Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 306 Prison Break

The sky was dark and lightless, with thick black clouds covering the moonlight, and heavy rain and lightning were brewing.

Beneath the dark clouds is the vast ocean. In the lightless night, the water appears rich black and ripples violently in the wind.

A figure in black robes suddenly appeared under the sky, and the sea water fluctuated more violently, like a giant black hand stretched out by the sea, trying to grab the tiny figure.

The figure raised his head slightly, as if trying to figure out the direction. His face was covered by a deep hood, and his cloak was whistling in the strong wind. Only a pair of slender pale hands were exposed from his whole body, and one hand held a pure black wand.

With a subtle "pop" sound, the figure disappeared again, and the brief sound also drifted in the sea breeze, like an illusion.

The figure soon appeared in another location, surrounded by an unchanging scenery, as if it hadn't moved at all. He lowered his head slightly, and an island appeared in front of him, like a ferocious beast crawling in the sea.

The waves crashed violently against the coast of the island, and the waves splashed loudly like thunder in the sky.

The figure slowly flew closer to the island. From a distance, he saw a low but vast building sitting on the island. The green light shone from the building, making it look dim and strange.

"We're finally here." The figure slowly landed on the edge of the island, and the wind blew away the brim of the hat that covered his face, revealing a young face that was slightly pale and thin, with delicate and soft features.

He was Brian who had slipped out of the Department of Mysteries. He raised his hand and pressed his hood, covering his face again.

"Azkaban..." Brian murmured, his voice swallowed up by the sea breeze in an instant.

He raised his feet and walked towards the low, old building. His figure gradually became transparent, as if he was melting into the night. The dim green lights in the building were getting closer and closer, and through the low windows, one could see a rickety shadow sitting by the window.

With a "click", the door in front quietly opened. The creak of the door opening was masked by the roar before the storm, and several voices came from the room next to it. Some people were telling cold jokes, bragging about past experiences, and others were laughing next to them.

Since the Dementors' rebellion, Azkaban's guards have had to be replaced by wizards, with specially recruited jailers and Aurors guarding the place.

Brian, who was invisible, waved his wand lightly, and the sound of falling to the ground was heard in the room. Someone was saying intermittently, "Enemy...enemy attack...", the voice was soft as if whispering, and soon It fell silent, and snoring could be heard from inside the door.

Brian's shadow turned into a dark and clear starry sky, flying along the deep corridor, passing over the wizards patrolling around. They all turned a blind eye to it, and then fell asleep on the ground one by one.

Brian found a wizard who seemed to be the leader, raised his wand and said to him: "Out of body."

The bald wizard woke up slowly, bowed deeply to Brian with great respect, and stood aside like a loyal guard.

"Take me to the cells of those Death Eaters who were captured in the Ministry of Magic half a year ago." Brian said in a hoarse voice.

The wizard walked in front with a relaxed and joyful pace, smoothly disarming the traps and warnings along the way, and led Brian through the corridor, down the cold and slippery stone stairs, and into the underground cell.

Brian followed the wizard invisibly, easily knocked out all the watchers, and continued deep underground along the stone stairs. The air was cold and humid, and there were dim corridors on both sides, lit by dark torches. Rows of cells lined both sides of the corridor, and the rust marks on the cold bars looked like dried blood.

The bald wizard led Brian deeper along the corridor. Some of the cells were empty, and some contained prisoners, looking at them indifferently through the iron bars.

"Ah!" A prisoner who was as stooped as a monkey suddenly howled at them, and then laughed with a hoarse voice.

"I promise you, Geese, if you keep doing this, you may not survive the day you leave." The bald wizard responded in a bad tone, and kept walking forward.

The prisoner ignored him completely and laughed strangely, his voice sounding very loud and harsh in the corridor. There were echoes from several cells, and several prisoners angrily knocked on the iron bars, walls, and floors. There were cries, howls, and demons dancing around them.

The bald wizard ignored them and took Brian deeper. It was darker here, the air was cold and damp, and chaotic sounds came from behind, as if they were far away.

Finally, the wizard stopped beside a few cells and stood aside politely.

Brian took a look and waved his wand at the wizard, who fainted with a plop.

He walked to a cell, faced the surprised and uncertain eyes inside, and silently unlocked the phantom spell on his body.

"It seems that you are doing well here, Mr. Malfoy." Brian said softly, regaining his deep and soothing tone.

The wizard in the cell suddenly looked at him, with shock and confusion on his haggard and pale face.

The months in prison were a torture for Mr. Malfoy, which made his originally proud and elegant appearance become haggard, decadent and unkempt, and his light blond hair was a little dirty. He was sitting against the wall with several Daily Prophet sheets in his hand.

"Is that you?" His voice seemed a little hoarse, and he recognized Brian's voice. He smiled self-deprecatingly and said, "I'm glad that the dementors have defected, which makes life here a lot easier."

The surrounding cells were also in chaos, with pale faces staring at Brian through the bars, some with surprise and expectation, some with madness and malice.

Brian glanced at them and smiled lightly.

"So, how come the hero who defeated the Dark Lord came here?" Mr. Malfoy coughed slightly and said softly.

"Let me give you a choice." Brian said calmly, "Leave with me, or wait here for Voldemort to rescue you."

"How dare you?" A Death Eater shook the fence door wildly, "How dare you call the Dark Lord by his name!" This was a Death Eater who escaped from prison and was arrested after being imprisoned for more than ten years.

Brian waved his wand at the yelling guy, causing him to faint in the cell.

"Do I have a choice?" Mr. Malfoy smiled bitterly.

"Yes, if you want, you can wait here for Voldemort to rescue you again. I will only erase your memory of tonight." Brian said in a relaxed tone.

"The Dark Lord may not have the intention to save us. I'm afraid we have been given up by him." Mr. Malfoy shook his head, "Then, what do you want?"

"Your loyalty." Brian raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"What I want to know is, can you guarantee that we will not suffer vengeance from the Dark Lord?"

"I can't guarantee it." Brian said calmly, "I can remove your Dark Mark, provide you with a hiding place, and give you a chance to cleanse yourself... However, I cannot protect you at any time."

Mr. Malfoy nodded, and this answer was even more convincing.

"Then, I'll leave with you." Mr. Malfoy stood up and said.

"Why don't you ask me what I want to do?" Brian said with a smile.

Mr. Malfoy showed a half-smile expression on his face and said: "Now you are the star of hope in the British wizarding world... But you came here at this time. You must have a big conspiracy. It reminds me of the past. The Dark Lord."

"It's just a change of court. It won't be worse anyway."

"In fact, according to your origin, you are more suitable for us to follow than the Dark Lord. We were originally wavering, but now we have just firmed up our ideas." He sighed, "After all, we have no choice."

"Very good." Brian looked at him deeply. He knew that these people were rebellious, but as long as they signed the oath of keeping secrets and coupled with his own strength and Legilimency ability, he was not afraid of these people turning against him.

Brian waved his wand, and several cell doors clicked open. The three people walked out of their respective cells, with expressions of apprehension and joy of seeing the light of day again.

As for the remaining three people, two were die-hard supporters of Voldemort, and one had bad thoughts in his mind, which Brian noticed.

Brian smiled softly, recited a few forgetting spells to them, and walked out with the three of them.

They snatched a few wands from the hands of the fainted people along the way, and walked into the howling wind together.

"Next, we need to go to the Ministry of Magic and rescue a few people who were caught in Hogwarts." Brian said.

Big raindrops fell, and several people disappeared together.

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