Brian returned to the research room of the Department of Mysteries, and everything inside was running as usual, as if he had never left.

Just now, he placed the group of people he escaped from prison in a remote town in the south and returned here alone.

The rescue by the people from the Ministry of Magic went very smoothly. Brian changed his appearance in advance, making himself bigger and taller, and successfully broke into the courtroom on the bottom floor with the three people. It was used as a temporary detention center, where a group of Death Eaters who had been captured not long ago were imprisoned.

Brian was familiar with a few Death Eaters, such as Old Goyle, Avery, and Rookwood. The rest were not core members. Most of them were new Death Eaters who had joined in the past year. There are dark wizards who are obsessed with black magic, wizards who are obsessed with pure blood theory, careerists who want to take advantage of opportunities, and werewolves.

Brian relied on Legilimency to distinguish, and finally took away six people. Among them, the senior Death Eater only took away old Goyle, who was Mr. Malfoy's loyal follower.

Among the remaining people, Rookwood is a die-hard loyalist to Voldemort, while Avery is surprisingly loyal to Voldemort, even though he was the first one to be tortured by the Cruciatus Curse after Voldemort returned. people.

As for those non-core Death Eaters, Brian had a dispensable attitude. Their ability, financial resources or influence were not very good, and they were the kind of people who could be recruited continuously from wizards. However, at this stage, we probably still need a few people to help us, so we took a few away.

For the remaining people, Brian added some information to their memories, and then left the Ministry of Magic with a group of people.

Listening to the faint commotion outside, Brian raised the corners of his mouth slightly and looked at the experimental table in front of him.

On the golden experimental table is a transparent vessel, like a curved glass test tube, connected to two containers similar to pot-bellied flasks, which contain more than half of the bottle of light green liquid, which is bubbling. Bubble.

Inside the liquid in the two flasks were an exquisite gold cup and an ancient and exquisite crown, floating up and down in the liquid.

The curved test tube was filled with white mist, which was constantly rolling and seemed to want to break through the shackles of the test tube. The white mist occasionally condenses into a shape like a roaring human face, but then rolls and deforms in an instant, which seems to be just a coincidence.

There is a stack of research materials in the empty space next to the vessel, which reads in bold cursive letters: Discussion of the principles and adaptability of Horcruxes.

The expression on Brian's face was indifferent and cold. His hands steadily applied several magic spells on the instrument, and he observed quietly with his eyes. From time to time, he added a set of data to the research materials and wrote down a few lines of judgments and guesses.

After finally having such rare experimental materials, Brian naturally had to seize the time to study them carefully. After all, they would not exist for long.

"Hey, you..." The door to the research room was suddenly opened, and Fris, a familiar silent man in the Death Hall, muttered, "Where are you still here? It's a mess outside..."

"What happened?" Brian's eyes did not leave the crown in the bottle.

"Someone broke in again. In the Ministry of Magic now, everyone can come and go freely." Fries said, "I saw they were moving people out, and several Aurors were injured... The Ministry of Magic is now It’s really getting more and more dangerous.”

"I plan to go back as soon as possible tonight, why don't you leave? It's not very safe here, and there might be dangerous elements hidden there. We researchers don't like to fight, right?"

"I'm not done with my research yet, Fries." Brian smiled politely.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." With that, Fries stopped disturbing Brian and closed the door softly.

Brian looked at the vessel in front of him steadily, frowned, added a handful of magic flames underneath, and then continued to record the data.

When the surroundings became quiet and the only sound was the gurgling sound of liquid in the beaker, Brian put down the information in his hand, cleaned the experimental table, and put the gold cup and crown back into his bag.

"Place part of your soul on objects and stay in reality, so you won't die?" Brian muttered, "A 'body' that can allow the soul to reside is indeed a necessity for living... But why does the soul inside the Horcrux disappear after it is destroyed? It will return to 'death', but the main soul can leave the body and exist in the world in the form of a soul?"

"Did the main soul change its form? Transformed into a form of existence similar to a ghost?" Brian rubbed his chin with his right index finger, and suddenly he wanted to capture Voldemort and study it.

"This is a dangerous idea..." Brian quickly regained his senses. Once you have such an idea, there is contempt in your heart. If you don't pay attention, you may be overturned.

He turned around and walked out of the research room, transformed into a bed in his small office, and lay down to rest.

Now he is more free than before. He doesn't even need to take classes at Hogwarts anymore. He only needs to go back and take exams when the time comes.

The night passed, the wind subsided and the rain stopped, and the sun was shining brightly. The weather in May is so unpredictable.

Last night's prison robbery was not concealed, and was reported in the Daily Prophet, adding to the current alarming situation.

Cornelius Fudge is once again questioned about his qualifications for the position of Minister of Magic, and now he is even more anxious.

Brian was very calm on his side. He received the letter to attend the trial. When night fell, he walked out of the door of the Department of Mysteries, turned around and entered the side aisle, and walked down the stairs.

"Ah, Brian, you're finally here." Fudge was pacing anxiously in the dark corridor, and greeted Brian warmly when he saw him. Brian felt that he was more enthusiastic than when they met the day before yesterday.

"I shouldn't be late, Connelly." Brian said softly.

"Of course not, it's just right." Fudge instinctively touched the top of his head, missing the top hat he often wore. In order to hide it, he pushed his hair back twice.

"It just so happens that you can take this opportunity to get to know the wizards of the Wizengamot. They all want to get to know you." Fudge smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed.

He led Brian into a dark courtroom. The light from the torches was dim and gloomy. In front of it were rows of stone benches like steps, with many figures in purple robes already sitting on them.

After the two people came in, the whispers in the air suddenly disappeared. The dozens of figures turned to look at Brian in unison. Some were kind and friendly, some were curious and inquisitive, some were deeply suspicious, some were serious and old-fashioned, and some were calm.

Brian nodded to them with a smile and calmly, and sat on a stone bench near the back. The whispers around him started again. Someone greeted Brian enthusiastically or tentatively, and Brian responded appropriately.

Fudge sat on the front row of benches, his expression becoming solemn.

"Very well, first let us welcome Brian Foley, who will join us after graduating this school year." Fudge said in a loud and authentic voice, and was the first to applaud.

There was applause all around.

"Next, take the defendant!" Fudge announced.

The Death Eaters were brought up one by one by the Aurors. Fudge announced their charges one by one, and then the Wizengamot members voted by show of hands to determine the final outcome of their trial.

Under trial, the Death Eaters showed completely different attitudes. Some were laughing crazily and cursing, some were expressionless, some were arrogant, and some were sarcastic.

A stern-looking member of the Wizengamot raised his hand and said in a cold tone: "We all know that another group of Death Eaters escaped from prison last night..."

Fudge's face turned ugly.

"If we cannot prevent this, under the current situation, should permanent imprisonment be changed to direct execution? I think if there is another prison break, it will be a major blow to the authority of the Ministry of Magic."

The courtroom was filled with whispers again.

"I think it's inhumane..."

"They are all committing heinous crimes. What humanity do they need? We need deterrence!"

"Most of their crimes did not reach the level of capital punishment..."

"All you fear is possible revenge!"

The wizards around him started arguing, and Brian listened quietly without expressing an opinion.

In the end, the proposal was put to a vote by a show of hands on the Wizengamot, and the majority opposed it and failed.

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