Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 303 Funeral

On the morning of the funeral, the sun filled the place brightly and softly.

The atmosphere in the auditorium was heavy and depressing. Everyone was wearing formal robes and no one had much appetite.

Brian was wearing a long black dress, looking solemn and solemn. Daphne changed into a simple black dress, with a bouquet of white carnations on her chest. From time to time, she raised her hand to press the brim of the black top hat on her head.

Professor McGonagall stood up, and the whispers in the auditorium immediately calmed down. She said: "It's almost time, please follow your Head of House to the grounds. Gryffindor classmates follow me."

The Slytherin students lined up and followed Snape. Snape was still wearing a black robe, his face was gloomy and indifferent, but his long hair hanging down from both sides of his face didn't seem as greasy as usual. .

They walked out of the door and walked towards the lake, where hundreds or thousands of chairs were already lined up, with a marble table at the front.

The students sat in their respective rows a few rows behind the chairs. There were already many people sitting on the chairs in front of them. They were all kinds of people, with different skin colors, different ages, and different clothes, but everyone was sitting quietly on their chairs. above, with a heavy and sad expression.

There were members of the Order of the Phoenix, and they all came. There was Madame Maxime, who occupied two and a half chairs by herself and was wiping her eyes. There are people from all walks of life that Brian has met before, such as Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron, Mrs. Malkin from the robe shop in Diagon Alley, the trolley witch on the Hogwarts Express, and the man from the Pig's Head Bar. entertain.

The ghosts in the castle were also floating in the air, shining with illusory light in the bright air, like the morning mist.

Cornelius Fudge sat in the front row, his expression solemn and solemn, but the green top hat that kept spinning in his hand still betrayed his inner anxiety. On his right was Professor McGonagall, and on his left sat a dark-skinned, middle-aged wizard who was meticulously tucking the hem of his shirt into his trousers.

When everyone sat down, fairy music that seemed to float from another world began to echo around. A chorus of mermaids leaned out of the clear green lake under the sun and sang in a language that people could not understand. Singing gracefully, purple hair rippled around their pale faces.

Hagrid carefully placed Dumbledore's body on the table and kept blowing his nose. A small man with bushy hair stood at the front and read a monotonous eulogy. The centaurs poked their heads out from the edge of the Forbidden Forest, like silent sculptures.

Finally, dazzling white flames covered the body, and Dumbledore was buried in a white marble tomb. Countless arrows shot into the air like a heavy rain, which was the centaurs expressing their last condolences.

People on the field were crying softly. Daphne clasped her hands on her knees and lowered her head slightly. The top hat covered her face. Draco was whispering to Crabbe and Goyle, his expression troubled.

Brian saw Luna sitting on the other side from a distance. She was wearing a light green robe, with a dazed and quiet expression. She turned her head as if she sensed it and waved to Brian.

"Brian!" Fudge walked around the lake and walked towards him, followed by the dark-skinned middle-aged wizard. Behind them were several people with solemn expressions, including the meticulous Percy Weasley, who looked very elite.

"Minister Fudge." Brian stood up and walked over.

They walked away from the sad crowd and walked along the lake.

"This is Babajide Akinbad. He will succeed Dumbledore as the president of the International Confederation of Wizards." Fudge pointed to the dark-skinned man beside him and said, "He wants to get to know you."

"Hello, Brian." Akinbad said in heavily accented English. He seemed to be a warm and familiar man. "I think I should pay tribute to your achievements."

"Hello, Mr. Akinbad." Brian stretched out his hand to shake his hand, and Akinbad shook his hand and waved.

"Dumbledore's death is a huge loss to the wizarding world, a great tragedy." Akinbad said with genuine regret on his face, "He was really a very amazing wizard who made many outstanding contributions to the world. His contributions... it’s great to see someone follow him, especially in dealing with darkness.”

Akinbad chatted with Brian for a while and seemed like a warm and talkative man who was happy to get to know Brian and maintain a good relationship with him.

It wasn't until someone behind him said something to him that he slapped his forehead and said, "Ah, it's time for me to go back. There are still a lot of messes waiting for me to deal with."

"I look forward to seeing you at the International Federation of Wizards meeting one day." Ajinbad said hastily, showing his dazzlingly white teeth.

After Akinbad and his party had left far away, Fudge said: "It's really a mess, isn't it? I've been so busy lately that I almost don't have time to sleep. Ah, Dumbledore left a will to Harry and the others. I left something behind and I have to give it to them..."

"Will?" Brian asked politely and calmly.

"Yeah, of course, Dumbledore is already an old man, right?" Fudge said quickly in his clear tone, and Percy followed him meticulously, "Maybe he also has some premonition of death..."

"Then shall I avoid it?" Brian said.

"It's not necessary, and it's not something that needs to be kept secret." Fudge said, and then whispered, "In fact, the things he left are nothing special."

"Harry, you, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, please come over here." Fudge said kindly.

The three people looked at each other and leaned over without saying a word. Ginny had her head wrapped in gauze and was turning her head to look here curiously.

"Percy, tell me about Dumbledore's will." Fudge said to his secretary Percy.

Percy pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, took out a document from the briefcase in his hand, and said in a flat and serious voice: "Mr. Dumbledore left a will in advance and left a little for the three of you. thing……"

Harry, Hermione and Ron looked at each other, Hermione looked very surprised, Ron was caught off guard and his cheeks turned slightly red.

"...I left my Deluminator to Ron Biles Weasley in the hope that he would remember me when he uses it." Percy read, "My copy of "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" was left to Hermione Miss Jane Granger, I hope she will find this book interesting and instructive..."

He businesslikely took out a deluminator that looked like a silver lighter from his briefcase and handed it to Ron, and then handed the worn book to Hermione.

"In the end, what was left to Harry James Potter was the sword of Godric Gryffindor..." Percy paused, cleared his throat and slightly raised his voice, "However, Gryffindor The Sword of Duo is an important historical relic. It does not belong to Mr. Dumbledore’s private property, so Mr. Dumbledore has no right to make such a decision..."

Harry's face flushed slightly, and they argued with Percy for a while, but to no avail.

"I don't know why Dumbledore made this decision, Harry, but it is obviously against the rules." Fudge said in a kind but unquestionable tone, "Otherwise, everything would be messed up. "

Brian touched his chin thoughtfully, guessing Dumbledore's intention of still leaving these things behind.

When the three of them finally gave up on getting the sword from Fudge and turned around to return, Brian said softly: "Harry, I've already got the cup."

Harry was confused for a moment, then raised his eyebrows in surprise and blurted out: "Did you find the golden... cup?"

"That's right." Brian said calmly.

Harry glanced at Brian with a complicated expression before turning back to his seat. This meant that he no longer needed to search for Horcruxes, only the snake and Voldemort himself...

"Cup? That's..." Fudge asked curiously.

"An interesting thing." Brian refused with a smile.

"Okay, okay." Fudge put the top hat on his head and said, "By the way, I hope you can come to participate in the trial and sentencing of the newly captured Death Eaters the night after tomorrow... After all, you will also become a Wesson A member of Gamo.”

"Okay." Brian nodded thoughtfully.

"Alas, I have been busy dealing with the aftermath of that battle and arranging Dumbledore's funeral recently, so the interrogation work can only be delayed again and again." Fudge said, "It will only be busier in the future. Fortunately, Percy is a capable secretary."

Under Brian's slightly amused gaze, Percy Weasley straightened his chest in honor.

Thank you Luanluo_Chengmei for the 500 starting coins, thank you to the last hope of the next village, Qizai, and Inversed for the 100 starting coins, thank you for your support~

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