.

"Welcome, my friends." Brian's voice echoed in the stadium. He held his left chest with his right hand and bowed slightly to everyone.

"Don't be nervous. The spell just now is just a little insurance I provided for this party." Brian said with a smile, "A small spell that prohibits disembodiment. Of course, it is also a defensive spell to prevent outsiders from intruding."

"I'm sorry to meet you here like this. In fact, in the next time, Arnold Heinrich's name will be known to everyone in the world. Of course, if you want, you can Call me Brian Foley.”

The crowd was confused again for a moment, and a rickety old man in front said in a voice as hoarse as if he were scratching glass with his fingernails: "Defeat the British devil Brian Foley?"

These days, Brian's deeds have spread all over the world. Although Voldemort failed to spread fear throughout the world, a legendary genius will always attract more people's attention. Many people think that he will be the second Dumbledore.

"Yes, it's me." Brian smiled elegantly and arrogantly, "Of course, at this time, you can think that I am Heinrich."

Several figures under the round platform swayed, appearing shocked and uneasy.

"I say this just to show my sincerity to you and to give you the confidence you deserve."

"I hope you understand that my career is not a castle in the air, but has laid a solid foundation and is on the right path."

At this point, Brian changed his words and said calmly: "I think you all know that Albus Dumbledore passed away a few days ago. After that, I went to Nurmengard to visit Glinde Mr. Waugh.”

More people raised their heads and stared directly at Brian.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The conflict between wizards and Muggles has become increasingly acute. As an admirer of Mr. Grindelwald, I extremely look forward to him walking out of that decaying tower and once again leading us to fight for the freedom of wizards." !”

"I think many of you have been waiting for that moment and never gave up hope. Here, allow me to express my sincere respect for you." Brian bowed again.

The people in the field stood still, like poplar euphratica standing silently.

"Mr. Grindelwald gave this to me." Brian spread his left hand, and the triangular pendant hung from his hand, shining with a faint blue light.

"I think you can judge that he gave it to me personally, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to use it to summon you smoothly." Brian's voice softened a little.

"He entrusted his will and your future to me." Brian said softly. The bodies of the people in the audience were swaying slightly, as if they were suppressing some deep emotions.

"He told me to inherit his ambition and gather people who still remember him..." Brian's voice suddenly rose.

"He asked me to ask here, are you still adhering to your original ideals and beliefs?"

"Are you still willing to fight for a greater good, to break the cage that traps us, to fight for our due status, to create honor and merit?"

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