Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 302 The next day

Early the next morning, the professors announced to everyone that last night's battle had ended in a resounding defeat for the Dark Lord and the Death Eaters, and also announced Dumbledore's death.

After consulting Brian for his opinion, Professor McGonagall expressed his gratitude to Brian for his crucial contribution in the battle, and briefly explained the story of last night's battle to the students.

More than a dozen Death Eaters died or were arrested last night. The remaining people either ran out of the school gate and disapparated, or slipped out through the disappearing cabinet in the astronomy tower and destroyed the cabinet on the other side, preventing the follow-up. of pursuit.

More importantly, Voldemort was severely damaged in this war and fled leaving his followers behind. Such a performance will obviously make more people shake their admiration and fear of Voldemort and begin to doubt whether he is a person worth following. This can be said to be devastating to Voldemort's power.

The development of Voldemort's power will inevitably slow down, and even his original followers will waver. Coupled with the arrest of many Death Eaters, it has given the wizarding world a precious breathing space and hope of final victory.

This was obviously a brilliant victory, but the passing of Dumbledore diluted this excitement. Although Brian's sudden rise gave more people hope, it was compared to the respected one who always seemed to be the guardian of the wizarding world. For Dumbledore, Brian's age and experience were not convincing enough.

After Professor McGonagall's brief explanation, there was a dead silence in the auditorium. Everyone looked in Brian's direction with blank expressions, as if they had heard a fantasy story.

Why did the classmate he spent time with suddenly turn into a hero who could defeat the Dark Lord?

Draco's gray eyes widened, as if he were meeting Brian for the first time, and almost everyone else had the same expression. Daphne lowered her head and raised the corners of her mouth slightly, feeling a little happy and a little sad.

The "Daily Prophet" brought by the owl confirmed the professor's statement. The first page of the newspaper was a large picture, which was a black tower with a wavering Dark Mark hanging in the sky at the top of the tower.

The newspaper described in heavy strokes the battle that took place at Hogwarts that night, mourned those who died in the battle, and even expressed regret and condolences for the passing of Dumbledore. At the same time, newspapers also used a lot of space to express their respect for Brian, and even tried to portray him as the new hope of the wizarding world.

"... What makes us unbelievable and have to believe is that this student who has not yet graduated played a decisive role in this battle... Witnessed by many battle-hardened Aurors and members of the Order of the Phoenix Under this, he accomplished the feat of defeating that person who must not even be named..."

"There is no doubt that he is a true genius, an unprecedented genius, surpassing all previous records, becoming a new pillar of the wizarding world, and will definitely leave a colorful chapter in history..."

"...What is exciting is that he succeeded Dumbledore and stood in front of the man who must not even be named, bravely took over this important task and achieved amazing achievements..."

"Hope still exists and we will all have a bright future!"

Brian twitched the corner of his mouth and looked away from the report that praised himself so highly. Obviously, the Ministry of Magic may want to express goodwill to Brian in this way.

All the students who had read the newspaper had a dazed look in their eyes, and looked at Brian with a strong sense of unreality.

This sense of unreality gradually turned into awe and deep estrangement. The people sitting next to Brian straightened their backs involuntarily, as if the professor was sitting next to them and watching them.

After breakfast, Brian walked out of the auditorium under the attention of everyone, and then sighed slightly.

"Foley, the Minister of Magic is here. He wants to meet you." Professor McGonagall chased him out and said.

"I understand, professor." Brian said calmly.

Professor McGonagall nodded and opened her mouth, but finally walked past him and gradually walked away.

"Brian, long time no see." In a specially reserved classroom, Fudge greeted Brian cordially and warmly, and extended his right hand.

"Long time no see, Minister." Brian smiled. He also reached out and shook Fudge's hand.

"Ah, you don't need to call me Minister, you can call me Connelly." Fudge adjusted the bowler hat on his head and said with a kind smile.

"Okay, Connelly." Brian nodded.

"It's so cruel and so sudden that Dumbledore left us like this." Connelly wiped the corners of his eyes, his voice was clear and fast, "Although we won a victory, we also paid a huge price. Those good people It's so sad that the young man has passed away...and the mysterious man is still watching."

Brian listened quietly and made no comment.

"By the way, Brian, you seem to be planning to graduate this year?" Fudge said suddenly.

"Yes, I guess I don't need to stay in school anymore, right?" Brian said.

"Of course, of course, so what are your plans for the future?"

"You know, Connelly, I have an internship position in the Department of Mysteries, and I hope to become an official Mute..."

"Oh, of course, I'm glad that you hope to enter the Ministry of Magic. But..." Fudge said a little cautiously, "I think you can get a more powerful position, such as entering the Department of Magical Law Enforcement or the Minister's Office?"

"I'm not interested in this, Connelly." Brian smiled and shook his head.

Seeing that Brian had no intention of competing with him for power, Fudge breathed a deep sigh of relief that he concealed well, which made Brian feel a little funny.

"Okay. Alas, Dumbledore left us, and now you are the only one who can fight against the mysterious man." Fudge took off the top hat on his head and turned it quickly in his hand, "You defeated him, I I think we saw the light of victory."

"No, it's far from victory yet." Brian said softly.

"Ah, I know that the confrontation with the mysterious man should be a long and difficult process..." Fudge said quickly.

"Yeah..." Brian sighed implicitly.

"No matter what, I think that since you have demonstrated your abilities, you should obtain the corresponding status." Fudge said, "I will recommend you to enter the Wizengamot, and I hope you will not refuse. In the future, you He is also expected to become a member of the International Federation of Wizards...well, this is a matter of course."

Brian nodded slightly, and the two argued for a while before Fudge left in a hurry.

"So, things are finally on track." Brian muttered. With his defeat of Voldemort, the first step of his goal was achieved.

The first is to attack Voldemort's power so that it can be controlled and exploited in the future. The second is to show one's strength and obtain corresponding status so as to exert influence on the wizarding world.

"Sure enough, as long as you reach a certain height, you don't need to fight for many things by yourself." Brian shook his head, "On the contrary, they will all flock to you."

He walked out of the classroom and walked along the corridor. The students who were talking along the way fell silent, hurriedly made way for him, and saluted him with their attention. After Brian walked away, there were muffled comments from behind.

Brian sighed softly. Those who surpass others by a small step are geniuses, but if they surpass others by too much, they are people from two worlds.

His school life would never be the same again...so Brian knew he had to graduate.

In the following time, all classes were suspended, and the castle was filled with a heavy and uneasy atmosphere. People were talking about it, and it was unknown how many people were really grieving for the dead.

Hogsmeade was crowded with wizards and wizards who came from all over to say their final farewells to Dumbledore.

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