Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 304 Secret

The early morning sun shines on the new day's "Daily Prophet", and the paper slightly reflects golden light in the sunlight.

On the first page is a large photo of a grand funeral with many people surrounding a white tomb.

"The greatest wizard in the world today, Albus Dumbledore, has passed away, and an era has ended."

"People from all over the world gathered at Hogwarts School to mourn this great wizard...His noble spirit will never die..."

A pale and slender hand gently placed on the newspaper, moved gently, and opened the next page.

There was another picture on the second page. It was a photo of Brian and Akinbad shaking hands at the funeral. I don’t know which reporter took the photo.

"The new president of the International Federation of Wizards meets with Brian Foley..."

"This rising star is about to step onto the world stage, younger and more energetic than Dumbledore, full of endless hope and possibility... igniting a spark of hope in an otherwise dark time."

"What we should know is that a new era is coming!"

Brian closed the newspaper in his hand with a half-smile expression on his face.

After yesterday's funeral, when the people attending the funeral gradually dispersed and the students returned to the castle, classes were still suspended.

Starting next week, all classes will resume, final exams will still be held, and fifth-year students will still have to face the test of the O.W.L. exam.

The students spent the last two days without classes in twos and threes walking or resting on the sunlit grounds and by the lake.

After looking at the sun that was about to climb to the middle of the sky, Brian's expression turned slightly serious. He rolled up the newspaper, turned around and entered the castle, walking along the slightly dim corridor.

Ignoring the different looks from others, Brian walked to the door of Snape's office, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Snape's voice sounded low.

Brian walked in the door, smiled very quietly and said: "Sir, I'm going to the Ministry of Magic."

Snape was looking at a piece of parchment and nodded his chin subtly.

Brian threw the Floo powder into the fireplace and disappeared in the flames.

He came to the splendid main hall of the Ministry of Magic again. It was noon. The main hall was crowded with Ministry of Magic employees coming and going. Several people couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw Brian.

Brian nodded helplessly and greeted them. Now he finally understood how Harry Potter felt. Wherever he went, a large group of people would look at him in a fuss...

Brian went down the elevator, walked through the deep corridor, and entered the rotunda.

He stood quietly in the middle of the rotating wall, with a somewhat hesitant expression on his face. When the wall stopped rotating and the surroundings returned to calm, he walked towards the black door with a determined look and reached out to push it open.

In front of him was a familiar rectangular room. The stone arch that represented death stood there forever, and the tattered black curtains swayed slightly, seeming to welcome Brian's arrival.

Brian put on the equipment specially prepared by the Department of Mysteries to resist the temptation of the stone arch. His expression hidden under his glasses was confused and complicated.

"Then, let's get started..." Brian closed his eyes and concentrated on the system panel, which contained 8 witness points, including those he had saved before, as well as a Quidditch match this year, and Obtained at yesterday's funeral.

In the second grade, Brian discovered that the secret of the system was related to the door of death. The witness point seemed to allow him to establish a strange connection with something in the stone arch, which could enhance his abilities.

According to Brian's idea, the witness point is more like a key, constantly opening the treasure somewhere. But then he felt that the Witness Point might be bringing him closer to something in the stone arch.

"The experiment has begun." Brian thought, adding three witness points to Legilimency.

Silently, Legilimency ability increased to the master level. Brian didn't care to feel the changes in his ability. He suddenly opened his eyes and truly felt his connection with something in the stone arch.

This connection became more and more profound, and even the attraction and temptation of this door to him became much deeper, making the protective equipment on his body feel a little unpreventable.

"Sure enough... Death's Door is so attractive to me, is it because of the existence of the system?" Brian frowned, trying to control himself, "Or is it because I rely on the system to improve?"

He gritted his teeth without stopping, and continued to add three witness points to Occlumency, raising it to the top level. Having come this far, he could only continue walking and explore the secrets that were close at hand.

The attraction and connection were stronger and more obvious, making Brian want to throw himself through the door and into the arms of death.

Brian slowly backed away from the door that had an infinite attraction for him. His retreat was a bit difficult, but steady enough. Step by step, his back rested on the black door behind him. Then, he slowly pushed open the door and returned to the rotunda.

Seeing the black door slamming shut in front of his eyes, Brian breathed a deep sigh of relief, his expression extremely solemn.

"Death..." He laughed lightly to himself.

Brian shook his head and put aside the issue of Death's Door for the time being. He closed his eyes and studied the two abilities he had just improved. He had always thought they contained secrets.

Two abilities that no one had ever raised to Grandmaster level before.

After a long time, Brian slowly opened his eyes. His black eyes became deep and dark, and there was an expression on his face that seemed to be crying or laughing.

"Up to the master level, Legilimency and Occlumency become a combined ability." Brian murmured, "Legilimency is control and invasion, and Occlumency is closure and change... They both It’s two-sided, it can be used on yourself or others.”

"A person who has mastered these two abilities can use Legilimency to truly invade another person's consciousness, use Occlumency to seal that person's consciousness, and change that person's consciousness..."

In other words, he can truly invade a person's mind and completely change that person's memory, consciousness and even personality silently!

He can seal all the person's memories and personality deep in the brain, and then create a new personality for him. He can smudge this personality at will and make it conform to his own will.

Of course, wizards naturally have a certain degree of resistance to this ability, and it is almost difficult to do so when facing a wizard with powerful magic.

However, Brian can also choose to quietly change certain memories or certain will of that person, such as adding a reckless factor to a cautious person, or leading a reckless person to become more reckless, or even delete it. Memory, adding memories that do not belong to him...

Such a small but reasonable change cannot be made by the Forgetting Curse, and it is extremely difficult for a person to detect the problem. Brian can even directly suggest that the person ignores the problems in his personality and memory.

More importantly, the superimposed use of these two abilities can completely turn a person into another person... He can use Legilimency to read all the memories and consciousness of a person and stuff it into the brain of another person. inside, and seal that person's original memory and personality, so that another sense of consciousness can be reborn, or can consciousness seize the body?

He can even put his own memories and personality into the mind of a stranger, making that person think he is Brian himself!

Brian can also set what kind of stimulus switch the sealed personality will wake up from, allowing the two personalities to devour each other or merge...

How similar this is to Brian’s own situation!

"Could it be that someone, or 'me'..." Brian closed his eyes, "stuffing the memories of his 'past life' into my mind to complete a willful seizure in some sense? I not me?"

"This can explain why the material of my wand has changed, but the core has not changed... because the soul has not changed, only the consciousness has changed..."

"Then everything I've done...what's the point of everything I have now?" Brian's lips turned pale.

His eyes were confused and dim, as if he had lost all his energy, and all kinds of bad thoughts came to his mind.

"No...no..." Brian shook his head vigorously, "Although this is logical, it is unreasonable."

"Who would choose to do this? Even if he has an agenda, he shouldn't... Moreover, the story of Qixing doesn't make sense..."

Brian slowly calmed down and seriously considered the possibilities.

"Or, the most likely scenario is... the other way around?" he murmured to himself.

"My time travel started since I was born, but someone suppressed my consciousness and created a new 'Brian' on the surface?"

"But what's the point? Or am I just overthinking it and this is just a mockery of the system?"

"The information we have is still too little."

Brian thought hard to no avail, and finally could only suppress these thoughts in the back of his mind.

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