Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 305 Research on Emotions

"However, this ability to wantonly play with other people's will..."

Brian broke away from the horrifying secret and thought thoughtfully about the application of these two abilities.

"Don't abuse it. If you continue to use it without restraint, I'm afraid I will become a pervert?" Brian muttered to himself, then shook his head in amusement.

"The most important thing is that people with strong magical powers and people who are good at Occlumency have natural resistance to this ability. Even a person's own willpower will affect it, and there is a certain possibility of breaking away..." Brian Thinking, "I'm afraid I'll lose everything when the time comes."

"But using these two abilities to subtly change a person's subtle temperament may be the normal way to use it."

He sighed softly, glanced at the two remaining witness points on the system, as well as the "uninitiated" prophecy technique and the "mastery" level language runes, and tried to add a witness point to the prophecy technique. .

The expected [Insufficient conditions to improve] did not appear. Brian only felt a "boom" explode in front of his eyes. His mind was dizzy, as if he had fallen into a deep fantasy.

When Brian finally felt his body, he slowly opened his eyes and found that he was in a dream again.

Surrounded by countless hanging doors, mirrors or picture frames, all covered with new or worn curtains, it is impossible to see what is inside. There was a dark figure in front of Brian, his back to him, and he was walking forward slowly.

Brian raised his feet and chased after him, slowly approaching, getting closer.

Suddenly, the figure stopped for the first time, as if waiting for him!

Brian had no fear, no joy, and no expectation. He just silently approached the figure, step by step, getting closer and closer...

The figure seemed familiar and yet strange at the same time. He stood there, surrounded by mist, making it difficult for Brian to see clearly.

"Who are you?" Brian heard his own voice for the first time in his dream, like a hollow echo through a deep valley.

Just when Brian thought the figure wouldn't respond, he saw the figure suddenly turned around.

In the distance, two people faced each other from a distance. The figures were real and ethereal. Their faces and figures could not be seen clearly. Nothing could be seen clearly. They seemed to be just shadows.

"You don't have time." The figure spoke. The sound was fast and slow, as if coming from a malfunctioning radio, intermittent, and so distorted that it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman.

"I don't have time anymore..." Brian repeated faintly, his voice empty and genuine.

Everything in front of him suddenly shattered, and Brian woke up and found that he was still standing in the rotunda, surrounded by silence.

Brian was panting heavily, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

For the first time, I did not enter that place while sleeping, but fell into that dream while awake!

"How could..." Brian pursed his lips and concentrated on watching the changes in the system.

The familiar lines of handwriting on the system flickered in front of my eyes, sometimes clear and sometimes hazy. Brian turned his attention to the direction of prophecy, and there was still "Uninitiated" written there, without any change.

"How could it be?" Brian was a little more confused.

At this moment, the writing on the system suddenly exploded. They were all broken and reorganized in a chaotic manner, which dazzled Brian.

Finally, they formed two lines of large characters:

【You have no time】

[Increase magic power to a higher level as soon as possible]

Brian was so shocked that he couldn't concentrate, and the two lines of writing slowly faded and disappeared before his eyes.

"I don't have time?" he repeated again, with a wry smile on his face.

Unexpectedly, but as if he had been waiting for this moment for a long time, it seemed that the guillotine hanging above his head finally fell, giving him a strange sense of relief.

Brian stood in the rotunda for a long time, ignoring the strange looks of the silent people coming in and out.

When Brian opened his eyes again, his expression became calm again. He studied the system panel and determined that the original panel had been broken, the witness point could no longer be used, and only those two lines of words were left on the system. , like a constant reminder and encouragement.

"Raise your magic power to a higher level as soon as possible..." Brian frowned, "That's not easy."

Even Dumbledore and Voldemort failed to break through to the Grandmaster level! You know, the two of them are not short of wisdom, experience, talent and even time, but their magic level is not much different from Brian now.

"It seems that at this point, the improvement of magic power requires more special methods..." Brian held his chin with his right hand and thought, "Perhaps it can be accumulated over time, such as using hundreds of years to increase it day by day, but Obviously...I don't have time..."

No matter what the purpose of the system is, Brian must improve himself. If he doesn't even try to resist, it would not be in line with his character.

"So is there any special method?" Brian's brows furrowed more and more tightly, and his left index finger moved messily in the air.

"Either through dangerous black magic transformation, which is a method used by Voldemort, which can effectively increase the magic power... but the sequelae are very serious, not to mention that it may turn oneself into a strange and ugly appearance, and even make oneself become Cold cruelty, paranoid madness and mental decline..."

"Many of those dark wizards have distorted their minds and become neither humans nor ghosts because of this."

"But besides this method, what other method is there?"

"Like Dumbledore, establishing a close connection with magical animals such as the Phoenix, and then slowly improving yourself with your own wisdom and experience... is feasible, but it still takes too much time."

"If you want to improve yourself in a short period of time, you can only take the wrong approach, but you can't choose a method that will have too many side effects."

"In that case..." Brian pondered and looked at the other black door.

He approached the black door, put his right hand on it, and quietly felt the scorching energy inside that seemed to burn everything.

"Emotional power," Brian said softly, "or what Dumbledore calls 'love'..."

However, researchers from the Department of Mysteries believe that the emotional power is not only love, but also hate, joy, anger, etc., and even some kind of "expectation". As long as they are pure and sincere to the extreme, they may burn everything and create miracles.

Brian thought of a study he had learned about the door that could not be opened, and gradually he became inspired.

More than a hundred years ago, Eric, a researcher in the Department of Mysteries, believed that a person's emotional energy is endless and inexhaustible. If a wizard can burn his emotional energy in battle, it can be enhanced in a short period of time. Your own magic power makes it easier to win in wizard duels.

Eric has found a way to burn his own emotional power. This method is easy to understand. As long as the emotional fluctuations are severe enough and unforgettable enough, it can be burned. For example, strong enough emotional fluctuations can instantly break away from the control of the Imperius Curse. Eric believes that it is a kind of emotional burning, allowing that kind of miracle to briefly bless the will.

However, Eric's research was successful, but it also ended up being a laughingstock. According to his research, wizards can indeed get this kind of blessing during a duel, but they need to mobilize enough emotions in advance. But who will give you enough time to mobilize your emotions during a battle?

What's more, if the emotion is too strong, it will cause people to lose the ability to think calmly. In layman's terms, it means that the passion will make people become incredibly reckless.

If it was just this, Brian wouldn't be interested. But after Eric tried it many times, he found that after each burning emotion ended, his own magic level would be slightly and permanently improved.

After joint examination by many researchers, they found that the burning of emotions seemed to permanently consume part of Eric's life force, and this power underwent some kind of magical conversion, allowing him to increase his magic power. But this improvement was completely uneconomical, and even Eric himself swept the research into the trash.

"So, if I can create another way to burn my emotions..." Brian thought, "My own emotional power is not strong enough, but I can let a large enough emotional power from more people converge on me to They serve as firewood... As long as enough energy is gathered, even if a lot is wasted, it will be enough to create a small miracle."

"A miracle..." Brian said lightly, "Maybe I need a miracle."

He took a deep look at the door, turned around and left.

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